3 points
Hi Jeremy! In the T9o, what do you think about checking the river and let the villain bluff? There are so many missdraws there that you can use your hand like a bluff catcher, dont you think? I mean he is gonna fold to your bet almost everything but the nuts there, but if you check there are good chances that he bets the river... Do you think is a good line to follow?
Thanks for your job, great video Jeremy
May 11, 2016 | 12:01 p.m.
Last hand ATo in that position... Isn´t a clear 3bet/fold against that agressive player? I mean you have a great blocker and your hand is not really good to play post... I think is much profitable the strategy 3bet/fold than a call, what do you think Owen??
Really nice video and great focus with pre&post flop question hand by hand, thx!!!!
Feb. 11, 2016 | 12:13 p.m.
Its difficult to follow all the steps while you are playing multiples tables, but i find this post flop game very useful when you are deep in one tournament and you focus all your attention in it... Thx for the job Owen, like your series!
Jan. 20, 2016 | 11:33 a.m.
Really nice videos Owen, I love this format of looking the post flop action so deeply
Dec. 29, 2015 | 10:08 p.m.
Hi Akira, thx for the videos! At minute 30:00 if we raise his CB with our A9 as you propose, and he calls with 53s, when the king comes in the turn, what should we do? I imagine that keep betting, but it doesnt have too much sense because we are betting with that flop and he can raise our turn bet if he thinks about it. We could check at turn too and just call his bets in turn and river (if he decides to), although its very clear that we dont have the King... I ask you this question because its very common to raise the CB in a dry flop from the BB to protect the hand, and if he calls and a bad turn comes sometimes i dont know what is the good line to follow.
Thx for your job.
Nov. 26, 2015 | 12:44 p.m.
Hi John, great video, as usually! No doubt you are the "teacher" who makes more emphasis in mathematical terms, which I really appreciate because it is one of the most beautiful parts of poker. I wonder how it affects your own stack when making a decision that seems only based on pot odds. I mean, it's easy to play with the odds when you're deep in a tournament, but how you act when you have an average stack and have a hand like QJo and just need for example 39% equity but if you lose you stay short stack?
Thanks a lot and keep doing this great work
Great video Jeremy, really nice talk about calling ranges and 3betting ranges in different positions, mostly in the blinds...
I like too the check raise at minute 42, i like that move with that 2 backdoors projects, but what would u do if he calls and the river is a brick, like the 2 of hearts? Do you check the turn? I find myself hard to play that hands OOP. I know that i would bet the turn with any diamond, but what about with a 3 5 8 or 9 no diamonds? Do you keep betting?
Nov. 18, 2016 | 5:44 p.m.