8 points
Agree with Artur...
Nice series, Sergey. I enjoy your analysis :)
Aug. 24, 2017 | 5:12 p.m.
3 bet fold?
Aug. 22, 2017 | 6:48 p.m.
Sorry, it was roughly
1st $3100
2nd $2200
3rd $1600
4th $1100
5th $800
Aug. 22, 2017 | 6:47 p.m.
Hey Nick,
Thanks for the video... good thought process and I like your explanations. And yes! Thank you for doing a US site... would love to see you play on ACR as well....
At around 30 min you say that if we were in villains shoes in this hand it would be a good spot for a C/R with 2nd nut fd draw and middle pair but then you go on to say that the stacks might be a little too deep. Villain is playing just about 100bb effective, if we don't buy in short, how would stacks be shallower if we were in villain's shoes. Sorry if I'm missing something...
Aug. 14, 2017 | 5:29 p.m.
5 Handed we are 2nd in chips
UTG 40 BBs
Hero UTG+1 30 BBs
Btn 25.5 BBs
SB 11.75 BBs
BB 18ish BBs
UTG opens just under 2.5 BBs
We have AKo...
SB is terrible, UTG is bad
Aug. 9, 2017 | 7:07 a.m.
Aug. 5, 2017 | 9:19 p.m.
Hey man,
You're my favorite MTT coach on ROI and out of everything I've learned from you, the last 4 minutes about variance and running like shit and your struggles in your first 1100 tournaments was the most helpful and most valuable part of a video I've watched in a long time. I can relate! I needed to hear it... Thanks for all the content you put out, brotha...
Aug. 4, 2017 | 9:34 p.m.
For those of us without an IMAX screen how are we supposed to watch this?
May 30, 2017 | 8:08 a.m.
This was a great series, Chris... Really appreciated your clear thought process and depth of knowledge.
Thank you!
Sept. 5, 2016 | 3:06 p.m.
ok, thanks!
Aug. 20, 2016 | 3:26 p.m.
Hey Steve,
Nice vid man and good job explaining your thought processes in game...
Quick question: at 21:30 you open AQs in the CO and get flatted by the SB with a 33bb stack and squeezed (to 9 bbs) by the BB with a 25bb stack- why didn't you just shove when it came back to you?
I'm really lost at around 22 min as to his thought process when he shoves the river double blocking the nut straight. Besides the thought process "He (you/Nuno) can't have the nuts because i block it" what does he think you fold when he shoves that he doesn't beat when he calls? I can't see you CRing K9/K10/910/89 given how you played the turn...
I like your thought process on the turn but I don't like his river decision. You said it was a fine play by him... could you elaborate why you do?
Aug. 26, 2017 | 7:28 a.m.