1 points
$1000 eff. Fish limps utg+1, solid player also limps in the HJ, seemed a little strange, think he was assuming I was going to raise my button as I usually do. I raise AdQd to $25 and both call.
Pot ($82) Flop comes Ac 10d 4h
Checks to me OTB and I bet $45, fish calls
Pot ($172) turn Qs
Fish checks, I bet $105, fish raises to $235, I call
Pot ($642) river 6c
Fish jams $340, I call, he wins and doesn't have a set, so you do the math.
Can I find a fold on the river after calling the turn, is it profitable to fold to that small check raise on the turn or does he have AK AJ A10 Q10 enough in that spot.
July 1, 2016 | 5:56 a.m.
I'm not crazy about the check raise, I don't think there is any Qx combo that he is going to lay down in this spot, and most Jx 10x 9x combos drill this flop as well. I think flatting and leading with any J or 10 turn, check raising the 9 and check and re assessing all other turns is a better way to attack this one.
July 1, 2016 | 5:16 a.m.
I think you played it well, there's nothing wrong with jamming the turn, but there arn't too many rivers that you hate so I think flatting and inducing the bluff is a profitable play as well. Given the stack sizes folding the river is never an option.
I think it's a call, he has AA KK JJ and AQ a lot of times in this spot, and you are well ahead of these hands, would be nice to have the backdoor flush, but I feel top 2 is strong enough to call in this spot
July 1, 2016 | 5:30 a.m.