KTFlash's avatar


8 points

I'd like an invite to this group too :)

Aug. 23, 2018 | 8:43 a.m.

I've really enjoyed this video.

Sept. 4, 2013 | 10:48 p.m.

u fotgot to take PPs into account

Aug. 22, 2013 | 7:13 a.m.

Hey Phil

The Hand u took the first Note about Villains Turn x/r went check/check on the Flop, not check/call. That means Villain is uncapped and raises Leos delayed Cbet :)

Feb. 11, 2013 | 9:05 p.m.

Hey James
Thanks for taking the time to answer my countless questions! Ill keep it shorter in future, didnt realize myself with how many questionms i came up. I think 9 tabling videos are great from time time, they provide so many interesting spots!

Jan. 16, 2013 | 11:58 a.m.

Hi James
Thanks for the great footage! To improve my Game i took some time and watched this Video closely and came up with lots of questions :)

1:49 Bottom Right 56o
U did an Auto? 3B with min BU Open with 56off. I dont know hoch much Hands u have, but Villain doenst seems like he likes folding?
Wouldnt it make Sense to 3Bet a more depolarized Range?

1:55 Top Right K3s
Which Range of Hands do u 3Bet here? What is ur flatting Range vs most Regulars? Any argument for 3Bet or not to 3Bet ur actual holding?

2:47 Top left A4s
No snap-fold 4me, like 3betting as bluff or flatting vs recreational players - stacksize seems arkward

3:39 top middle AKo
In Praxis Villains Range shouldnt be too polarized and i see many arguments for flatting AKo there as deafualt. In sandwich we have a weak player,
Villain shouldnt 3Bet here polarized bcoz of that - not sure about ur samplesize again, maybe its a reg and ull be right about BBs polarized Range -
anyways i think u could 4B smaller u commit a lot of ur stack - were ip we dont mind to get flat!

4:08 Bottom Right 98o
Guess its always a call vs Button min?

4:24 Middle Right Q3s
I didnt do enough math on these Spots, but VIllain seems to be a well stealing Regular? Guess ill 3Bet those garbage Qx Kx again vs loose Steals -
i make him fold better Qx Kx, bcoz hes stealing any combo of them - same reason i dont like flatting garbage Qxs here too much
Could u explain why this is a std defend for u with this kind of hand? Which Range do u Resteal?

4:24 Top Right AJs
Seems like std call Preflop - no argument for floating this hand vs rather wide co stealing range?

5:59 Bottom Right KJo
Thin Value 3Bet seems legit - reasons explained on 1:49 - im interested in ur Cbet sizing in theese Spots,
2/3 Pot is rather big these Days, but Board is really Wet and our Betting Range is strong - is this ur deafault and why?

Furthermore i dont really like checking Top of my Range on Turn - He might even Pot Control some Jx what is horrible not to speak of all the other combos
Check shipping Turn doenst seem optimal for me - if i check there ill check call again and expect to get bluffed on River a fair amount of time by busted draws/floats or hell value cut himself,
but this check ship just makes him fold all his draws and air - if i x/r Turn id raise small to give him some rope to call of his Draws/get spewy

13:32 Middle Right A8s
Mixing in some 4Bets seems easonable - but dont get ur reasonn to check behind in this Spot? Our Range is supoer strong there we shouldnt Cap ourself - there are even Turns we can jam comfortably like Spades or Aces - cbetting und jamming lots of Turns seems legit for Reasons u explained -
Villains slowplay not very often - not many Hands can stand the heat

14:05 Bottom left KK
Why 3Bet this big ip? My default would be 17

25:00 Top Left KTs
with Fish in Blind and nit in BB ill steal my range bigger - like 2.5x 3x - think were ip with huge edge on fish and nit will do often what he can best - folding
Not sure what to think about the Riverbluff - dunno how loose he peals Flops but J doesnt give u as much FE in my experiance - Q K or A are much more scary for fish

26:00 Bottom Right T8o
Could find arguments for defending this hand vs loose Bu Steal

26:42 Bottom left Q2s
Get ur Check-back - but most shorties defend those dry Flops kinda light - my default is betting FLop and checking back Turn -
ur bluffing these Boards frequentlly wouldnt overestimate balancing my checking back range vs shorites on dry flops but i might be wrong

27:21 Bottom Right KK
U bomb over LAGs CO Open from BU - still confused with this large sizes - i would assume u would bluff these loose Players a lot COvsBU - Position is on ur side -
think its superior to 3bet small in high frequencies

29:25 Middle Middle 77
I really dont like this overcall - u already capped ur range by not 3betting the shorti - U dont know enough about ur opponents tendencies to mix in
these kind of exploiting plays, ur hand pretty much look like what it is - its pretty hard to play these spots profitably under these circumstances

34:50 Bottom Right J2o
Nit in SB - Reg in BB ill minraise 100% - but ill miss plenty of Spots myself when 9 tabling :(

35:42 Top Right K7s
I disagree - Guy in sandwich doesnt have much often thats true - but for same reason he wont jam us off our Equity very often und he seems to be a recreational Player,
he could come along with some if u call, which makes a Call here better not worse with fish behind - thoguhts?

38:25 Top left Q9s
Villain 2.5x Open - Guess ill 3Bet bunch of Q9s there bcoz its one of the best hands im folding and i assume he opens kinda light with that sizing?

38:42 Top Left K5s
Like that Steal! We should be kinda loose here with lots of high cards and good playability vs weaker player - Kxs provides both
I dont aggree with ur Turn play without Reads - These kind of players are very passive mostly and theyll check back a lot of their calling range - sure it depends, like always -
but in general ill valuebet 3 streets there, if not im exploiting aggro tendencies

43:09 Top MIddle 56s
I enjoy having those kkind of Hands in my checking back Range vs most Villains - Ill Cbet those Kxx Boards pretty wide and Villain wont fold anything better
vs 1 Bet - Backdoor Spades and Str8 Draws make it easier for u to protect ur capped Ranges, bcoz people wont be able to add most of ur Backdoors to ur Cbetting Range

43:45 Middle Right 46s
Ill attack him pretty wide, Villain seems to raise loose and it seems he likes folding to 3Bets - if he calls we have lifecards and a pretty deceptive Hand -
We cant 3Bet all of these Combos or we go out of line, but if people like folding somewhere ill mix it in - How do u construct ur Ranges in these Spots?

45:56 Top Left Q9o
Preflop Fold surprised me?

Jan. 15, 2013 | 10:09 p.m.

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