Lynx's avatar


2 points

Comment | Lynx commented on NL 5 - AA vs villian fish

How many hands do you have on vilain?

Nov. 25, 2016 | 9:29 p.m.

Thanks for the video, I feel like i'm getting better with each video.
Question: What % of defense would you recommende as 3-bets and as call in heads-up vs a player that open 100% for 2bb and one that open 80% for 2bb?
Keep the good work!

Jan. 21, 2016 | 8:26 a.m.

I like the line since you don't want to raise and get it in against a better hand, better combo draw, better flush draw or even better straight draw. You want to keep is bluffing range in so you call. Maybe a check-call on this flop is not bad since its a board that can be raised easily with a wide range.

Jan. 5, 2016 | 9:54 a.m.

Comment | Lynx commented on Hand vs tricky reg

I'm not sure if i would call with q9 preflop vs a 3bets. On the flop I think I would bet the hand as a bluff to balance my value hands. If he raise me I would fold but on this board I also think the check is weak like a bluff catcher or miss. I'll keep betting to commit on this turn and call if he raise me because he may have aq or total bluff that I don't want to raise. If the turn miss after he call on the flop I stop betting because I'm sure he's bluff cacthing me with some Kx.

Jan. 5, 2016 | 9:42 a.m.

I might be wrong but, I think you should bet, since the bb is supposed to have a large range, and there a lot of draw in is large range. You block two spade if he call with the spade draw so he's less likely to hit it and you still have a spade draw if he have a better hand now. I would bet small to possibly call a raise from him if he does not raise too big. I don't want too give him a free card where he can hit a straight a better flush a combo draw to beat you and an over card that pair his range.

Jan. 5, 2016 | 8:21 a.m.

Maybe you are playing too tight in this spot, it would be interresting to know some basic sats on you and vilain to make better jugement. If you never bluff in this situation its pretty easy fold for vilains. The smaller you bet the more they should defend so try to bet smaller like half pot. If they keep folding try the same line as bluff, it gonna boost your win rate.

Jan. 4, 2016 | 9:07 a.m.

They are probably better players at nl50 than nl10. Plus maybe the guy as suscribe to RIO and now start to fix is game, and he decide to start at nl10 to pay less for is education. Add a little variance and you get that win rate.

Jan. 4, 2016 | 8:53 a.m.

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