0 points
Hi Steve, I have some doubts about a a few hands:
22:00 Q9s-> Why the river value? Imo most times, the only worse hands that pay us are some pp's that didnt bet for protection OTT and some random A high.
By x/c we let him bluff his Asx, some Ksx and some Ax that floats OTF and sees a chance to stab the pot after a double check, aint villain going call range making it less +EV than just x/c vs his whole range? Ofc I didnt do the math(tried), I watched some theory videos but it seems to hard for me right now, just a grosso modo appreciation.
45:00->Wouldnt be better to x/c OTR since there're more missed FD's and A high bluffing combos than hands worse than ours with some showdown value? If we're committing ourselves to the pot anyways, I see more value on a x/c, even if both could be profitable(not really sure at this stakes tho, I dont see that many worse hands paying off our shove, but it could be nice for balancing purposes)
Excuse me for my fish point of view, just throwing random thoughts :D
Alright, thanks for answering so quickly. Nice video btw.
22:00-> I guess you're right about Asx and Ksx betting OTT, that kinda tears down my line : D
45:00>Didnt taking into account that we were blocking.
April 1, 2015 | 10:10 p.m.