24 points
Hey guys,
ive now played around 150K hands since i started at PLO10 and i already busted 2 times now.
I am around 38 bi below EV. Ofc Ive read that -40 buy ins or more below EV is pretty standard but im still wondering how to overcome this. How can it be profitable with the rake at the micros when you run below ev?
I study pretty much alot and i feel that i have a somehow solid fundamental for the micros but i just cant get through it. i switched to a pretty tight 21/15 style and still my value hands rarely hold because i get called all the time. When i moved down to PLO5 it was even worse.
Would it be better to start at PLO25 or even 50 maybe?
best regards.
March 23, 2014 | 5:15 p.m.
I dont play as high as you do and i am not dealing with such amounts of money.
But first you have to realize that online games are alot tougher than live games. In my town 2/4 is softer than 0.25/0.50 online. I guess you should only concentrate on one game and try to improve as much as you can. IMO its not a good idea to play PLO and NLHE at the same time while youre losing online. I suggest to subscribe on this site, pick a game that you like at a comfortable limit and try to work on your game. The videos you will find here will help you with your game the most. I would stick to them as books are nowdays a bit out of date. You will get way more value out of vids for sure.
Also you should probably stop thinking about getting bad beats and getting sucked out, as it might be also a result of your non existing experience in online poker.
As i said, im far away from making big money with poker so thats only my opinion.
Jan. 30, 2014 | 10:02 p.m.
what BR would you suggest to start this? around 30-40K?
Jan. 30, 2014 | 6:53 p.m.
i have both, day and night settings pretty low (at around 20-25%)
Jan. 30, 2014 | 5:11 p.m.
is it attainable to reach SNE with 6-8 tabling zoom PLO100? has someone done something like that?
Jan. 30, 2014 | 4:38 p.m.
I just found this awesome program, maybe some of you already know and use it, but it just blew my mid when i found out how badly i was destroying my eyes during the last years.
Jan. 29, 2014 | 4:19 a.m.
really enjoyed the video, especially going thru it without using a HUD. However, i would be really thrilled about seeing a vid in which you explain how to use a HUD correctly, focusing on the important stats. For myself using a HUD, i really only know how to use VPIP PFR and 3B correctly. Sometimes asking myself why i display the other stats i never use. :)
Jan. 29, 2014 | 1:43 a.m.
PM sent :)
Jan. 27, 2014 | 11:43 p.m.
What do you think about starting out with zoom rather than reg tables? I was kind of used to play 12-14 SNG tables at once, so I struggle a bit playing only 2 tables as im getting kind of bored and too loose-ish. I think that a nittier strategy is nessecary in the micros as most of my blocker-plays and bluffs are rarely working.
Jan. 27, 2014 | 7:30 p.m.
Jan. 27, 2014 | 7:26 p.m.
Youre definitely right about prefering something you enjoy over the other. Thanks for your thoughts and help.
Jan. 25, 2014 | 2:14 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2014 | 2:13 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2014 | 2:12 p.m.
Hello everybody,
my name is Marcel and i am a student from Berlin, Germany.
After checking by this site almost daily now, i finally decided to register. From what i have seen so far, i have to say that RIO is by far the most friendly and useful coaching site out there!
I recently finished my BA, so i will have around 6 month of free time now until my master program starts. I was playing poker in the last 4 years, but more likely as a hobby, with small winnings live and online.
So because of my spare time and my strong interest in the game, i really want to put some concentrated effort into it in the next month. The game i want to pick is PLO, i played everything from SNGs, MTT NLHE cash but i have the most fun playing PLO.
My goal is to become a winning player at PLO100 or above. I know this will be hard work, but im a dedicated and disciplined person.
I also have some questions and concernes that some of you might know better than me.
Is it still worth putting effort in PLO nowadays or will PLO become something similar like NLHE CG with dry action and few fish? Of course noone can see into the future. :)
Also i know that its possible to beat PLO 5 and 10 after rake, i read jonnas thread about the 100$ challenge which really inspired me, but would it be better to grind my roll with SNGs until i am rolled for PLO25 or 50? I really hate SNGs as i find them boring, but grinding a roll from it would be def. doable for me.
Or should i straight start with PLO? I have a BR of 200$ to use at this point.
My PLO background so far: i played around 10K hands, watched solid state PLO, 2x6, PLO(galfond whitelime) and read PLO fromscratch. So im not a complete fish.
Thank you,
Best regards!
Jan. 30, 2014 | 10:32 p.m.