16 points
are all the monotone boards range bets heads up? are there specific textures where you are mixing checks?
I like this format a lot. some minor feedback-imo I think it would be a little better with one table of lucid instead of two(some spots I got confused about which spot you were talking about). great video though!
July 23, 2021 | 11:10 p.m.
Love this series(even though I've barely played stud) would love to see more with both ring and hu play!
July 17, 2021 | 3:37 p.m.
Great video
28:40 surprised to see 45% checks in this spot with how strong our range is.. do you think you can just range bet 1/4 and not loose much ev?
I'm also curious that if you did range bet with A5ss here, would you jam the 5 turn, bet small or check?
36:30 why does having the 9d make the call vs river shove so much better?
June 1, 2021 | 6:56 p.m.
Sam can you post the equities from the last hand from pro poker tools?
Do you think you can just reshove pre instead of calling and being forced to call off on the flop?
Dec. 31, 2020 | 5:10 p.m.
great video, at 15:52 do you think checking range as the PFR would be a good strategy on this very connected board when out of position? or will you lose too much EV if just playing pure check?
June 18, 2020 | 9:44 p.m.
Hey Paul,
At 8:47 you compare what OOP strategy should be on various turn cards. Can you explain why we should be checking so much on the off suit Q, It looks like we are checking close to 100% on this card where as on the offsuit J( card that favors IP) we are still betting around 1/4 of the time? It seems like most of our C/R "bluffs" improve on this card, yet our betting range drops significantly from the card that seems to be the worst in the deck for us(offsuit J).
Dec. 29, 2018 | 2:14 a.m.
Pretty surprised to see all comments here saying they would prefer only a four table cap. No one would time out on decisions with only two extra tables unless they are extraordinarily slow.
Aug. 2, 2018 | 6:24 p.m.
Two questions about both hands at 38:52
With the JJ hand when you 4bet, is that sizing standard? It seems a little too small and is laying villian good enough odds to call with speculative holdings like middling pocket pairs/ suited connecters. Or is that a good sizing because villian will jam all value( and maybe some bluffs like suited aces) and call with all the hands he is 3bet bluffing due to the small sizing of raise? And postflop, when the Q hits and there are two overcards now to your jacks, do you think doing a small/medium size blocking bet is a good play on the turn in order to check back rivers and avoid a spot where villian may bluff river and leave you in a difficult spot.
And with the AQs hand, what are your thoughts on 4betting this hand and turning it into a bluff. I understand the fold due to seat one likely having a more value heavy three bet range, but if seat one was instead an aggresive reg, 4 betting would be better than flatting correct? Is your entire range in this spot 4bet or fold, or are they some hands that you are going to flat such as 99/1010?
Awesome vid.
July 14, 2018 | 7:29 p.m.
Thank you for the reply. Really enjoyed this video and will look into your others.
July 11, 2018 | 7:23 p.m.
@36:50 hand where you decide to give up turn and see a river, are you going to check back every river or are they cards where you are going to bluff? I.e will you pot it on say a K, 2, 8 etc. or are you just going to give up?
Thank you.
July 11, 2018 | 5:15 p.m.
Hey Brad, awesome video. I have a question about you limping SB v BB. At multiple points in this video you limp with strong hands blind v blind( AKs, AQs, AJo). I'm wondering what the point of this is. If villain raises pre is your plan to limp raise AK/AQ? And if so what hands will you be limp raising as bluffs( if you have any in this spot).
Isn't it better to raise these hands pre to deny equity/for value from worse hands? I.E if villian has a hand like 75o and you limp and he checks, you are giving him free equity when he would likely fold pre and you could take it down.
Thank you.
great vid, I like these 200 live play vids :)
KJss hand 47:36. Do you think block bet outperforms check call on the river here?
July 31, 2021 | 1:25 a.m.