5 points
True true! I'll pay more attention the next time :)
Sept. 15, 2016 | 8:11 p.m.
You are right, like I said, had a short blackout here. I'm actually getting back into the grind after a while of absence and trying to get used to thinking as a poker player again. Probably won't be the last time I make a pretty obvious mistake but bear with me. I'm motivated and willing to contribute in a constructive way.
Sept. 15, 2016 | 1:35 p.m.
I seem to have a blackout here, why only 25%?
And yes, 33% > 32.4% :)
I guess my point was that it is already a strong assumption that he is going to turn all of his draws into a bluff, isn't it? That's why if it is already close I'd rather tend to fold then
Sept. 15, 2016 | 1:04 p.m.
Somehow his betsizing doesn't make sense to me if he has a draw and would like you to fold. Looks more like thin value or trapping with the nuts.
A quick emulation shows that even if we give him a few busted draws, there need to be quite a lot of them to just make it a very close call:
KsQs vs QQ,TT,55,AQs,ATs,KQs,KTs,QTs+,JTs,AhKh,AhJh,KhJh,Ah9h,Kh9h,Jh9h,Ah5h,AQo,KQo = 33% vs 66% while needing 32.4%... Seems like a fold by that reasoning.
Sept. 15, 2016 | 11:38 a.m.
Not sure if he would ever play aggressively with a hand similar to yours but even if we include some draws, his range has you crushed pretty hard and like antihero mentioned, we could already be drawing dead or dominated. For ~130 BB I wouldn't be too happy stacking off in this pot.
Sept. 15, 2016 | 11:11 a.m.
This comment blew my mind :) Very good idea imo
Sept. 13, 2016 | 8:32 a.m.
Didn't see the stacksize, true! It's not possible to jam but I'd still make it big to commit myself as early as possible and to make it clear that I'm not folding anymore.
I think we're going to be dominated quite a few times by better Js so I don't mind him folding those. If a third club hits the board he's gonna shut down the action with his TP hands anyways I assume.
At the same time I want to get the money in against his worse FDs like 5c6c, 7c6c, etc. and even if he has a set or better FD like Ac5c (which we are a favorite against), I'm not afraid since we have tons of outs/ block two of his outs. Therefore I want to increase the potsize as fast as possible and ideally get it in on the Flop since equity is best here and drops quite a bit on most turns.
Sept. 13, 2016 | 8 a.m.
I play this hand just like you did, fast forward, the only thing being that I set up the size on the flop in a way that I can just jam the turn for maximum fold equity. So apart from betsizing, well played imo.
Sept. 12, 2016 | 9:04 p.m.
I play preflop here very situation dependend, sometimes calling, sometimes 3betting.
If you are really feeling strong enough to get the money in, I'd c/r bigger and commit myself with a big bet on a turn like this one.
If any TPTK on a drawy board is an insta broke on NL5 is debatable though :)
Sept. 12, 2016 | 8:57 p.m.
This might be overly simplified but thinking villain opens very small so we should defend with a much wider range doesn't make sense to me. Playability of a hand just can not be ignored such as other factors like frequency, his level of aggression, his postflop skills, etc. Playing a mediocre drawing hand OOP vs a somewhat narrow range seems like a money dump for me on this limit, mostly because fold equity will be pretty low. But everyone is different. I'm sure people can play this hand profitably. I'd rather make my money in other spots.
Sept. 12, 2016 | 8:45 p.m.
On the flop he could be cbetting everything from air to nuts. So calling the flop bet is pretty standard but on the turn, his range is more polarized once he keeps firing, especially given the previous action and the board texture. Also with the SPR after calling the turn, it's hard to get away from the hand on a river like the one shown here. Maybe I'm underestimating of how aggressive the games have become but once I've decided that he's either bluffing or barrelling the nuts then the turn seems to be the turning point, going with a buff catcher or letting it go. You wouldn't say so?
Sept. 12, 2016 | 8:33 p.m.
I find this BB defend very very loose against UTG. Not saying it's impossible but a weak drawing hand OOP without initiative in a HU situation, not exactly a money making spot. Also I wouldn't agree with the assumption that people tend to fold a lot here. The board is too dry and you can not rep that much. Most people won't fold an overpair, probably not even AKs
Sept. 11, 2016 | 8:22 p.m.
I really dislike defending with this kind of hand OOP especially when you are so deep and ideally would like to be playing for the draw type of hands. Always seems to get me into trouble. But that's just me.
I would've played it similarly and folded the river. I see so many suited connectors and suited broadways in his range, also PPs, better Aces, sth. like this: JJ, 99, 22, AJs+, A9s, A2s, AcTc, KcQc, KcTc, QcTc, 6c4c+, 5c4c+, AQo+.
But then again he could also show up with KJs/ QJs or even QQ? Hard to believe he would be happy with money going into the pot on three streets with these hands though. Like I said, I fold the river because there's really a lot of strong hands in his range.
Sept. 10, 2016 | 10:26 p.m.
I also consider this a turn decision. By the way do you always 3bet your queens here? Are you ok with getting it in preflop vs UTG?
Sept. 10, 2016 | 9:52 p.m.
I'd say this is already a turn decision. If we call the turn, why fold the river on a blank?
Calling down there streets on the other hand seems very overplayed given the board, his position and the general 3bet behavior on NL10. So ideally, we muck it on the turn Id say
Sept. 10, 2016 | 9:33 p.m.
Hey guys. This might seem stupid but is it really necessary to open with T8o from the button? Against a random hand we are not even ahead in terms of equity and with the amount of fold equity that I relate to NL2, I think this hand plays very poorly postflop.
As played I really like your line . Raising on the turn will scare away so many of his weaker hands and this way you gave him the best chance to hang himself.
I don't think it's standard. It's certainly possible since we block many nut hands but I wouldn't do it as a default. Biggest problem is domination I think
Sept. 15, 2016 | 8:15 p.m.