22 points
Great stuff Dan, thank you!
July 12, 2020 | 2:28 p.m.
guess who's back :P
Feb. 15, 2020 | 4:06 p.m.
Hi Grayson nice video, 20:00 Kqo 20bb are you sure flat is better than rejam?
21:40 ATo imho it's too optimistic 3b/call in spots like that ( i prefer jam than 3b/call as you said)... what do you think about flat pre?
March 8, 2019 | 4:33 a.m.
Great video as always!
29:30: I've always played these spots mixing check and bet BUT i've never bet less than 40-50% .
Do you think it's a mistake because of the fact even the strong part of our range can weaken drastically on certain runouts?
Jan. 12, 2019 | 11:22 p.m.
Ty so much for your answer!
Dec. 31, 2017 | 3:28 p.m.
@25:00 ty
Dec. 27, 2017 | 3:48 p.m.
Hi Chris i would like to know what do you think about how Sontheimer player the hand on the sb (85o) . Do you think he planned a 3 barell bluff on any river? What are in your thoughts the main reasons he played a hand like that? Thanks
Hi Luke , thanks as always for great content. How can i reach to you about coaching ?
Thanks in advance.
Jan. 5, 2022 | 12:29 p.m.