Lufthansa27's avatar


14 points

Oct. 30, 2016 | 6:01 p.m.

Hi everyone, I'd like to thank Phil for continuing with reviewing my footage.

Some thoughts and questions:

The hand on the right table at around 4.30 w/ KQJ8, it feels super weak to c/f this hand OTT. Isn't it the case that we still have the best hand a majority of the time and we still need some protection? Given the fact that A is a good card for our range, maybe we should bet a not committing amount and fold to shove, b/c villain shouldn't be bluffing with draws on a turn on which he shouldn't expect much fold equity? There are a lot of decisions where I lean on the HUD and color coding, Phil obviously could not do that. Given that a blue color indicates a weaker player, what would be our best play? As a sidenote I think we'd even have some value in our bet, I do see people calling here w/ weaker 2pair hands.

Phil pointed this out and in my opinion it is correct to assume that people are not slowplaying flops enough and are folding to a lot of turn bets, which might lead me to barrel turns too frequently. I might be overdoing it though, which could definitely get me into trouble at higher limits.

About the JT86ss hand on the left table at around 26min: Would it be a fold against any opener or can this be a call vs really loose BTN steal stats? It is usually a fold for me, but I think I made the call b/c BTN had a 100% steal stat at that point. On the turn, is this bet more ok if we go with an earlier assumption that people aren't slowplaying flops, which means that I very rarely see someone c/ back an Ace OTF and I thought we/d like protection against FD and K-Qhigh hands. I also thought that as a SB flatter we have a range advantage over BB and we don't have to worry about BTN so much b/c he has somewhat capped his range. I do agree that we make all worse hands fold and better ones to call...

Around 31.20 I open 8643r on the right table, which leads me to a somewhat general question: How wide should we steal against very bad opponents? I find myself struggling to figure out which hands to open against people who are very bad. We usually do want to get into pots with them, but if we open super wide and they are just never folding we don't flop many big hands and don't have much bluffing equity. (Obv there are lots of different styles of poor play, but some general suggestions would be great, the reason that I opened this 8643r was the BB, who so far had played every hand, is this too loose?)

Don't know if Phil has already recorded the 3rd part, but in the case it did turn out a little bit short, I think his suggestion to look at some more interesting hands on the 3rd table was a great one! :)

Thanks again!


Feb. 23, 2016 | 2:35 p.m.

I play it the same.

Feb. 7, 2016 | 11:39 a.m.

im fine w/ ur play, SPR is pretty big OTF, it's a good flop for villain to cbet which means his range is wide and we block 2 aces and since villain is aggro he can keep barrelling on further streets...turn and riv are standard, much of his turn barrelling range is spades so when that and the most likely KQT wrap misses you just have to call riv

Feb. 6, 2016 | 10:10 a.m.

I'd bet turn closer to pot, I think that's what You'd want to do with Your straights and hands with blockers. Villain is repping thin, I don't think he should be valuebetting AA here, so given the odds, the fact that draws missed and the fact that he might try to get You off of two pair that is now losing to an overpair, I think it's a call.

Feb. 6, 2016 | 10:08 a.m.

It is hugely dependant on the player, but on average I wouldn't go too crazy trying to get people off aces on this particular runout.

Feb. 6, 2016 | 12:56 a.m.

I hope You don't mind me giving my 2c...
Barreling depends on the runout.
If our flop raise gets called (one reason for raising is the fact that T54r doesn't hit most SB raising ranges and we can take the pot down on the flop) we can barrel on any 23678TK. 4 and 5 are somewhat reasonable too, because they shouldn't hit villain's range, although he/she will probably call with an overpair on these turns. I thintk 9JQA are turns, that improve a lot of villains flop continuing range without improving us, so these are not the best barrelling cards. I would assume that Ace is the best one of them, b/c it makes villain fold his dry JJ-KK hands.
More generally speaking, I think it would be reasonable to assume that dry overpairs will fold to our barrel OTT if they didn't improve in any way.
The fact of the matter is, we have more really strong hands on this flop texture and as Phil already pointed out we have some blockers to draws that could call us, so it's a good spot to apply pressure, especially at plo50, where people probably tend to fight back less aggressively.

Feb. 5, 2016 | 7:26 p.m.

If villain is raising a range of 88+, 89+:(J,cc) we have a slightly negative shove. Given your almost pot cbet and his pot raise, I think he is never bluffing. So I think a call is better.

Feb. 4, 2016 | 12:51 p.m.

I'd fold pre.
Flop and turn are standard, I think river is a fold. Villain's continuing range OTT should be sets, straights and 2pair w/ a flush draw. I think he's not donking his straights like this, so it leaves sets and 2 pairs. I think he's got more 2pair w/ cc than sets combinatorics wize (not 3betting pre eliminates some KK, maybe QQ) and I don't think people at PLO50 are generally good enough to think about turning a set into a bluff very often.

Feb. 4, 2016 | 12:40 p.m.

Weird line from SB.
I think a T8, T9JQ, T97J, JJ-KK+gs or oesd hands make a lot of sense for him to play this way. I think flop and turn plays are standard. OTR I think this is a fold, given a tight player is betting into loose passive player and one other player. Given his turn play he definitely has KK type hands in his range, but I think he is more likely to bet bigger with his nut blockers and bet the amount he did with his J-K high flushes.

Feb. 3, 2016 | 4:10 p.m.

Flop cbet is fine, we rarely get c/raised. Turn can go either way, I would like a bet to make villain fold his Ahigh one pair hands, but to achieve this, we'd have to bet bigger. Once we get c/r we have nothing else to do but to call, we have our diamonds, J, 9 and even a K as really nutty outs. Easy fold on this riv.

Feb. 3, 2016 | 3:59 p.m.

This is definitely a call, villain could be value betting worse given the fact he is a recreational player. Just a cooler, move on. :)

Feb. 3, 2016 | 3:47 p.m.

Hi Phil, thanks so so much for the review. Your pronunciation was good.
Sorry for being a little late to join the discussion...

First of all I'll write down my HUD and color codes, maybe it'll make viewing the video easier for some people:

1st line: Name//Hands//WTSD%//WWSF%//AF//Aggression%
2nd line: VPIP//PFR//3bet//Fold To 3bet//4bet
4th line: SB Fold vs BTN//SB 3bet vs BTN//BB Fold vs BTN//BB Fold vs SB
5th line: Flop CB//Fold to Flop CB//Flop Raise CB//Flop Donk//Raise Flop Donk//BTN CC raiser
6th line: Flop CB-Fold//Skip Cbet and CF Flop//Skip CB and CF Flop 3bet Pot//Flop Bet vs Missed CB IP//River Bet//River Fold
7th line: Turn CB//Turn Fold to CB//Turn CR OOP//Delayed CB IP//Delayed CB 3bet Pot//Turn Bet vs Missed CB OOP//Skip Flop CB and Fold to Turn Bet IP

Colors: Blue colors - looser/poor players, green - tight regs, yellow - more LAG regs, VPIP over 25, red - LAG regs with high 3bet stats (~10).

Some comments about the video:

I am playing pretty tight, around 25/15/5, so I guess I made somewhat unconscious effort to play a little bit looser. This is the reason for some of the strange opens (like the AQ84ss hand from CO and the 3456r hand around 27.45). I think one thing for me to learn would be which are the spots where I could open up some more. I'm starting to realize that the main reason for my tightness is folding too much from the blinds. So in the case You are making further parts from this footage this is something You could point out. (As Phil mentioned, there are rake concerns at lower stakes, so combined with the fact that I don't think I have a big postflop edge playing OOP I have kept my ranges somewhat tight).

The AKT3ccc hand at the 2.30min mark is in my opinion a spot that makes Phil's videos so good. A somewhat standard hand in itself, but the way You explain the same spot but with different conditions (which would lead to different actions) is very interesting and valuable.

The KKT4ss (starts ~32min) was really interesting. I felt strongly that betting the flop is better b/c we have very few good turns, we block some wraps (that with an added flush draw might want to c/r) and sets, we'd like to end the hand on the flop.
I agree that turn can go either way. Can someone point me to the content about math on multistreet bluffs that Phil was talking about?
River is really awkward but all in all, villain could definitely play KJ this way and it's hard to find many bluffs for him. I don't see people turning an Ass hand into a bluff too often at these stakes. In my opinion the most likely bluff would be J98 + fd, which definitely can be a turn call for many players at PLO50, but it's a pretty specific holding which therefore shouldn't appear too often.
So what do you guys think would be the worst hand for us to call here? Is there any difference between AQ/AT and a set here?

Thanks again for the review, Phil. Looking forward to the next part.

Oh, one last thing - it definitely is weird to hear Phil say "50 cents".


Feb. 3, 2016 | 2:48 p.m.

I don't like Your flop check at all. The pot is definitely big enough that You are happy to just take it down. More importantly, no hands besides K or 88 are betting very often, so You are giving villains a free chance to draw to a flush.
OTT if villain is a thinking player he should fold his flushes by the riv, but I wouldn't attempt these kinds of moves in plo25.

Jan. 30, 2016 | 12:45 p.m.

I think a big concern, besides BTN having a Q, is villain calling You down w/ something like 88-AA, maybe even lower and there are definitely tons of hands like this that he checks back the flop (especially underpairs to Q). That said, I don't expect a Q to c/ back flop very often and I like Your line, b/c You credibly rep a queen and You are at the bottom of Your range OTR.

Jan. 30, 2016 | 12:36 p.m.

Although his turn bet looks a lot like a full house, there shouldn't be many in his range. Double paired hand with a 22 in it seems like the most likely one.
I am very suspicious of his turn sizing, but I doubt I can find a fold given the odds.

Jan. 28, 2016 | 5:24 p.m.

My 2c

The 3bet is fine, but I would choose a double-suited hand for this.

I think flop can go either way, if villain is not fighting back then sure, You can cbet. If villain is sticky, it's a fine hand to c/ back with. This board doesn't hit us too well, we don't have any blockers and by checking we don't narrow down his range and we have over 40% vs his full range (assuming he opens about 25% from CO). Bad thing is we somewhat cap our range.

I think turn can still go either way. K improves a lot of his range, so I think he doesn't fold that often to one bet, which means we'd have to bet river also (if we don't improve) without repping Q+ high flush very well so I think I'm fine with the check.

OTR I think I like a call, b/c by checking twice villain rarely has K+ flush and I think he wouldn't bet so big with most of his worse flushes. KK is definitely a concern, but given that we have pretty heavily capped our range he should have a decent bluff spot.


Jan. 28, 2016 | 1:37 p.m.

I would just Pot flop, but that's not a big deal.

OTT, everything got there, so I would c/decide, making my decision based on villains bet size. If he pots, I'd fold, vs something like 1/2 pot bet we can peel.
Villains betting range OTT should be kind of polarized, but he doesn't have a ton of hands that need to bluff - dry overpairs and 9 without another pair and a flush blocker. I think most villains would c/ back straights and 2 pair (sets are not very likely, b/c there shouldn't be many in his range and they usually raise flop) and bet most flushes.
If he c/ back turn and river doesn't pair the board, I would probably c/fold if he bets.

Jan. 28, 2016 | 1:02 p.m.

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