6 points
I really liked your thoughts in the video with Nick, so seeing that you joined the RIO as a coach reallly made me happy and motivated me.
Since you encouraged us not to take everything someone say as hranted i have some questions
08:57 You say: ''(A blocker) steals like 5% of their combined rejamming range''
It is significantly less than that actually.
abeainy: 55+,ATs+,KJs+,AJo+ 9,04% -> 8,84%
mendieta: 55+,A9s+,KJs+,ATo+,KQo 11,16%-> 10,88%
bexundso: 44+,ATs+,KJs+,AJo+,KQo 11,31%-> 10,88%
This amounts to less than 1%
18:00 A8o
I almost feel like with QT on his part would be better to ship the river, your hand looks like exactly what it is with those sizings. How would you size your 2 pairs? I believe you have to bet them bigger to protect your bluffs?
29:30 KTs
Great arguments in this ''easy call'' spot. I think of his range similarly, but it is difficult to fold that in game.
Jan. 28, 2014 | 2:48 a.m.
What do your colours of the notes represent? I see some familiar faces, it wold be fun to know what you think of them.
Do you offer coaching? I really like your style of play and attitude. If you could link me to a page that would be great.
Feb. 3, 2014 | 12:58 p.m.