2 points
Hey guys,
I recently converted from NLHE to PLO (though I still grind live NL for a side income). I'm not very good right now and have just started out playing 25PLO. I work hard on my game though, and I want to get better and learn. Who's interested in joining me in an email chain, or IM group, or conference call once a week? We can cover more ground this way and pass good knowledge of videos around, get each others' opinions, and so on.
I use the following apps/programs regularly:
- Email (jimmychen604@gmail.com)
- Skype (jy.chen2)
- WeChat (jc7028)
- WhatsApp (don't want to give out my phone # here, but I can share this privately)
Dec. 15, 2013 | 10:06 p.m.
Hey guys,
In NLHE, we have Pokerstove which allows us to visualize preflop hand ranges and calculate flop equities vs. certain ranges. We also have Flopzilla, which we can use to find out how hard a given preflop range hits a particular flop. It's also relatively easy to estimate opponent equities in a given spot by assigning them a range through combinations.
I feel like I'm blind in PLO because I'm unable to do these things. To the PLO veterans here, how do you answer the following questions?
- What does a top 20% or 30% or 40% preflop range look like
- Given that we know our opponent's approximate preflop range, how much equity does he have on a given flop
- Say the flop is QQT two tone, how often does a given preflop range hit trips/boat vs. a wrap vs. a FD vs. air
- How can we incorporate relevant blockers in our hand to the above calculations
Dec. 12, 2013 | 7:47 a.m.
Thanks guys. I'm a recent convert to PLO from NLHE so I needed to hear this.
I understand the need to have a c/f range in 3bet pots, but I'm having a hard time understanding having both a c/c and c/r range in these spots too.
Let's say I have a bet range of 2p+ and complete air (b/r and b/f, respectively) and a c/f range of air with some equity (eg. backdoor outs), what's left is a range of middling to strong draws. How do I have reasonable c/c and c/r ranges here?
Right now my game plan for 3bet pots is a bit more simplistic: I look at a flop and decide whether I'm committed or not (my commit range was over pairs and better in 3bet pots; I realize now that I should probably tighten this) and b/r or b/f based on my commit decision.
I agree that it makes sense to have a c/c range on some static boards now (eg. JJ8 two tone or 953) where I c/c overpairs, non nut draws, and maybe weak trips in the JJ8 example. I can't think of any spots where it makes sense to c/r though. I realize that this caps my checking range, but I'm not sure what to do about it.
Any guidance would be awesome here.
Dec. 11, 2013 | 9:23 p.m.
I second a lot of the comments here about having a second source of income aside from poker. It's really, really comforting to know that your bills will be paid each and every month, regardless of how you do in poker. Trust me on this; it's my situation right now and I feel very lucky.
Get a bartending license and work in a bar a couple nights a week. Do tutoring part time if you have a college degree. Heck, sign up to teach English in China, Japan, or Korea. Living costs in these countries are low (yes, even in Japan as long as you're not in Tokyo) and you have a TON of free time on the side. Trust me on this too, I've done it before for a year.
Dec. 11, 2013 | 7:19 a.m.
Thanks for the input, guys.
After thinking about it some more, I think I should 3bet in similar spots (shorthanded, blind vs. blind when I have position and a medium strength hand) since the SB is likely to be weak.
And I agree that folding the turn may be the best play since we have few outs to improve and low implied odds.
Dec. 11, 2013 | 7:03 a.m.
Just want to check in with you guys regarding the following three spots (on whether I'm stacking off too light):
100BB effective, Hero opens for 2.77BB in CO with KdJd8h3h, BTN calls.
Flop Th 7c 4h.
H bets 70% pot, V raises, H 3-bets, V shoves, H calls.
100BB effective, Villain opens for 3BB in MP, Hero 3bets to 10BB from SB with AdAc7c6s, V calls.
Flop Jh 7s 5s.
H bets 60% pot, V raises, H shoves, V calls.
90BB effective, open limper, Villain raises to 4.4BB from MP, Hero 3bets to 15.2BB from SB with KsKdThTd, V calls.
Flop 3h 4h 5d.
H bets pot, V shoves, H calls.
I think I stacked off too light with hand #1. With hands #2 and #3, however, should I ever have a bet/fold range in these 3bet pots with these hands?
Another question:
If I decide I'm committed to a particular flop but my hand is vulnerable to draws (say hands #2 and #3) should I just bet pot always?
Dec. 11, 2013 | 6:59 a.m.
CO: $19.11
BN: $20.05
SB: $44.63
CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $0.75, Hero calls $0.50
Dec. 10, 2013 | 12:49 a.m.
Any chance the hoodies will be available soon? They seriously look great!
Hats off to you ZenFish, that reply was immensely helpful.
Dec. 12, 2013 | 7:17 a.m.