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In the k9o spot you started off the hand with 39bb...would you not consider a non-all in 4bet to 10-11bb especially considering he is oop so its far less profitable for him to call?
April 8, 2014 | 3:48 a.m.
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at 26minutes in the 6 max you get JJ in the big blind vs tight utg+1 opener with 50 bb effective and you elect to 3bet with the intention of getting it in. Two questions: One does anything change if he shoves vs making a small 4bet say to 13bb? Second do you think that getting it is really a good idea? I imagine his 4betshove or 4bet call range is JJ+ and AKo with 50bb effective especially considering he is a tight player. If you are in his position playing against yourself what is your play? Okay it ended up being 3 questions...
May 22, 2014 | 5:11 p.m.