0 points
SB: $5.08
BB: $4.77
CO: $5.16
Rake is $0.07
June 24, 2020 | 3:05 p.m.
Although I just play 6-max, where players stack off more liberally, I think you have a clear 4-bet all in shove. Consider the alternatives:
KK is much to strong to fold. So folding is not an option.
Calling, in my opinion, is not a good option. If you call, MP+1 will probably also call. So you were up against three opponents. Additionally, postflop MP+1 and MP+2 would have position on you. That is not a nice spot to be in with KK. If you do not flop trips or better, you have to play the guessing game postflop.
Since there is already so much money in the middle and the stack to pot ratio is already very low (round about 5$ in the middle before your action and round about 15$ effective behind), a small 4-bet does not make much sense in my opinion.
So the best option should be a 4-bet all in shove. Your categorization of the other players favours this play even more. MP+2 has an 8% 3-bet stat. So probably he is capable of making some 3-bet bluffs. As a squeeze play, his 3-bet percentage might even be higher than 8%. So your KK should do pretty fine against his 3-betting range. If he has AA, that is bad luck. But most probably, he will not have AA and fold in most cases or call with a hand that you dominate. Additionally, as you said, BB seems to be a recreational player. When you shove, it seems not too far fetched that he will find a ridiculous call with, let us say, 88, 77, ATo or K9s. (MP+1 as a recreational player could also find an “aggressive call” with a very questionable hand.) So, with that much money already in the middle, and your info on the other players, 4-bet shove all in should be by far the highest EV play that will make you the most money in the long run.
June 17, 2020 | 4:36 p.m.
I play regularly on PartyPoker. Especially in the morning on working days (Central European Time) the games are tougher. Although PartyPoker hides the nationalities of the players, it seems to me that many guys from Eastern Europe are grinding it out for a living the whole day long. So in the morning, the tables are packed with regulars. However, from late afternoon on (when companies close and the fish come home), games are becoming easier.
The best times to find as many fish as possible, in my opinion, are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening, where a bulk of recreational players hit the tables.
Another strategy to find some really fishy players could be to look out for drunk people. Check out where most of the players from the pool on your site are coming from. When party time in these areas is over (early Saturday and Sunday morning), some guys will continue their party at the online poker tables. You will find some of the most ridiculous plays then.
Thanks for the GTO anylisis
June 25, 2020 | 6:23 p.m.