9 points
Nice video! Thanks!
Dec. 9, 2022 | 11:57 p.m.
Hi, Lobo Goiano here, i have been playing with your student and all these guys at NL25 Zoom PS, but i am current only -2bb/100 on 160k hands. Watching and learning to improve! I was playing everyday, parris1978 is someone i tagged as a strong reg. There are lots of regs at those limits. I wonder if it is possible to raise my winrate, i am currently winning only because of the Rakeback of PS wich is very good.
Dec. 6, 2022 | 12:42 a.m.
I would like to join the group too. I was playing on Pokerstars/GGPoker, more on PS because of rakeback. I have 160k Hands around NL25, NL50 but my winrate is something like -2bb/100, i am only winning small amounts of cash because of rakeback. But i want to improve my winrate.
Dec. 5, 2022 | 5:19 a.m.
great video! I like how you explain the plays and everything, it is very good for learning
Dec. 5, 2022 | 5:14 a.m.
23:46 - i think the AJ is still a call, he can have worse Ax 3betting on his range, unless you assume he is only 3betting with AQ+ i think it is a call no matter the sizing, i believe still a call for a pot cbet, and on the turn decide what to do if he barrels again. Probably i would call on any blank turns with any size smaller than pot and on the river if he triple barrel on strong size and my hand does not improve probably a clear fold. But i think it is too early and too assumptive to fold that AJ on the flop for a 2/3 cbet.
Dec. 1, 2022 | 6:54 p.m.
My discord nickname:
i currently playing 25NL ZOOM at PS, 160k Hands, -3bb/100 and joined RIO because i want to know how i hell can someone win at ZOOM at PS. REGs battle all the time, i want to see if someone has a positive winrate (without rakeback) there. I signed for a essential plan again to continue improving my game too. Add me there on discord.
Nov. 20, 2022 | 2:26 p.m.
The audio is not working, for mobile, but on computer is fine
I am looking for those charts too, or some video here at run it once explaining the different pre flop sizes like 2x, 2.5x 3x, 3.5x and adjustments to be made against opponents with this sizings, also explorative sizings that could be used based on the strenght of your hand on big pools with simple HUD like GGPoker where no one can adjust the game to your size, like, could you open:
(3x with AK AA KK QQ etc or hands that would call a 3bet)?
(2x with 22, 56s KQo AJo etc or hands that would fold to a 3bet)?
Or something like that to maximize the win rate? Or this is not possible? I would like to see what can be done exploitative vs different players profiles too, anything about preflop sizes and adjustments would be nice to study. Thanks
Dec. 10, 2022 | 12:03 a.m.