1 points
Hi mate, what pokerstars website are you playing the €€€ games in? It looks like your using two different pokerstars software?
Feb. 11, 2020 | 11:57 p.m.
Agree here, extremely unlikely he raises the turn with any 2 pair or sets 3 handed. Could potentially get him to fold AQ here. (I know it's extremely unlikely he has that hand also after flatting you cold 3 bet). Seems an easy enough shove, because he nearly always has a chop with us and never anything better. OFC it is unlikely you have a house but the river still makes it tougher for him to call, now that he is losing to lots more hands than the turn when he is obvs fearful of you having AQ. We know we're chopping 99% of the time but if you jam river he must surely think he is beat here a lot
Sept. 28, 2017 | 9:31 p.m.
Like the video but your explanation in some hands is definitely not how to play these lower stake games. Raising to 1200 with 44 in the BB 35BBs deep with 2 recreational players is burning $$$/chips. There is just no need to make plays like this at these lower buy ins. You can just wait for easy spots to chip up, this is an $11 game. Making plays like that and calling 2.5X 3 bets with A4 (and advising to continue to C bets against a guy who is quite clearly banging his head off his keyboard is completely unnecessary!! Your explanation of why calling his C bet is good and makes tonnes of sense but it needs to be against a thinking player and he is quite clearly not one of them! Playing your approach is ofc still going to be profitable but an ABC approach here is going to be so much more profitable!
You are obviously a class poker player but this is not an approach for lower buy ins at early stages. These strategies could be implemented later if (and that's a big if in the Big$11) you find a tough table.
May 1, 2017 | 8:59 p.m.
River check is TERRIBLE too!!!!!!
Jan. 12, 2017 | 10:56 a.m.
19:33, I think this a clear ISO shove on a guy whose VPIP is 40. Even with just 10 hands on him, we are getting 1.6 to 1 when the button moves in so this is 100% a profitable call/shove. I think it is very lightly when we shove that the CO, being an extremely poor player will call off 66 and 77, which makes it even more profitable to just shove when he is going to fold 90% of the time. If the BB has a hand good luck to him!
Sept. 16, 2016 | 1:15 p.m.
17:30, obvious what he has? No,
he would jam J10, Q10, K10 A10 1010 77 99 JJ QQ KK AA, and maybe 88 55 (might limp 55 pre). 22mins, we are obviously insta snap calling the BB if we 3 bet and he shoves!
May 19, 2016 | 9:59 a.m.
Nice video Senta, could just go through the K10 hearts hand in the Hot $55 at 8:30, this has to be super close getting 3 to 1? Mikos is surely Isolating any Ace and K7 plus. I think you could be even folding the best hand here against these two all ins a good % of the time.
Sept. 17, 2015 | 10:13 p.m.
Hey really like the video, just wondering if you could go through a little bit more detail of Kd7d hand on 30mins. Not sure if I would prefer a flat on the flop, we're 40BBs deep and if he jams on our 3 bet we are only really crushing, a lower flush draw which he may not shove anyway. Of course we are happy to get it in as you said but we are just going to fold out hands he may have double barrelled on turn with little or no equity against us. Also what would be your plan if he calls flop and we brick turn? Would be awkward with stack sizes and out of position. Not saying I disagree with your line at all just wondering what's best, probably a mix of both! Best of luck with all the videos, good to hear an Irish accent!
Hi Jeremy, really liking all of your videos.
Have one quick question. With PKO games should we not be dividing the starting stack by 1/4 instead of 1/2 to get the correct price to call all ins when we cover villain?
I get that half of the buy in goes to the KO prize pool when registering but we can only get 1/2 of the KO when we eliminate villain. The remaining half goes to our bounty which in effect is worthless unless we win the game. If we are not getting the correct price to call to win the bounty obviously this will mean we are less likely to win the game and actually win all of the remaining bounties at the end of the game.
Can you just explain why a PKO game and an ordinary KO game where you actually receive the full 1/2 of the buy in when eliminating villain would be the same odds?
May 2, 2020 | 10:17 a.m.