KYJELLY's avatar


20 points

Beautiful first half although the open w 1010877 utg 5h surprised me even with the disclaimer about 101098 being the bottom of your(1010xx) open range here. Are you ever folding to 3b's? Pretty trivial, just curious.

I do have another idea or two that might be $$

The 'reads' are a goldmine. I'd LOVE to see a video compiling reads that you rely on. For example, the psychology of tilting players was one that made good sense that I never considered. I'm sure some of it would be fringe for some, but potentially exactly what others need. Certainly many 'use at own risk' warnings to be had, but those were and are what make people the highest winning regs. The intangibles. They are very based in logic but backed by instinct, and instinct is critical for players to be relevant. Sustainability as well.

Secondly, share your love of the game with us not just from an intellectual perspective! You can have personality and still be professional! I imagine there is a definitively large market for entertainment these days. I surmise a combination or slow move towards more strategy + entertainment has the potential to make your business skyrocket and be so much more sustainable, for you especially.

Care to touch on the kq89 1/2 pot bet at the end? seems like a dandy check back



Sept. 4, 2018 | 7:45 a.m.

Phil- You got it, a hotkey that would allow you to maximize the table of your selection to a predetermined size that has aesthetics and allows us to see some of the off tables. I prefer having the table we are focusing on enlarged so as to focus on it instead of being distracted by the side tables... Example... I may see stuff going on and wonder what you're going to do and miss completely your train of though, which is the primary reason I watch. Thats how I feel today anyway ;)

Sept. 2, 2018 | 4:12 a.m.

had this page opened before the comments refreshed, saw the reply after my comment I was like WTF how did you reply in 4 seconds, lol. If theres a way I think the ideal would be a hotkey that makes a table 15/30% larger, not sure if that would actually work but Id love to see someone take a shot!

Aug. 29, 2018 | 6:36 a.m.

Is there a case of successful advertising by an opponent who was aware it was being recorded for footage? There has to be, ya? Will have popcorn ready.
I enjoyed this video a lot, thoughts were clearly related while keeping up a brisk pace.
Curious if others prefer being able to see all tables, or having the relevant hand only on top.
I think my ideal would be a mixture of both, but if I had to choose I prefer the action table on top. Good vid

Aug. 29, 2018 | 6:27 a.m.

Really top notch stuff, very enjoyable with heaps of value. More please Sir!

June 1, 2018 | 1:20 p.m.

The most glaring preflop play is folding JJ84ds on the button to a cutoff raise 100bb deep no? (18 min mark)

Sept. 24, 2014 | 10:59 a.m.

Phil... in the KJT8 on Kh98ccQh... if you think he has JT alot... don't you want to put the money in when you have a double freeroll most of the time?

July 3, 2014 | 4:50 p.m.

With 66 on A29hhd in 3bet justify the flop call by noting that he has a lot of 57s-esque hands in his range, but then on the river runout of Tx-Kx you feel compelled to turn it into a bluff. Other than QKos perhaps, what hands do you feel that you are ahead on the flop yet need to bluff off on the river? 

If we were planning on floating flop and turning our hand into a bluff(like we did) then I would much rather do it with a hand like 45dd than 66. In addition to having four 3s to catch instead of just two 6s, it quite obviously is way better to be on the correct end of the cooler when he has AA and we hit on turn.

Basically I think flop needs to be a fold w/66 unless we feel so strongly that he has enough 57s-esque hands in his range that we can justify checking back river to get to showdown on that runout. 

April 10, 2014 | 5:10 p.m.

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