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9 points

Good point about the tilt - I gave it up after that because I could tell I wasn't playing well and was chasing the game.

May 9, 2020 | 10:29 a.m.

I agree too. Why can I not see this in game! I will try the bigger iso and see how that goes. Generally thinking I am not raising big enough and the game has shifted again from small bets

May 8, 2020 | 7:21 p.m.

This thread is why I pay my subscription. What a good hand to share!

e-mal says

"I would say don't just think about this spot when you have AK, think about this spot considering your whole range, and see how all the different hands play out. You're probably actually printing here with your whole range"

and I think that is brilliant advice

Just to add my own 2 cents, if you only every bet AA no-one calls - you need to have weaker hands so that Villain thinks they can win sometimes. AK is working as a semi-bluff for you here and when it misses that's ok - in other situations it wins money when they fold to the 3 bet or when you hit an A or a K, or by blocking their range and making them play with a capped. It can also win at showdown so when it misses it's sometimes worth playing it as a check-call


May 8, 2020 | 3:28 p.m.

Post | Mactece posted in NLHE: Line check with AKs on low board

Villain is aggro 37/15 off 45 hands and playing erratically


May 8, 2020 | 3:01 p.m.

Post | Mactece posted in NLHE: Asleep at the wheel

I have 40 hands on both Villains who are around 40/20 and playing aggressively v bets

Flop - I have showdown value, I'm not looking for 3 streets of value. I think they will bluff random cards

Turn - 2nd check is far too passive, isn't it? I'm now thinking I should have bet small and bet again on any favourable river card (ie not a diamond, A, K, Q or pairing board)

River - I checked it down to see what they had. I shouid have bet, I think. 20-25% to extract thin value?


May 8, 2020 | 2:49 p.m.

Preflop is fine I think, at our limits. Pot size is 17c which is only 2c more, so meh.

Postflop, I think you are overplaying your hand. AK has bags of showdown value and you have hands that want to check (as you pointed out) so you need some oomphh in your checking range or you are folding turn too often when you check. AK with K hearts fits that well, I think. Thinking about villain's range overall on the flop and turn you are behind at least QQ, JJ, 99, JX, AhXh, XhYh plus anything else he gets sticky with like TT. A check on flop would allow a call on the turn with your Kh and you could fold the river if Villain still bets.

Given you bet flop, on the turn you also need some checks and I think by betting this hand ( and others like it) you are now too wide on the river when Villain calls turn. So you have to fold a lot of hands to his river bet which is why it is an easy fold.

May 7, 2020 | 1:07 a.m.

Post | Mactece posted in NLHE: Line check w 5nl Speed on ipoker

I have 9 outs to the flush and 6 more to the straight so I jam thinking I am more than 50% to win plus fold equity. But is this the best line?

May 6, 2020 | 10:50 p.m.

Comment | Mactece commented on QQ OOP 3bet Pot

I think you are right that you could go bigger pre flop but also 40c from CO feels value heavy and I am suspicious of what he has.
I've not looked at a solver or anything but I think you want to check range and then call if he bets the flop w QsQx on a monotone board because you block the flush and it's hard to get more than 2 streets of value from QQ.
As it is you're on a rodeo of a hand and you should probably get off. It's hard to see what you're beating here.

May 5, 2020 | 9:51 p.m.

Without reads you at 10NL you can't rule out AQ, KK and AA and hands that are being overplayed like AK

May 5, 2020 | 8:51 p.m.

Comment | Mactece commented on NL10 JJ in SB

I think it is really very player dependent. A lot of players don't have a very sophisticated 2bet, 4bet game. Hud is important, or reads. How often do they 4bet, do they fold to 3bets, what do they do on the flop? - will they fold to a cbet? A lot of worse players will only commit with AA and KK here.

JJ is a strong hand but also notoriously hard to play postflop so a clear idea of what you are going to do on various flops is important. In this case if you call $2.60 there is $5.30 in the pot and you have $7.40 behind so its a very low SPR. For example, if the flop is low a good Villain will likely have AA, KK, QQ that beat you, but if he is not tight will have hands like A2S-A5s and possibly some KXs (and possibly TT if he 4bets that) which you can jam on.
So it's all a case of thinking what his range is and going from there.

For what it's worth, against an unknown in this spot at our limits, I'd fold. If he's a big bluffer he'll do this a lot and you'll get better spots later because you are usually in position against him.


May 5, 2020 | 8:43 p.m.

Comment | Mactece commented on Getting Back in Shape

I use GTO plus which seems to meet all my needs for the moment and links into Flopzilla. I think it was about $100 for the pair of them.

May 5, 2020 | 5:36 p.m.

Comment | Mactece commented on NL4 55

I think at 2/4 if you make a habit of calling large river bets you will go broke a lot of the time.
I also think you should develop a 3 bet or fold for SB so you are not paying rake every time you see the flop. Peter Clarke has a video, I think, or check out his web site for some ideas about linear ranges.
Summary would be 3 bet preflop in SB with these speculative hands and then you don't need to worry so much about all the rubbish in recreational's range.
Other summary - bad run out and he probably has it, good fold! :)

May 4, 2020 | 11:39 p.m.

Comment | Mactece commented on Getting Back in Shape

Welcome back! I've joined recently and already watched some of your earlier videos and found them really useful, so was sad to see you had left. This was another really useful video and thanks for sharing what you're doing. I appreciate you putting your thought processes on the line and being open about your approach to the various situations.

I have just started down a similar path of focussing on one spot and realised I'd tried to do too much. Doing a few flops a day sounds like a solid manageable approach rather than running a whole database. Build my understanding a bit at a time.

May 4, 2020 | 9:13 p.m.

Comment | Mactece commented on NL5 Hand Review

thanks, I just don't like clicking on links :)

So I think you are 8 handed in the LowJack w AA and UTG limps, you raise 3x and get called by HiJack and Button, so go 4 way to the flop.

You don't give stack sizes so I'll assume you are all 100BB deep and normally there would be 9 at the table and you are playing cash game.

You don't give any reads so I will assume they are all competent.

First thought is that you need to raise much bigger Preflop. AA plays best headsup and you want to discourage people from joining in. Every extra player that joins means it is better value for the next player and so on. You are lucky the blinds didn't come along too cos they are priced in.

Plus you want to build a pot. I normally play 6 max so I'm not familiar with opening sizes for larger tables but I would have thought 4BB for Mid position and then at least 1 more for the limper so 5 or 6 BB raise. Your aim is to get heads up with the limper. If he folds he didn't have anything anyway.

Once you are 4 way to the flop AA is just a good pair. People tend to play straightforward in multiway pots so are less likely to bluff. This board favours the callers. You block all the hands that could have called that have an Ace and if they had premium hands they should have raised for the same reasons I gave above. Hands like you are up against here tend to like middle cards.

I would have checked everything here, check called with AA and other pairs and open enders and check raised with sets, 89 for value and gutshots as bluffs. With AA I would have called turn and probably river - targetting Jx hands and still losing but losing less.

I think you overvalued your Aces. Villain has lots of hands that beat you or can improve. In general you don't want to raise him off his bluffs so raising is not achieveing what you want - it folds his worse hands and leaves you up against his 2 pairs, sets and better with just a pair. If he had AJ and bet all three streets you would have extracted the maximum from him but you would have probably folded that hand out with your raise.


May 3, 2020 | 10:58 p.m.

I think flop is fine but it's not a range bet or you are too vulnerable to a raise so you need a checking range here and KcTc could go in that. On the turn you have nutted hands and good overs (AA, KK, QQ) which want to keep betting and better draws (AcXc) but also some hands that want to check and they need some draws to balance them out and now that you are here I think KTs should go in your turn checking range. When you call the raise you are only just getting the right price but you are also calling with too much of your range if you also call with KTs so I think it is a fold. You can call with JJ, 88, Jx, 8x, AA, KK, QQ and AcXc.
River is obviously nice for you but I don't think you should be there with this hand.

May 3, 2020 | 7:05 p.m.

Comment | Mactece commented on NL5 Hand Review

Can you post the hand here?

May 3, 2020 | 5:43 p.m.

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