5 points
dude you r terrible!! just quit posting this videos, 1st and last one i will ever watch from you. gl
Dec. 10, 2017 | 10:01 p.m.
50:30-- 77 3 ways on K76ss vs the turn small bet on 8x, I'm wondering what hands you would use to raise bluff the turn.
Dec. 5, 2017 | 9:28 p.m.
Awesome video Sam! Really enjoyed all of the examples you included in this one.
Nov. 15, 2017 | 2:46 a.m.
13:37 around 13bb from cutoff with K6s, I'd be interested to hear how you develop this limping range, and is this something only done from later positions.
21:00 w/T2cc-- can we use the XJam sizing as it seems quite hard for us to XR F when he jams as we would be getting quite a good price vs his jam
Nov. 13, 2017 | 6:53 a.m.
I'm interested in this idea, think this would be a good video to make.
Nov. 13, 2017 | 4:35 a.m.
Enjoyed the format.
Nov. 9, 2017 | 9:38 p.m.
You talk about how on the turn we can have X amount of value combos, then have 2 times or 3 times the amount of bluffs, where do we pull this number from? Is it b/c we are betting a certain size that we come up with this number. Clarification would be great, thanks!
Oct. 3, 2017 | 12:12 a.m.
24:35--do you ever consider open limping with the J9s? Or purely raise or open fold spot knowing how often largomen will be 3betting us.
32:30--how wide are you 4bet jamming vs largomen here?
38:00--QJdd how often are you xc instead of xjamming? What do you do if cutoff jams the turn? Seems like ppl generally cbet this spot close to 100% so xjam allows us to realize all our equity and push a lot of fold equity.
42:40--is the 4x sizing used with a polar range?
Hello Tyler,
I was wondering roughly what your win rate in these games are currently (2/5, 5/10)?
Thanks for the video!
Dec. 20, 2017 | 9:05 p.m.