1 points
Hi Stephen,
Love your videos. The best tourney coach in the site IMO.
What do you think about limping in early position with the whole range that we play in a FT as the medium stack? (I know that you like limping the SB in this situation also)
It looks like a great idea for decreasing ICM confrontations, what do you think?
Thanks a lot!
Sept. 29, 2014 | 6:49 p.m.
Hello Ben,
What do you think about limping in early positions with the whole range that you play as the medium stack in a FT?
It looks like a great idea to reduce playing big pots and reducing ICM confrontations.
You probably know about a player called excentric which limps in all early positions and has a good winrate on those.
Thanks for the answer Ben!
Yes, the think is that by playing smaller pots we put less chips in the pot in average and this is important in a FT. I am talking with an average stack of 40bb or so.
By limping we don't let the oponents that CC with position (BTN, CO, MP) put presure on us by betting often with position and apply pressure to us since we will play with much bigger SPR (stack per pot ratio). (We are going to have to check-fold the flop often in this situation, which will occur often).
You have to take in count that when our stack gets down from 20-25bb (when he would bet turn/river) our BF is huge and we would have to fold very often.
Question 2: Besides of that, do you think the EV of limping in EP-MP has similar EV to Open Raising in a normal tournament or cash scenario? (without ICM considerations)
Sept. 30, 2014 | 5:58 a.m.