LoveCafe's avatar


1 points

Comment | LoveCafe commented on Live/ NL200/ KK

he thought he had the nuts haha

July 30, 2014 | 10:54 p.m.

I tried all 3, but an Other works best for me. Now I just wait for UTG and after that hand I take a break stretch my feet/ use the restroom/ text & call who I have to, and strategize what best adjustments I can implement to raise my winrate. This has been working a lot better for me.

July 30, 2014 | 7:31 p.m.

Tom's post is spot on. Your only focus should be to make correct decisions. It sounds to me that after 3-6 hours you should try to take a break, what I find helps me is going to the gym for a couple hours and getting something to eat then coming back feeling refreshed and ready to play.


If you want to be a better poker player you have to get to know yourself, test yourself start noticing how long it takes until you begin to lose focus and try to push that more and more. When you do lose focus take a break! Long lunch, nap, or watch a movie and just relax for a few hours and come back fresh.

July 30, 2014 | 6:51 p.m.

Comment | LoveCafe commented on Live/ NL200/ KK

I ended up folding on flop.

V#1 checked the turn, V#2 bet $100, V#1 called.

V#1 checks the river, V#2 goes all in, V#1 folds.

V#2 proudly show 8s8h.


I'm still unsure if I made the correct move, but I think calling here knowing that V#1 slows down with all non Q where I can still get value from V#2. Leads me to think I did not.

GameTheory, I just began playing Live so it's still new to me. It amazes me how big you can raise and they will still call you. What do you think would be a good adjustment here go from 6x to 8x? When would you know that you've reached optimal raising size?


Thanks for the response guys. 


July 30, 2014 | 6:12 p.m.

Comment | LoveCafe commented on Live/ NL200/ KK

Oh I know, I adjusted and raised it x10 and sitll had 2-3 callers.

July 30, 2014 | 5:15 p.m.

Post | LoveCafe posted in NLHE: Live/ NL200/ KK

Live in Las Vegas, NV at the Mandalay Bay Casino.

I'm fairly new to the game, but the reads I had so far was v#1 = loose-passive (I saw her call a lot of hands pre-flop and check down post-flop. One hand she flopped the nuts bet normal on the flop and checked down trying to trap an OP), v#2 = maniac(a couple hands he bet 80% of his stack just to fold on the river and reload). Hero is male mid 20's has only played one hand where he folded on the flop.

PRE ($3.00)

UTG- Calls ($2)

UTG+1 (Hero $280) KcKd- Raises ($12)

MP (V#1 Covers)- Calls ($12)

Cutoff (reg)- Calls ($12)

Button (V#2 $250) Calls ($12)

SB- Calls ($12)

BB- Calls ($12)

UTG- Calls ($12)


FLOP ($84.00) QdQh4s

Checked to MP (V#1 Covers)- Bets ($50.00)


Button (V#2 $238)- Calls very quickly ($50.00)

Fold, Fold, Fold

Hero ?

My first thought is to fold because I feel V#1 is very passive and betting into this many ops is such a strong play. Any thoughts?


July 29, 2014 | 10:17 p.m.

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