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0 points

I don't see the straight possibility, maybe it was a misclick in the original due to hand histories not being available.

Feb. 19, 2015 | 8:33 p.m.

I don't personally love this spot as a triple. You are blocking the hands you want him to have and I think your range looks an awful lot like TJ or something around there after you flat flop. What are you realistically repping here, 55, QT, Q8 suited maybe 88 but I often see that as a 3 bet pre against a reg with villains stats?

Feb. 19, 2015 | 6:20 p.m.

One of the weakest spots in my game that I have recently come to realize is not seeing my hand as a perceived range vs. well I guess just seeing my actual hand. How important is it to have set hand ranges and set strategic ranges i.e. xc, xr ranges? Does anyone have any suggestions as the best way to begin to construct and see hands in this way? Of course I have a "pre-flop strategy" and then base my next action based on board texture, number of players, stack depth etc, but have really been trying to think of my hands more as a perceived range. I feel that I am either falling short or fundamentally not quite grasping this theory. Any help would be appreciated.

Feb. 18, 2015 | 8:52 p.m.

Comment | KillaKam commented on 25 nl Zone hand

I flatted. River blanked out (I believe it was a 2d, no draws appeared improved). Villain shoves, hero folds and villain show KsQs.

The reason I don't check back flop here is because I think most of the time I have the best hand, but it is extremely vulnerable to a lot of non-spade turns (spades would allow me to pick up equity). I guess pot controlling isn't the worst play and I probably should have considered it. These spots are areas I've been struggling in lately where on this site in particular there is so much flatting 3 bets by fish out of position who then xr or just donk pot or close to it. rethinking I think my flop and turn play may have been too results oriented.

Feb. 18, 2015 | 3:32 p.m.

Post | KillaKam posted in NLHE: 25 nl Zone hand

Obviously no stats here playing Zone on Bovada. No hand history to copy so bear with me. Starting stack depth in parenthesis.

UTG+2 ($40.85) XX open $.50
BTN (hero) ($30.65) AsTd 3b to $1.55

Folds around, UTG+2 flats

Flop: 7sTs6c

Check, hero bets $2.80, villain flats

T: 3s

Check, hero bets $7, villain mins to $14...

Thoughts on what to do here and what kind of range villain has. Is this a spot where I am getting him off of any of his range or should this be an auto check and try and realize equity. Reminder no stats and no ability to time bank on Zone (15 second decisions)...


Feb. 17, 2015 | 11:23 p.m.

Post | KillaKam posted in Chatter: Game selection vs. Variance

"I couldn't beat 25 nl over the course of a good sample size, but I beefed up my bankroll and have been crushing 100 nl" a statement like this or something similar is something I have heard in the past from other players and recently from a friend who I have known to be a winning live player over the course of the last several years. Is there anything to this or is this just a case of short term variance? Is there a fundamental difference in strategy and theory as to why a "winning players" strategy could be effective at a game like 100 nl and not transfer to 25 nl? Shouldn't over a large sample size the 25 nl game be "softer" and lead to higher profitability in relation to bb?

Feb. 13, 2015 | 6:28 p.m.

Comment | KillaKam commented on overplayed TPGK?

It's tough without any information/stats on the villian. You are getting 2:1 on turn call. You have to assume the 5 doesn't really help his range unless he's opening on the button with a hand like 9d5d or peeling one street with 55 which although is possible it is just such a small part of his range to snap fold. So whats his range for a raise here, flopped straight draws that become flush draws as well QcJc Jc8c KcQc etc. 88+ AQ or AK clubbed, AcTc, combos with suited 9. You are blocking many of those combos with your K and clubbed T. I think getting 2:1 here you call as there are too many draw heavy hands he could be doing this with that you have blockers for. What did he end up with? AcTc?

Jan. 15, 2015 | 9 p.m.

Comment | KillaKam commented on 10nl 200bb pot

I think not C-Betting here is missing value. So much equity with nut draw and another 3 potential outs to the A. You are getting called by all Q combos i.e. KQ, QJ, QT, Q9, Q8, gutter combos, and other straight draw combos. Where many of these card fold turn if another spade hits, you are guaranteeing yourself some value over at least one street. Most likely a worse spade draw is calling as well and we'd love to gain a street of value on them. You may also get a hand like A5, A6 to fold which is beating hero on flop and would dominate if an A pops on turn.

Jan. 15, 2015 | 8:34 p.m.

Post | KillaKam posted in Chatter: Newbie

Hey guys, just signed up for the Essential package this afternoon. I was a break even player prior to Black Friday with many hands in on Full Tilt (micro to small stakes) and wild monthly graphs. My play style dictated large fluctuations in my bottom line without any consistency as most of my game was based on feel and aggression (often at the wrong times). I have recently started playing on Bovada again and have noticed that the game has evolved to a point where I need to re-learn the game or stick to live action fit or fold poker to make any money at all. Anyways, this site seems like such a great tool and was wondering what everyone has to say about the best way to utilize it as well as the best videos in the Essential package to develop a solid foundation in GTO, balancing, and ranging opponents/equity gauging as well as application of these concepts. I look forward to any direction as to where to start or a sticky thread where this has I'm sure been discussed countless times.

Jan. 14, 2015 | 8:03 p.m.

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