Keegan Westover
30 points
Let's say: HJ opens QTcs 30eff B flats. Flop AsKs2d. HJ bets around 75% on flop, B calls. Turn : Th
The solver has QT betting large on turn. Also hands like T8cc,T7cc. Is it because the T alone is not ahead enough once the large c bet is called? Are they better identified as straight blockers at this point? What am I missing? Is this a spot where it looks like we have SDV but we really don't?
If HJ had cbet small on flop, does that give the T enough SDV to start checking?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
June 24, 2021 | 4:37 p.m.
Let's say: HJ opens QTcs 30eff B flats. Flop AsKs2d. HJ bets around 75% on flop, B calls. Turn : Th
The solver has QT betting large on turn. Also hands like T8cc,T7cc. Is it because the T alone is not ahead enough once the large c bet is called? Are they better identified as straight blockers at this point? What am I missing? Is this a spot where it looks like we have SDV but we really don't?
If HJ had cbet small on flop, does that give the T enough SDV to start checking?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
June 24, 2021 | 4:35 p.m.
Sam, thank you for your content.
At min 35, CO opens KJo and you were mentioning A2o on B could 3 bet.
How does the effective debth of us in the BB vs B effect our 4bet bluffs? How do you construct that range 80eff vs 20-30? At 80eff just how ambitious do we get to be?
Dec. 4, 2020 | 8:46 p.m.
Hello Seth. Thank you for your videos!
At min 28: CO vs BB A9o
How much of a role does your kicker not blocking KJ effect your turn check back?
Follow up: If we do not have the heart, at this depth, are we more incentivized to continue, or do we need to start using pot control? Are we allowing him too much realization when we do not have a heart?
Nov. 28, 2020 | 7:40 p.m.
Dear Daniel, I have watched this video three times shooting for a deeper understanding. While applying this strategy from UTG-HJ vs BB I have found a reoccurring problem. After polarizing flop then checking turn, I find myself in a river spot where BB has nut adv also I have now polarized then checked, which I believe is a pattern weighted towards general weakness whether it be give ups or something desperate for showdown. And so BB blasts river, and I am not sure how wide I should be calling.
Follow up: Is this approach ill advised for flops where spr is low enough for BB to check jam? It seems reasonable for BB's c/shove to become quite profitable when spr is lower and facing 80-100%pot c bet size.
Thank you for all your work!
Oct. 14, 2020 | 7:47 p.m.
Jason, thank you for your content.
At minute 29 w/ K7o on river, I don't understand why we aren't realizing and just showing down. My logic is, we already got 2 streets, and his weaker Kx mostly has us beat as well. Can his 77,99,A6hh,A8hh really call a 3rd barrell? What are we targeting that can call a third street? And as for the sizing, aren't we polar with a triple barrel, so with spr being almost 1 on river, theoretically shouldn't we be check or shove? I don't understand what the non all in bet size accomplishes. Are we really bet folding river?
Follow up, Does the value of equity realization and showing down go way up when you are much deeper into the tournament? I find myself passing on river thin value bets occasionally when I am deep because of fear of getting blown off, and also how huge it is for my stack to just win the pot right there.
Sept. 18, 2020 | 9:10 p.m.
Seth, thank you for your content.
I'm super green with 4 bet navigation so very curious about this spot. At minute 12 w/ATo from bb, when you said you were going with AJ, can you elaborate on your strategy with your vpips there? Does that mean your just ripping? If not, what is your preferred non all in 4 bet size, and are you 4 bet/folding? Lastly, what other hands might you do this with and why?
Sept. 12, 2020 | 8:06 p.m.
Game changing video! Please make LP vs BB or any others like this one! Thank you Daniel!
Sept. 3, 2020 | 8:27 p.m.
Dear Sam, Thank you for your content.
At minute 23 w/ AKhh, can you elaborate on your strategy with pairs in that spot? Are you still 3 betting non all in with the ones that play poorly post, or are those a jam? What is the threshold for low pairs between fold and jam, and again on the high end between 3bet non all in and jam? Thank you.
Sept. 2, 2020 | 5:41 p.m.
Dylan, thank you for the valuable content. This is one of my repeat watches.
At 35:45 you touched on this being a low freq c bet, therefor it should be a larger size. I understand that concept, but can you explain why we want to size up into a board that looks dramatically in favor of the bb's defending range? Would we not want to have strong check backs on this flop? Aren't we getting c/r'd often enough? Or does the large c bet size incentivise more calls and less raises from combos we have decent equity against?
Aug. 7, 2020 | 7:22 p.m.
Alex, thank you for your content. I really enjoy your style of explanation. Could you explain why at 9:46 watnlos could not raise/call from LJ with the AKo 19bbb?
June 10, 2020 | 7:59 p.m.
Makes sense. Thank you
March 29, 2020 | 7:43 p.m.
Lucas, thank you for your content. At 18:30, how much does you being 70ish bbb and the overwhelming chip leader play a role in that call? If you were 20-30-40bbb, or not the chip leader, would it still have been a call?
March 27, 2020 | 11:17 p.m.
Golden rant at min 19-22! So cool how you sneak in those quick talks about the other side of the game like keeping a healthy mind, trusting yourself, ect. in between spots. This rant in particular is refreshing to me because I am engulfing myself in training videos trying to get as good as i can and wrapping my brain around the GTO side. And sometimes I forget about the otherside of which you mentioned, where its ok to walk that thin line and take a leap here and there just to recognize the mistake, or it works out and its a nice confidence boost. But just to trust yourself in general and not to be too hard on yourself when wrong. Great stuff! Awesome video Jason.
Nov. 18, 2019 | 7:12 a.m.
Great Video! The 4 points for recalling ranges is a game changer!
May 2, 2019 | 11:11 p.m.
Grayson, thank you for the video. Awesome content! Quick question about the last hand. Why would you say it is good for us to have the As on turn? Am i incorrect to say that his range does consist of 2 pairs and sets that threaten AA on that board, so we don't want to be eliminating Ax of spades that floated flop? Because that is some of the combos we are still ahead of and could possibly get creative against us on turn, which of course is good for us?
March 8, 2019 | 1:49 a.m.
Sam, Thank you for the video.
Question about the 89cc hand at minute 20.
Do we want to be sizing up the flop check/raise for a turn jam? Because i see that we have this awkward 1.7ish spr on turn so how do we choose our sizing on turns that we continue barreling? And also, What turns do we continue barreling on? Is it just any club, or are we barreling on 8 and 9 as well? Final question. If we obviously barrel on turns that are still bluffs then why are we not barreling on a turn 10?
Feb. 12, 2019 | 9:34 p.m.
Dekkers, thank you for your content. Videos like this are really bringing my game to the next level. I have a question about the 10's hand at minute 28. Was there a specific reason why you only 4 bet 2.4x? I don't understand why we would not want to give him the same fold equity we would give to just a standard 4 - 4.5x 3 bet from oop. It seems like hands he will 3 bet with there will have decent equity against 10's so not that I'm saying we are 4 bet bluffing but we would for sure benefit from a fold, right?
Dec. 7, 2018 | 12:22 a.m.
Owen, your content is awesome! I am relatively new to this site. Very much enjoying your videos. On the J10ss hand mid video, are you shutting down on A,K,Q non spade rivers, or do you have a certain frequency of bluffs? And what would you consider are the worst river cards for this scenario and how would you play them? I find myself bluffing missed flush draws far too often so i was hoping you could give me an idea of what river cards you would not want to bluff for this scenario. Thank you!
Last hand, Wow. We've got one guy hunting for value with his hand improving on every street, rivers a massive hand and finds a fold. While the other guy runs a bluff on turn, rivers what one would think to be significant show down value, then finds the conclusion of it not being enough so turns it back into a bluff!
Kevin, please make more of these! I'm getting crazy value from your explanations.
Thank you!
Jan. 8, 2021 | 5:37 p.m.