8 points
I've really enjoyed this video.
Sept. 4, 2013 | 10:48 p.m.
u fotgot to take PPs into account
Aug. 22, 2013 | 7:13 a.m.
Comment |
ProView: Phil Galfond Reviews Leo Nordin, $5/$10 HU PLO Deep w/ Antes (2 of 5)
Hey Phil
The Hand u took the first Note about Villains Turn x/r went check/check on the Flop, not check/call. That means Villain is uncapped and raises Leos delayed Cbet :)
The Hand u took the first Note about Villains Turn x/r went check/check on the Flop, not check/call. That means Villain is uncapped and raises Leos delayed Cbet :)
Feb. 11, 2013 | 9:05 p.m.
Hey James
Thanks for taking the time to answer my countless questions! Ill keep it shorter in future, didnt realize myself with how many questionms i came up. I think 9 tabling videos are great from time time, they provide so many interesting spots!
Thanks for taking the time to answer my countless questions! Ill keep it shorter in future, didnt realize myself with how many questionms i came up. I think 9 tabling videos are great from time time, they provide so many interesting spots!
Jan. 16, 2013 | 11:58 a.m.
Hi James
Thanks for the great footage! To improve my Game i took some time and watched this Video closely and came up with lots of questions :)
1:49 Bottom Right 56o
U did an Auto? 3B with min BU Open with 56off. I dont know hoch much Hands u have, but Villain doenst seems like he likes folding?
Wouldnt it make Sense to 3Bet a more depolarized Range?
1:55 Top Right K3s
Which Range of Hands do u 3Bet here? What is ur flatting Range vs most Regulars? Any argument for 3Bet or not to 3Bet ur actual holding?
2:47 Top left A4s
No snap-fold 4me, like 3betting as bluff or flatting vs recreational players - stacksize seems arkward
3:39 top middle AKo
In Praxis Villains Range shouldnt be too polarized and i see many arguments for flatting AKo there as deafualt. In sandwich we have a weak player,
Villain shouldnt 3Bet here polarized bcoz of that - not sure about ur samplesize again, maybe its a reg and ull be right about BBs polarized Range -
anyways i think u could 4B smaller u commit a lot of ur stack - were ip we dont mind to get flat!
4:08 Bottom Right 98o
Guess its always a call vs Button min?
4:24 Middle Right Q3s
I didnt do enough math on these Spots, but VIllain seems to be a well stealing Regular? Guess ill 3Bet those garbage Qx Kx again vs loose Steals -
i make him fold better Qx Kx, bcoz hes stealing any combo of them - same reason i dont like flatting garbage Qxs here too much
Could u explain why this is a std defend for u with this kind of hand? Which Range do u Resteal?
4:24 Top Right AJs
Seems like std call Preflop - no argument for floating this hand vs rather wide co stealing range?
5:59 Bottom Right KJo
Thin Value 3Bet seems legit - reasons explained on 1:49 - im interested in ur Cbet sizing in theese Spots,
2/3 Pot is rather big these Days, but Board is really Wet and our Betting Range is strong - is this ur deafault and why?
Furthermore i dont really like checking Top of my Range on Turn - He might even Pot Control some Jx what is horrible not to speak of all the other combos
Check shipping Turn doenst seem optimal for me - if i check there ill check call again and expect to get bluffed on River a fair amount of time by busted draws/floats or hell value cut himself,
but this check ship just makes him fold all his draws and air - if i x/r Turn id raise small to give him some rope to call of his Draws/get spewy
13:32 Middle Right A8s
Mixing in some 4Bets seems easonable - but dont get ur reasonn to check behind in this Spot? Our Range is supoer strong there we shouldnt Cap ourself - there are even Turns we can jam comfortably like Spades or Aces - cbetting und jamming lots of Turns seems legit for Reasons u explained -
Villains slowplay not very often - not many Hands can stand the heat
14:05 Bottom left KK
Why 3Bet this big ip? My default would be 17
25:00 Top Left KTs
with Fish in Blind and nit in BB ill steal my range bigger - like 2.5x 3x - think were ip with huge edge on fish and nit will do often what he can best - folding
Not sure what to think about the Riverbluff - dunno how loose he peals Flops but J doesnt give u as much FE in my experiance - Q K or A are much more scary for fish
26:00 Bottom Right T8o
Could find arguments for defending this hand vs loose Bu Steal
26:42 Bottom left Q2s
Get ur Check-back - but most shorties defend those dry Flops kinda light - my default is betting FLop and checking back Turn -
ur bluffing these Boards frequentlly wouldnt overestimate balancing my checking back range vs shorites on dry flops but i might be wrong
27:21 Bottom Right KK
U bomb over LAGs CO Open from BU - still confused with this large sizes - i would assume u would bluff these loose Players a lot COvsBU - Position is on ur side -
think its superior to 3bet small in high frequencies
29:25 Middle Middle 77
I really dont like this overcall - u already capped ur range by not 3betting the shorti - U dont know enough about ur opponents tendencies to mix in
these kind of exploiting plays, ur hand pretty much look like what it is - its pretty hard to play these spots profitably under these circumstances
34:50 Bottom Right J2o
Nit in SB - Reg in BB ill minraise 100% - but ill miss plenty of Spots myself when 9 tabling :(
35:42 Top Right K7s
I disagree - Guy in sandwich doesnt have much often thats true - but for same reason he wont jam us off our Equity very often und he seems to be a recreational Player,
he could come along with some if u call, which makes a Call here better not worse with fish behind - thoguhts?
38:25 Top left Q9s
Villain 2.5x Open - Guess ill 3Bet bunch of Q9s there bcoz its one of the best hands im folding and i assume he opens kinda light with that sizing?
38:42 Top Left K5s
Like that Steal! We should be kinda loose here with lots of high cards and good playability vs weaker player - Kxs provides both
I dont aggree with ur Turn play without Reads - These kind of players are very passive mostly and theyll check back a lot of their calling range - sure it depends, like always -
but in general ill valuebet 3 streets there, if not im exploiting aggro tendencies
43:09 Top MIddle 56s
I enjoy having those kkind of Hands in my checking back Range vs most Villains - Ill Cbet those Kxx Boards pretty wide and Villain wont fold anything better
vs 1 Bet - Backdoor Spades and Str8 Draws make it easier for u to protect ur capped Ranges, bcoz people wont be able to add most of ur Backdoors to ur Cbetting Range
43:45 Middle Right 46s
Ill attack him pretty wide, Villain seems to raise loose and it seems he likes folding to 3Bets - if he calls we have lifecards and a pretty deceptive Hand -
We cant 3Bet all of these Combos or we go out of line, but if people like folding somewhere ill mix it in - How do u construct ur Ranges in these Spots?
45:56 Top Left Q9o
Preflop Fold surprised me?
expandThanks for the great footage! To improve my Game i took some time and watched this Video closely and came up with lots of questions :)
1:49 Bottom Right 56o
U did an Auto? 3B with min BU Open with 56off. I dont know hoch much Hands u have, but Villain doenst seems like he likes folding?
Wouldnt it make Sense to 3Bet a more depolarized Range?
1:55 Top Right K3s
Which Range of Hands do u 3Bet here? What is ur flatting Range vs most Regulars? Any argument for 3Bet or not to 3Bet ur actual holding?
2:47 Top left A4s
No snap-fold 4me, like 3betting as bluff or flatting vs recreational players - stacksize seems arkward
3:39 top middle AKo
In Praxis Villains Range shouldnt be too polarized and i see many arguments for flatting AKo there as deafualt. In sandwich we have a weak player,
Villain shouldnt 3Bet here polarized bcoz of that - not sure about ur samplesize again, maybe its a reg and ull be right about BBs polarized Range -
anyways i think u could 4B smaller u commit a lot of ur stack - were ip we dont mind to get flat!
4:08 Bottom Right 98o
Guess its always a call vs Button min?
4:24 Middle Right Q3s
I didnt do enough math on these Spots, but VIllain seems to be a well stealing Regular? Guess ill 3Bet those garbage Qx Kx again vs loose Steals -
i make him fold better Qx Kx, bcoz hes stealing any combo of them - same reason i dont like flatting garbage Qxs here too much
Could u explain why this is a std defend for u with this kind of hand? Which Range do u Resteal?
4:24 Top Right AJs
Seems like std call Preflop - no argument for floating this hand vs rather wide co stealing range?
5:59 Bottom Right KJo
Thin Value 3Bet seems legit - reasons explained on 1:49 - im interested in ur Cbet sizing in theese Spots,
2/3 Pot is rather big these Days, but Board is really Wet and our Betting Range is strong - is this ur deafault and why?
Furthermore i dont really like checking Top of my Range on Turn - He might even Pot Control some Jx what is horrible not to speak of all the other combos
Check shipping Turn doenst seem optimal for me - if i check there ill check call again and expect to get bluffed on River a fair amount of time by busted draws/floats or hell value cut himself,
but this check ship just makes him fold all his draws and air - if i x/r Turn id raise small to give him some rope to call of his Draws/get spewy
13:32 Middle Right A8s
Mixing in some 4Bets seems easonable - but dont get ur reasonn to check behind in this Spot? Our Range is supoer strong there we shouldnt Cap ourself - there are even Turns we can jam comfortably like Spades or Aces - cbetting und jamming lots of Turns seems legit for Reasons u explained -
Villains slowplay not very often - not many Hands can stand the heat
14:05 Bottom left KK
Why 3Bet this big ip? My default would be 17
25:00 Top Left KTs
with Fish in Blind and nit in BB ill steal my range bigger - like 2.5x 3x - think were ip with huge edge on fish and nit will do often what he can best - folding
Not sure what to think about the Riverbluff - dunno how loose he peals Flops but J doesnt give u as much FE in my experiance - Q K or A are much more scary for fish
26:00 Bottom Right T8o
Could find arguments for defending this hand vs loose Bu Steal
26:42 Bottom left Q2s
Get ur Check-back - but most shorties defend those dry Flops kinda light - my default is betting FLop and checking back Turn -
ur bluffing these Boards frequentlly wouldnt overestimate balancing my checking back range vs shorites on dry flops but i might be wrong
27:21 Bottom Right KK
U bomb over LAGs CO Open from BU - still confused with this large sizes - i would assume u would bluff these loose Players a lot COvsBU - Position is on ur side -
think its superior to 3bet small in high frequencies
29:25 Middle Middle 77
I really dont like this overcall - u already capped ur range by not 3betting the shorti - U dont know enough about ur opponents tendencies to mix in
these kind of exploiting plays, ur hand pretty much look like what it is - its pretty hard to play these spots profitably under these circumstances
34:50 Bottom Right J2o
Nit in SB - Reg in BB ill minraise 100% - but ill miss plenty of Spots myself when 9 tabling :(
35:42 Top Right K7s
I disagree - Guy in sandwich doesnt have much often thats true - but for same reason he wont jam us off our Equity very often und he seems to be a recreational Player,
he could come along with some if u call, which makes a Call here better not worse with fish behind - thoguhts?
38:25 Top left Q9s
Villain 2.5x Open - Guess ill 3Bet bunch of Q9s there bcoz its one of the best hands im folding and i assume he opens kinda light with that sizing?
38:42 Top Left K5s
Like that Steal! We should be kinda loose here with lots of high cards and good playability vs weaker player - Kxs provides both
I dont aggree with ur Turn play without Reads - These kind of players are very passive mostly and theyll check back a lot of their calling range - sure it depends, like always -
but in general ill valuebet 3 streets there, if not im exploiting aggro tendencies
43:09 Top MIddle 56s
I enjoy having those kkind of Hands in my checking back Range vs most Villains - Ill Cbet those Kxx Boards pretty wide and Villain wont fold anything better
vs 1 Bet - Backdoor Spades and Str8 Draws make it easier for u to protect ur capped Ranges, bcoz people wont be able to add most of ur Backdoors to ur Cbetting Range
43:45 Middle Right 46s
Ill attack him pretty wide, Villain seems to raise loose and it seems he likes folding to 3Bets - if he calls we have lifecards and a pretty deceptive Hand -
We cant 3Bet all of these Combos or we go out of line, but if people like folding somewhere ill mix it in - How do u construct ur Ranges in these Spots?
45:56 Top Left Q9o
Preflop Fold surprised me?
Jan. 15, 2013 | 10:09 p.m.
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Aug. 23, 2018 | 8:43 a.m.