7 points
What were the stack Sizes to start the hand? I'm not a pro... but even with the odds that we're getting i feel like a suited 3 gapper is pushing it. I'd fold 95s but probably call with 96s just too hard to play this hand from the SB.
F - I'd Check Raise if the BB bet and everyone folds. If it goes Bet Call Call I'm probably just calling,
T - if I'm ever considering calling a river I'd check raise the turn seeing as you still have a lot of equity (when our flush cards are live)
R. I'd fold every time,
Sept. 16, 2016 | 11:44 p.m.
Anguilla (caribbean)
April 26, 2016 | 11:31 a.m.
Definitely interested in a study group kevank301 on skype
April 9, 2016 | 7:15 p.m.
Easy fold... Original raiser is UTG so stands to reason the Button's 4bet shove has to be pretty strong. I'd say his range, unless you have a read, consist of QQ+ and AKs
April 9, 2016 | 6:55 p.m.
With 100BB pre don't see a reason to fold Pre. Important to have small pocket pairs in your UTG 2Bet range. Flop!
Agree with the general consensus that you should be checking this flop. The check allows you to balance your range when you flop a set and decide to check back to trap. (Mind you you aren't checking to check raise) you're either check folding or check-calling (based on player tendencies).
As for the turn action, I'd probably bet on the smaller side. Lots of players will float the flop but can't call another 2/3 pot bet on the turn so in most situations I think a smaller bet is more +EV.
As for the Shove I think it's fine. He easily could've been making a move with air on a board that shouldn't connect well with your UTG raise. If he misses on the river he's likely to fold. However when you shove I think a number of worse hands both draws and over cards still find a fishy call.
I flagged the comment by accident.
Dec. 9, 2016 | 3:42 a.m.