0 points
4-bet folding KK just seems wrong. Even if you assume it is QQ+/AK then you have 52% equity so it is a call with the money already in the pot.
July 1, 2014 | 1:19 p.m.
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0 points
4-bet folding KK just seems wrong. Even if you assume it is QQ+/AK then you have 52% equity so it is a call with the money already in the pot.
James thanks for your comment about QQ+/AK+ as being the best scenario there. Given you opened in LP. Couldn't his perception be you are quite wide? If you originally opened UTG or UTG+1 i would agree but you opened LP get 3bet then the BB is priced in fairly wide. At this stage he knows you still wide and your 4 bet could still have lots of AQo AJs hands in your range given the action. There is nearly 100 in the pot when he shoves and i think lots of players will do this atleast as wide as QQ+ but given the action JJ as well.
July 6, 2014 | 7:34 a.m.