MaMaMat's avatar


16 points

min 25:20 - where you xr A3hh sb-mp on Kh2h2x. So our flop xr is just a value raise (we have 58% vs a 25% opening range), right? However on the Jx turn, our equity drops to 40% (vs his full range, so even less vs his actual range): not a spot where we should xc more? Just wondering, not a LHE experct at all.

Thanks for the video!

July 4, 2016 | 5:19 p.m.

I tried to add "river call efficiency" in one of my pop-ups, however I can't seem to find the stat there (but can find it in report section) ?

Great video, thanks!

May 11, 2016 | 11:12 a.m.

To answer my own question: our opponent has to put in more money in the pot on average, ie. our nut hands make more money while our bluffs are still break even (similar to why betting as much as possible in a polarized one street game yields the highest EV). Proof: write out EV equation ^__^.

May 7, 2016 | 7:30 p.m.

Mind elaborating on why we prefer to bet 3 street rather then 2 when we are polarized on the flop?

Great video!

May 2, 2016 | 1:41 p.m.

Hey, I found this video realy usefull as an MTT newbie. Thanks a lot !

One question:if people aren't really ICM aware, and play more according to cEV, ie. call shoves to wide. Does this means villain will lose $EV, but also hero... and therefore we should shove tighter ranges ? Is there a tool in Holdemresouces that can show you how wide we can shove if we know his calling range, ie. chipEV calling ranges?

April 5, 2016 | 7:55 p.m.

I, an MTT newbie, found this video excellent. Thanks a lot!

One question: in the last hand we saw that MP2/chipleader could 3bet us almost 30% (wait what, holy sh*t !) because of ICM. Now my question is, what if a bunch of people aren't very familiar with ICM and have wider(~cashgames) ranges... My guess is that MP2 should then tighten up his 3bet range, but how much, if we assume reasonably wide ranges. I'll have a look myself later.

Looking forward to the next one already !!!

March 30, 2016 | 7:56 p.m.

hey, finished the 2nd part of the video. What's the video you refering to at the end: "Luke" or something?

March 28, 2016 | 8:49 p.m.

Comment | MaMaMat commented on $30/$60 HH Review


I have a few questions:

1) So with a weaker player in the blinds, we can call the top of our folding range in normal line-ups? You ever flat a strong hand vs some weaker players?

2) 7:24 Quote "if Villain/CO cbets a lot (on K64r) I would XR a lot of flops, to check a lot of turns." What’s exactly the reasoning behind such a strategy, esp. Checking the turn a lot?

3) 18:00 we XR KQss on J97ssx 3way. Turn 8d: you say villain would call Tx straight on turn to raise rivers. Why wouldn’t he just wanna raise for value/protection on the turn with 2 fd’s ?

4) 21:0: we raise KK on T43r in 3B pot vs Morten. What makes you prefer to raise the flop right away vs flatting flop to raise turns (esp. given he seemed really spewy)? What about vs a standard reg, you raise hands here IP on this dry board and why?

thanks a lot for this video, really enjoyed it!

March 10, 2016 | 2:17 p.m.

At min 21:00 with KK on TT2r I have two questions:
1) the reason villain has to fold way more then 1-A is because of our strong preflop range that still strong on this texture?
2) the reason a small cbet size with 100% frequency maximizes the EV of our range is because we leverage our strong range advantage where all our bluffs max their EV by betting small given he has a relatively static narrow continue range?

Feb. 14, 2016 | 3:04 a.m.

  1. AhJ ~ 21:00 on 6h5c2h xx. Qh b/c. Ko xbc. You mention you like raising quite some rivers vs a bet. So I'm wondering how you play your FD's & Ahx on the flop*, don't we bet a lot of them, and therefore can be quite unbalanced by raising the river, but surely we don't have a lot of naked FD's we call either on the turn, (Ah:J,T) ~ 8 combos mostly. So surely we'll have more flushcombos vs Ah blockers on the river. Same question regarding the actual line where you bet big vs a check, guess as you mentioned we don't have that many bluffs

  2. A7hh ~ min 44:00. Call 3bet flop Kd9h5d, you call a 100/150 cbet. Mind explaing this call a bit more, seems very thin to me at first?

Think you make great videos, thanks a bunch!

Feb. 1, 2016 | 1:07 p.m.

Hi, awesome video, thanks a lot. I'm curious what you might think of this spot: we open utg 2.5x(15%) and bb calls (32%-4%). Flop AK5r: I gave Pio the option (25,40,75,125) on the flop (75,125) turn/river. PIO choose the 75% size with an almost 50% prequency (and turn/river mostly overbetting). I'm curious why not 100% with a 1/3 size compared to so many other spots. Guess the moment when we have a massive advantage we wanna try to put all our bluffs in our betting range and therefore bet bigger?

Jan. 29, 2016 | 9:53 p.m.

Hi great video, great intro for a cash PLO player here. One question: is there a PLO ICM calculator? I'm sure PLO tournaments are super interesting ICM-wise and certainly misplayed by a lot of people.

Jan. 21, 2016 | 1:11 a.m.

@leszek Badurowicz

I understand that AJ+ includes all of the above, however if you add an extra restriction with the colon sign, then you'll excluded some of these hands. AJ+:(J,53+): here you are saying AJ or better AND it needs a J or a gutter or better to go with - correct? So 6655 is excluded, as AK76 is. Again not a big difference, but we better write: 76+,AJ+:(J,53+). Agree?

Jan. 20, 2016 | 11:55 a.m.

@leszek badurowcz

I agree with all of this. My point is that AJ+:(J,35+) excludes some strong hands of villain: it excludes hands lik 6655/AK76 (given the collon). The correct syntax for villain would be: 76+,AJ+:(J,35+) imo? This improved syntax only adds 1% of hands and 1% equity it looks like it though.

Jan. 19, 2016 | 2:26 p.m.

Great video sir!

Hand #3, think you made a small syntax error where you say: Stack-off range is AJ+:(J,35+) because this excludes hands like 66xx/(AK76s) w/o a J/gutter. The effect is only very small though, as this extra group of hands is only 1% extra to the 28.5% of hands before, and it's only make 1% equity difference. Am I correct here?

Jan. 18, 2016 | 10:31 p.m.

Hi, great video! One question: what are the reasons for having a 2.25x opening size utg and a 3x size on the button? Thanks man :).

Jan. 13, 2016 | 5:03 a.m.

Hey, great video!

One question: why are you using a 2.25x opensize in EP and 3x BTN?

Jan. 11, 2016 | 9:07 p.m.

Would love to see some live video next time. Good stuff so far! Cheers

Dec. 3, 2015 | 6:39 p.m.

Great video. I have a basic NLH question, coming from a PLO player: why are we 3betting JTs BB-BTN and KQs BB-UTG? I used to play NLH few years ago, and were more used to more polarized 3betting ranges, guess people defend 3bets wider and 4bets more, so these are 3bets for value/playability in 3b/4b pots?

Nov. 28, 2015 | 4:48 p.m.

Great video, learning a ton as a PLO player. Question: what exactly is the reasoning to cbet 1/3 on 753r in a 3bet pot ?

Nov. 23, 2015 | 3:50 p.m.

Hey, nice video. Mind explaining your HUD, as there are a lot of seemingly interesting numbers in there :). Cheers!

Oct. 23, 2015 | 12:08 a.m.

Really interesting hand, thanks for posting!

I could see why leading is better then XCing in his spot, as your range is heavily weighted towards OP/2PR (50%+) compared to the very few bluffs(15%-) you have (probably not turning many toppair or better hands into a bluff?), and his 75 blockers reduce the changes of you having the straight offcourse. And offcourse if you perceive his range to be nuts/air, then given you call this hand, you call other bluffcatchers with similar side cards too. Your calling range > betting range. Interesting...

I'm also surprised why Sauce didnt just XR allin on the turn, looks pretty hard to play rivers with a hand that needs a lot of protection, but guess not... :)

Sept. 30, 2015 | 3:38 p.m.

LHE noob question: if BTN opens, SB 3bets and BB coldcalls... you say the BTN should split his range here, ie. 4bet his strong hands and flat the rest? He shouldn't just flat 100% again, because getting two extra SB preflop is important and people dont over Cbet anymore?

Sept. 5, 2015 | 12:52 p.m.

min 40:07 --> looks like your equity is 29% vs his range and he'll have 75% a flushdraw, so looks like a fold?

Aug. 21, 2015 | 3:39 p.m.

In which video is there a discussion about monotone flops? Thanks and great video! :)

Aug. 21, 2015 | 3:34 p.m.

Great video! Question from a PLO player: you openfold T2o, but openraise 32o ? Seems odd to me :).

March 4, 2015 | 4:31 p.m.

min 45:00 tab1 on Q82s * 6d * 4o ... you mention bluffing the river is okay/good... He obv rep only very few combos if he bets, so what betsize do you pick there in his shoes... just pot ?

April 1, 2014 | 12:14 p.m.

min 19:30, you bet 2,8k into 3,2k after calling flop CR, bet small turn, big river (JT4s, 6o, To). Why did you pick this sizing and not smaller ? We clearly rep Txxx+ right, or do we bet AA/KK also with this sizing (as he very unlikely has Tx himself {as he CC or CF most of those on flop}) ?

Jan. 8, 2014 | 10:58 a.m.

Good video! I have two question:

#1: @23:00 we CC AK33s on QT9s, 7o. What's your plan on various rivers? Clubs: obviously lead right ? Pairing rivers: you like bluffing here (we have a FH pretty often~40%), with what hands /frequency / sizing / etc? Guess none-club hands are solid candidates / 2pair that got conterfeited ? What about a Jo river ? 

#2: @30:00 we 3bet QT97 and C/F A52s. You argue it's a bet in hindsight, however not sure if I agree on betting: if we bet 2/3 we need 40% FE, which is the amount we just have here imo. We are at the absolute bottom of our range imo (no equity, no blockers, backdoors etc). Betting close to 100% of our range, doesn't seem like a good thing (eventhough vacuum bet might be very slight +ev).

Thanks in advance ;-)

Aug. 19, 2013 | 3:05 a.m.

min16:00 (TJ33 on Th7h4s3s - 9h): you say you like bluffing hearts. What about spades ? Guess hearts is much better, as he has not many hearts himself ?

Aug. 19, 2013 | 1:10 a.m.

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