Mahowny's avatar


7 points

Comment | Mahowny commented on $5/$10 HUPLO (part 1)

Fold T234ds pf? Isn't that way too tight?

Oct. 24, 2018 | 9:38 a.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on $5/$10 PLO Hand Review

Hi Sergey!

Really nice vid. I'd like to see more really in-depth analysis cos it feels like there are not enough of them for PLO.

I have two questions:

  1. What is the program you are using? Is it just odds oracle?

  2. About bluffing the river. You said that GTO we should bluff river 30% of the time. What is your checking range here then? 8+ ? I can understand bluffing all 3s but intuitively it feels that A6 is just a bit too strong, it does have some showdown eq vs weaker 6, or 44,55 type hands.


April 5, 2017 | 11:50 a.m.

Also check out this example of a possible future pokerroom - It uses a revolutionary technology called the blockchain, so actual money is not stored in a pokerroom. Players can be 100% certain their funds won't be seized and pokerroom doesn't need army of employees to check the validity of every deposit, withdrawal etc.

It is extremally interesting stuff but still, we are at least 5-6 years before a pokerroom fully on blockchain could kick off but definitely worth analysing.

Feb. 9, 2017 | 6:55 p.m.

Hi Phil,

I really hope that your pokerroom thing works out. We need strong competitor to stars probably more than ever.

I'm sure you and your team have thought about it through and through so I'm probably not able to add anything new but still I will try ;)

The main problem with online poker I see nowadays is that different countries create their own anti-online gambling rules. I'm afraid this awful trend is going to continue. Some of them even blocks online gambling sites, monitor banking transfers to gambling sites etc. The point is for more and more people is getting difficult to play online poker cos of horrible legal/tax issues.

Why not then create pokerroom of the future and set bitcoins as main currency? Then potential player pool might be much bigger cos deposits are going to be way easier for people from many countries where online gambling laws are too complex. Additional benefits is not mixing up too many currencies and players may not feel ripped off cos of currency exchange (like I felt few days ago depositing to 888 in pounds). Also bitcoins transaction are secure, ultra fast and anonymous - sounds like a best solution for an online pokerroom these days. There is one already operating on the market called Nitrogen poker and it looks like they do just fine.

Those are just my 2cents. Whatever you guys choose I'm sure it's going to be fine but you are completely right Phil saying that all poker community is rooting for you. We don't want to lose sleep over constant rake increases, introducing some stupid games like beat the clock or spin ago, and in general being treating by stars like idiots. Good luck Phil!


Jan. 26, 2017 | 2 p.m.

Hand History | Mahowny posted in MTT: WCOOP 700$ Omaha HU, bluffing w/ blockers
Blinds: t60/t120 (2 Players) SB: 8,733 (Hero)
BB: 11,267
Preflop (180) Hero is SB with 5 4 5 8
BB calls 60, Hero raises to 360, BB calls 240
Flop (720) T 6 2
Hero bets 525, BB calls 525
Turn (1,770) T 6 2 4
Hero checks, BB bets 1,390, Hero raises to 5,940, BB raises to 10,382 and is all in, Hero calls 1,908 and is all in
River (20,000) T 6 2 4 9
Final Pot SB lost and shows a pair of Fives.
BB wins and shows a straight, Deuce to Six.
BB wins 17,466

Sept. 25, 2016 | 3:22 p.m.

is there part 2? i cant find it :(

July 31, 2016 | 11:44 a.m.

Post | Mahowny posted in Chatter: Internet backup

My landline internet is fairly good apart from one single problem. It tends to break for 2-3minutes in the exact time when somebody deepstacked pushes to my rivered quads. Using an euphemism, thats pretty annoying. Do you have some backup internet connection always plugged into your PC to prevent these things from happening. Like a mobile dongle?

I live in the UK so if you know any good deals please let me now!

May 5, 2015 | 10:22 p.m.

okey it seems like flop came up to be an issue here. Do you guys think that cbetting vs 3other players here is best ? What if we face a raise ? bet/fold ? bet/call ?

Jan. 26, 2014 | 7:23 p.m.

Answering your last question don't do more live videos with 3 zoom tables on. It's just too messy and even you caught yourself not having enough time to make a decision! If you don't have time to think through a hand to make a decision how are you supposed to have time to explain anything ? Don't get me wrong this was your first video I've seen and I like your game but seeing a video when most explanation goes like: "Here I'm going to fold, oh bottom right checking is fine and folding is fine, bottom left ... " etc. I hope you got what I mean. We can see what you do and verbalizing that is simply not enough! More hand history and anlisys videos please!

Jan. 25, 2014 | 8:04 p.m.

Hand History | Mahowny posted in PLO: 200bb big bluff vs 2villains
BN: $349.93
SB: $348.40
BB: $116.70
UTG: $53.99
HJ: $191.13 (Hero)
CO: $101.53
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A 8 7 9
UTG folds, Hero raises to $3, CO calls $3, BN calls $3, SB calls $2.50, BB folds
Flop ($13.00) K J 4 (4 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks, CO checks, BN bets $10, SB calls $10, Hero calls $10, CO folds
Turn ($43.00) K J 4 2 (3 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks, BN bets $41.06, SB calls $41.06, Hero calls $41.06
River ($166.18) K J 4 2 T (3 Players)
SB checks, Hero bets $137.07, and is all in, BN folds, SB folds
Final Pot
Hero wins $163.38

Jan. 24, 2014 | 12:22 a.m.

I like the play till turn. I think you simple HAVE TO c/r OTT since there are too many potential scary cards on river. Not to mention that you SPR on turn is simply beautiful for c/r shove! 

Nov. 19, 2013 | 5:02 p.m.

Hand History | Mahowny posted in PLO: Typical weak two pairs in 3bet pot
BN: $68.61
SB: $100.50
BB: $100
UTG: $48
HJ: $97 (Hero)
CO: $173.65
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 8 6 7 A
UTG folds, Hero raises to $3, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $10, BB folds, Hero calls $7
Flop ($21.50) 7 J 8 (2 Players)
SB bets $13

Oct. 18, 2013 | 9:52 p.m.

Hand History | Mahowny posted in PLO: Villain pushes to my Ahigh bluff deep ??
BN: $99.84
SB: $175.56 (Hero)
BB: $150.65
UTG: $110.68
HJ: $331.76
CO: $121.95
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 4 A Q A
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $3, BB calls $2
Flop ($6.50) 7 3 5 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $5.73, Hero raises to $22.92, BB calls $17.19
Turn ($52.34) 7 3 5 T (2 Players)
Hero bets $42, BB raises to $124.73, and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot
BB wins $133.04

Oct. 17, 2013 | 3:20 p.m.

Jamming turn, its hard for your UTG range to have a lot of 56 combos (not to mention how many of them you're betting out on the flop vs 3other players) so he might be more aggro with draws.

river - bet smaller to induce rebluff - again hard for you to have nuts, and even harder for him to have made calling hand since you block 7&8 sets

Sept. 30, 2013 | 8:45 p.m.

Hand History | Mahowny posted in PLO: tough TURN vs aggro 300deep
BN: $42.50
SB: $237.44
BB: $274
UTG: $273.65 (Hero)
HJ: $100
CO: $48
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt K Q T J
Hero raises to $3, HJ folds, CO calls $3, BN calls $3, SB folds, BB calls $2
Flop ($12.50) 5 8 9 (4 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $11, CO folds, BN folds, BB raises to $40, Hero calls $29
Turn ($92.50) 5 8 9 4 (2 Players)
BB bets $89.70

Sept. 30, 2013 | 8:22 p.m.

With position and being so deep I like cbeting flop.

Turn is still a call but I'm not super excited about that. What if river is a T or  a J and UTG pushes ?

BB range on the river still includes QQ I suppose but he also might have something like KQTJ and decided to turn it into a bluff in order to blow away two pairs.

Sept. 18, 2013 | 4:42 p.m.

BN: $297.33
SB: $456.68 (Hero)
BB: $275.94
UTG: $48.03
HJ: $187.73
CO: $141.95
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt T 9 7 7
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN raises to $3, Hero calls $2.50, BB folds
Flop ($7.00) 7 5 Q (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $3.34, Hero raises to $15, BN raises to $26.66, Hero calls $11.66
Turn ($63.66) 7 5 Q 9 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $57.61, Hero folds
Final Pot
BN wins $57.61

Aug. 5, 2013 | 11:22 p.m.

BN: $168.59
SB: $94.50
BB: $100.76
UTG: $100
HJ: $108.44
CO: $101.50 (Hero)
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 9 Q 8
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $3, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $2
Flop ($6.50) Q 9 6 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4, BB raises to $8, Hero calls $4
Turn ($22.50) Q 9 6 9 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero checks
River ($22.50) Q 9 6 9 4 (2 Players)
BB bets $10, Hero raises to $38, BB raises to $89.76, and is all in

Aug. 1, 2013 | 12:10 a.m.

nice video phil !

One question:

30:45 hand 7554ss - you said that if you really thought villan would be attacking you hard you might have 3bet this hand. Why so ? Simply because on high cards flops you might give up easier to any type of resistance ?

July 28, 2013 | 7 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on Big Game Macau: PLO

oh right I suppose I missed that part :) So basically we need to multiply that by 0.12. Okey now makes sense, still I presume you guys dance below any reasonable bankroll management but no risk no fun. Anyway great video, esp for someone who plays often live. I loved that first limping hand when you honestly said was probably -EV in the vacuum but playing that one was good for the overall game. I think we should emphasize even more that in some way we are responsible for entertaining fish live players. They came to a casino to have fun and as long as we want them coming back we should give them some action in marginal spots alongside with a good banter. Too many online players nowadays with big headphones, silent as a rock all the time just simply waiting for a decent hand hoping fish will pay off. Live game has a different dynamic and different needs that online and I'm glad you mentioned that. Anyway looking forward to more vids!

July 27, 2013 | 11:16 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on Big Game Macau: PLO

maybe I'm being too nosy but come on, 10k-20k american dollars ??? 10mlion dollars pot ?? bloody hell, obviously I don't think so any poker pro has enough bankroll to even has a slightest feeling of being in the safe zone. Not to mention that it seems those games are ridiculous aggressive. Do you think that level of these stakes are a bit intimidating for poker pros and that's why their edge on those macau's business men is much smaller ?

July 27, 2013 | 10:25 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on 3way getting c/r OTT

well, it seems you completely forgot about one other scenario: both fold.

bb fish donks 19% ! he might have QJ88 here

hj's vpip is 55% ! he calls here with virtual any pair.

there is already 14$ in the pot, and by raising we risk about 28$ ! Perfect odds for me. I don't have time to do the math but add to your equites that HJ folds 80% and BB folds 30% and lets see the final result.

July 27, 2013 | 11:49 a.m.

Post | Mahowny posted in Chatter: follow topic feature

Is there a feature here that you can follow chosen topics ? And any new posts will be visible in your feeds tab for instance?

July 27, 2013 | 11:33 a.m.

Well, usually when people don't mention any reads/numbers I assume that villain is rather unknown to them. Taking that into account OP plays that perfectly.

Apart from that you still can think about two factors here you guys missed.

1. river K might be quite relevant for our range if OP is capable of cold 4betting good KKxx or AKKx.

2. villain's betsize to me doesn't make any sense. Does it to you ? Most of our range at this point is AA heavy so I can assume if he wants to get value for it he should give us better odds to call. Not to mention that, for the same reason as c/r flop, betting pot on the river is strictly impossible to balance (especially since KK is still in some chunk of our range).

July 27, 2013 | 11:28 a.m.

shoving with worse for value ? no bloody way, how can anybody shove here with worse for value ? 

River was to thin imo unless you guys got crazy hellish dynamic.

July 26, 2013 | 11:22 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on Study Group?

Well I'm interested as long as there will be PLO section ;)

July 26, 2013 | 11:13 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on PLO-High Low material.

I don't know much about PLO8 but be careful with Hwangs books especially if you want to play online. They cover live game pretty well but many of those concepts mentioned are simply irrelevant when it comes to online game.

July 26, 2013 | 8:44 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on Blockers crushed...

Pf play is definitely questionable but OP noticed that himself so I just skipped that part.

And yes on the second thought I can see a fold here, in the vacuum that might be even better (and not necessarily because AATx is a huge part of his range, how many combos of that are out there ? but whatever he has it still has a decent equity vs our hand, so we rarely crushing anything) but for overall game folding second nuts with blockers to practically a pot size bet is usually not a good idea.

July 26, 2013 | 7:27 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on 3way getting c/r OTT

1. yes we could check back ott, moreover we probably should (and by saying probably I mean like 85% vs these, passive players). Your only hope to get it in good here is that somebody might take your bet as a bluff (since you checked back flop, so you almost never have a boat at this point) but don't except that type of play from fish or passive players too often :)

2.  raising otf makes perfect sense, especially with these stacksizes! It seem like you don't fancy getting it in vs bb fish who might have QJT6.

July 25, 2013 | 7:57 p.m.

Comment | Mahowny commented on Blockers crushed...

well, try to post your hands formatted - its really painful to analyse it raw but lets say I'm having a really nice day today so I've read it through anyway.

Obviously nothing wrong with this hand. If you play NL sometime you might consider this hand an ultimate cooler.

July 25, 2013 | 7:45 p.m.

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