0 points
Hello all,
Just making this post cause lately I've been playing in super fishy games on this website, but over the course of 7k hands I've lost about 15 buy ins . I know 7k hands is a pointless sample. But 15 buyins over just 7k hands just seems way too much and on top of that these games are ridiculously fishy.
An average table has maybe one semi okay player with stats like 25/15/3 and the rest are just 55/4's , 60/10s, 34/2's, and such.
I'm playing simple ABC poker , with semi balance to not just nit it up (mainly good check back range, occasional double barrel bluffs, rare triple barrel). My expectations were high in hopes of getting 10/15bb per 100 hands, but these past 7k hands are just crushing me . I would like to think its just normal variance , but doesn't seem like it. I have a bad feeling that this website is rigged in bad players favor or just rigged in general ( I've gotten two royal flushes within an hour of playing 2 tables and just an unusual amount of quads), but I'm just gonna ignore that for now .
It's like when I have a good hand , I get sucked out on, opponent folds, or bad cards come and I have to fold , or I just don't hit at all , and my c bet flop bluff and occasional turn cbet bluff lose huge amounts of money.
The root of these problems I think are that pots are multi way like 4/5 times and it's like impossible to isolate. There could be 4 limpers and im in the BB with AA and i make it 6x the bb and I get like 2-3 callers all the time with a cold calling range of like 40-50 percent.
Also if I nit it up and play fit or fold in these multi way pots , I get zero action (players already know I'm tight because the website provides its own hud) and i feel my redline just drops while blue line doesnt move. I wish I could play a balanced strategy using PIO , but the strategies for super wide ranges is hard to play compared to someone who cold calls 4-5 percent of hands and also PIO isn't used for multi way pots.
Any advice? There's not many videos to watch for these specific players, sites like stars has mainly okay regs and one 35/20 on a table. But this site is just literally all fish. And these fish pre flop ranges are obviously terrible , but post flop they aren't just passive calling stations, they apply pressure on scary boards and check back ranges .
tl ; dr I'm playing against players with stats like 50/6/2's and Im losing money. My redline is dropping terribly and blue line as well.
July 17, 2018 | 1:41 a.m.
Hello all,
I've been playing in these games with tons of fish on this small website, and looking for a way to maximally exploit them. The average stats of these players are 50/4/2 , 50/10/3, 40/8/1 and so on. Overall they limp a lot, only open with 13 percent of hands or less and only 3 bet with QQ plus . Pots are often multiway.
Preflop I've been playing a 20/16/4 , which i think is solid. My 3 bet percentage is so slow because I'm always the one opening and if they open I dont want to 3 bet marginal / bluffy hands against a super tight range.
Also What're some post flop exploit tips? Originally i thought c-betting and double barreling more would be a good strat, to put pressure on small pocket pairs and middlish cards . Especially since these players aren't calling stations, post flop they're close to nitty. However after looking at PIO , it does a lot more checking than i thought and don't really get why. Especially in CO vs BUTTON situations. For example, a board like A 10h 3h , should only be cbet 30 percent of the time. I know not to follow PIO exactly , but on a board like this i would be c betting close to 75 percent of the time and hope I'm not losing a lot of EV.
Should I be checking range in most board in a CO vs Button scenario? Most boards i've put in PIO in CO vs button have small c betting percentages. One thing I could think of that would add some EV is that they like to take stabs a lot when checked too and occasionally make crazy bluffs.
July 11, 2018 | 11:53 p.m.
Thanks, would you suggest even changing the sizes at just one table? 1/3 vs regs and 1/2 or more vs weaker players
April 16, 2018 | 11:28 a.m.
Also regarding rake, 5 percent capped at 3bb isn't too bad right?
April 16, 2018 | 8:47 a.m.
Hey guys,
I've been playing in some soft games with a bunch some fish and mostly bad regs. The regs are mostly Tagish, but occasionally make predictably silly bluffs . My question is should i be using a standard 1/3 or 1/2 c-bet strategy . I don't see them making huge post flop mistakes all the time so i think the 1/3 betting size will allow for defending errors.
Overall i think the skill level of the player pool is similar to 2/5 live or 10nl, and i don't see a lot of players using 1/3 c bet sizings in live games , so should i just stick to the 1/2 size and create bigger pots. The rake is 5 percent capped at 3bb btw
April 16, 2018 | 8:30 a.m.
Hey guys just have a question about this Pio solver sim results that have been bugging me. Its a CO vs BB hand ; board A 7 2 rainbow.
Action checks to pre flop raiser ( button ) and the pio sim results show that the raiser should be only c-betting half pot 40 percent of the time . However, based on learning path/live coaching vids I always believed that on this type of dry board the in position raiser should be betting close to all of his range or at the least 80 percent . Below are the COs and BB ranges i constructed. I constructed them on how I would call and how i perceive my opponents will call.
Also another thing, From what I've seen in the Pio analysis videos on RIO are that the ranges are pretty loose compared to what people actually raise/ call with. For example a bunch hands like K6o to 107s in CO's ranges , which i don't believe people are opening with in almost all games. So my question are my results accurate or are there flaws in my range construction.
Below are the pictures of the COs and BB ranges, as well as the betting sizes ( only 50 percent for flop)
April 8, 2018 | 2:23 p.m.
Hey guys , I've been playing in really fishy games recently and I'm wondering what should my open sizes be. Usually if I'm playing online 25nl and up , my open sizing is a standard 2.5x , however I think that by opening up to a standard 3x in these games itll be much more profitable. There's not too much 3 betting and the players are super sticky. I know it's not a huge difference, but the bigger the pot size the bigger the wins, sound right?
Thanks James , I'll check it out
July 12, 2018 | 12:02 a.m.