KaiPhone's avatar


14 points

Do I use a rng when I have a non value hand? However I guess balanced play is far from important and ideal under 100nl

July 9, 2015 | 10:32 a.m.

And hem only shows last 1k hands in the replayer hud, but it was the only way how I can provide my stats in a hud and not in a table or something. And yeah cb means cbet while FvsCB means fold to cb

July 9, 2015 | 10:30 a.m.

What I did is I decreased vpip and pfr.i used to be a looser (23/20/9) but I think this was too wide. Also I'm pretty sure my leaks are not really Preflop for I have good winnings for most situations. Also I am defending my Bb pretty wide. I call most of my Ax and 3bet like 11%.

July 9, 2015 | 10:29 a.m.

ok and how do i know?

July 4, 2015 | 2:08 p.m.

plus i would appreciate to get in touch with some other 25 and 50NL players! add me in skype: kailein0105

July 3, 2015 | 7:35 p.m.


I've been playing some 25NL to 100NL the previous 8 weeks. My net winnings over 30k hands are +500$ which is nice. however my EV is -156 which pisses me of a lot. I was playing 2100 minutes and i feel i have been running really good for maybe 200 of them. The rest was really hard to get chips from my opponents. I still managed to do so, but i often sucked out on them as you can guess from my ev. On the other side i often had scenarios like full over full, quads over full, flush vs set, flush vs straight. I made a lot of hero folds and with excpetion of a few stupid calls i think i was playing very solid.

Can I check my db to look up wether I run good or not (I dont mean all in ev! because your all in EV is bad too, if you run against top range of your opponents all the time!) can you tell me something about me by looking at my graph? I play pretty aggro, and my WTSD was to high and my WSD too low for the first few k hands, however i manages to fix this and now my stats are pretty solid.

When I would see these stats on an opponent i would rate him a good player (for example no folding too much to 3bets, cbets etc)
This is my graph (only NL25!)

thanks for any help

tell my if I should provide graphs of 50 NL too, 100nl is only 200hands or so


July 3, 2015 | 7:22 p.m.

I would 3bet or fold pre vs mp raiser

June 23, 2015 | 10:03 a.m.

ok and what is the best way to learn this? Constricting Preflop ranges and then run random boards with flop zillas to know how they do on them? Problem is i guess on NL50 and similar there's no sense in Playing balanced people just dont play balanced themselves

June 19, 2015 | 2:05 p.m.

yes mental game is i guess the most important component of anyone's game. I think you can win by just staying cool and playing (almost) Abc poker. You play 50NL?

June 19, 2015 | 2:04 p.m.

Post | KaiPhone posted in NLHE: Best way to find leaks

Hello fellows!

What is your approach to find Our leaks in your game? How do you go through your db and what filters do you use? Do you also try to get ideal stats? Do you have a fixed Preflop strategy (so which hands to open, cc, 3b,4b etc from any position)? I have kind of a Std range with which I Start I adjust a lot and 3bet a lot EG vs people who fold a lot to 3b and/or fold a lot to cbets and cbets in 3b pots. This leads to my 3b stat to be 9.x% over a great sample. (and 4br still 4%). I appreciate your advice!

June 18, 2015 | 11:49 p.m.

Yeah sometimes I barreled of my stack because my range was so much stronger than villains. I often even knew the exact holding or strength of their hand but I learned not to try to push opponents from their hands and instead bet exploitively when I now I beat their holding (common scenario is in 3b pot when I have no showdown value but a strong range and villain has tt or jj on 9 high board or something) so with qq-aa I bet and with ak and 78s etc I just give up. 80% of the time or more I was right and villain would not have folded because they had top pair hands or op and the other 20% I could have bet and win but nevermind

June 18, 2015 | 11:40 p.m.

Are you winning at 50nl (or any other stake)? Yeah sure you are right if you zoom into this graph you can also see swings but this graph still looks insanely clean

June 18, 2015 | 11:35 p.m.

thanks a lot! What i would need is pretty much some winning player who can tell me if my play and my understanding of poker is good or not. I run well over ev. My EVbb is only 0.8 or something while my winrate is 11,4 (yes no sample i know). i also got a lot of suck outs like two pair otr etc which didnt affect my EV but still not sure. I'd really like to have some stability in my graph. SOmething like this:

How is this possible? I mean the variance in this graph is minimum!
bc it's hard to read: winnings at the top right are about 3.5k, hands about 120k.

June 18, 2015 | 8:48 p.m.

I was calling the flop because I thought it would be pretty unprobable that btn will also call because I assumed that he would call almost his whole cc range after I called pre. When he also called the flop I would have folded to another bet ott. If he wouldn't bet qt/qj/qk ott he wouldn't bet fds as well I think because he then assumes that he might not have the best hand even with qx! This means his fe is almost 0

June 18, 2015 | 9:54 a.m.

Hm ok. But why would he check a Q ott? I mean it seems like he has the best hand almost 100% of the time?

June 18, 2015 | 9:52 a.m.

Yeah sample is small you are right but I had a bigger db of hands in 10 and 25 five which looked kind of the same.i think I will try to idealize my stats so I can't be easily exploited. Thank you guys

June 18, 2015 | 9:33 a.m.

btw his holding was 5c6c. villain was a reg and SB a fish

June 17, 2015 | 11:15 p.m.

Hello! I am playing a very aggressive playstyle and it works perfect! the downside is i guess it won't work forever because some of my stats get pretty mad now (WSD is at 44, W$WSF 48, 3bet 9.x) and i start to notice that regs start to call me off lighter. Should I now change my strategy and strongen all my ranges? because i fear i won't be able to bluff anymore in like 10k further hands :D right now im pretty much exploiting the villains, because still at NL50 they love to fold (pre and post, see a lot of people with high 3b%age who fold like 60-70%ish to 4bets which makes it profitable to 4bet bluff any two cards). Also a lot of people who fold to cbets (at least one street) 55%+. But I noticed that all the regs who showed me their graphs have blue line up, redline down and green line slightly but constantly up. My graph looks more like this:

so it's pretty much the other way round (and ALL my graphs looked like this, NL10 and NL25 too, but players rarely adjust there).

obv not running too bad lol


June 17, 2015 | 11:12 p.m.

ok thanks. thinking about it again im getting pot odds of ~25% so i think i have to call anyway.

June 17, 2015 | 11:05 p.m.

and vilölain has just called a 3bet from SB who was a fish. his range should be a lot wider

June 15, 2015 | 12:17 p.m.

villain was a reg with decent AF (3,0). The thing is, he would never check behind a Q OTT because there is no reason to think that Qx isn't the best hand there. I think his range OTR is all the busted FDs he has and also (99) TT and JJ (depending on how thin he wants to VB) I can have all the pockets too and he can get value from the worse. I would be very surprised if villain turned around Qx or 7x.

June 15, 2015 | 12:15 p.m.

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $144.27
SB: $45.41
BB: $100.63
UTG: $47.61
MP: $21.90
CO: $123.14 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is CO with J J
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, BN calls $1.50, SB raises to $6.50, BB folds, Hero calls $5.00, BN calls $5.00
Flop ($20.00) Q 2 7
SB bets $10.00, Hero calls $10.00, BN calls $10.00
Turn ($50.00) Q 2 7 7
SB checks, Hero checks, BN checks
River ($50.00) Q 2 7 7 Q
SB checks, Hero checks, BN bets $26.25, SB folds, Hero

June 12, 2015 | 1:36 p.m.

i checked and river came 2d. He bet around 40% pot and i called. He had trips

May 17, 2015 | 5 p.m.

ok thanks. I thought he would shove over my 3bet with A high Fds (or maybe K high) and just call his 8x, but when the flush arrived i was not sure wether he could have played hsi FD passively given he seemed to be no reg. also i Over estimated my Eq vs 8x which is only around 35%. thought i would be flipping vs his range

May 17, 2015 | 3:55 p.m.

Post | KaiPhone posted in NLHE: Turned flush after flop 3b

at Todays Session the following hand occured:

(Unfortunately something was wrong with the HH, dont know what)
What should we do here? BBs range should now be something around:
no stats about villain so i assumed his range wider. From a reg i would expect his range to be more 8x weighted, because he should have pushed/folded with flushes imo.

DO we want to bet here? I think after the 3bet OTF we are at the bottom of our range pretty much, so im not sure if i should bet here, because maybe we won't get a lot of value from worse hands.

Another question: what do we do if we get shoved on OTF? do we fold? because vs Asxs, Ksxs, Qsxs we look pretty bad


May 17, 2015 | 3:23 p.m.

Comment | KaiPhone commented on Redline winner?

hahaha ok thanks :) i hope you wont exploit me in the future :D

this is what a session looks like eg. (obv running good today :D)

May 14, 2015 | 10:56 p.m.

Post | KaiPhone posted in NLHE: Redline winner?

hey, im playing online poker for quite a while now, and some time ago i chanhed my postflop strategy to play really aggressive because i noticed that almost everyone is folding way too much im also winning since then, but my blueline got pretty bad (kind of breakeven), which is pretty exploitable ( WSD only 46 or something, WWSF 52 over several 10k hands) is this a problem? or should i continue if it works?

May 14, 2015 | 10:38 p.m.

Comment | KaiPhone commented on Ante-Up Strategy


May 13, 2015 | 2:40 p.m.

Post | KaiPhone posted in MTT: Ante-Up Strategy


I played a lot of MTTs but never played an ante-up MTT. So i want to know what i have to pay attention for. I think i should open limp nearly 100% (especially in later phases). What more should i consider?

May 13, 2015 | 10:50 a.m.

Comment | KaiPhone commented on TPSK call river?

Fish never thinks about wether 9x is in our Flop betting range or not

May 13, 2015 | 10:12 a.m.

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