Jordan Bryant's avatar

Jordan Bryant

3 points

haha fair enough, defo a good name! GL with the site!!!

Dec. 31, 2012 | 9:39 p.m.

Just interested how you got to the name, what were some others you were considering?

I like the name, just a general question

Dec. 29, 2012 | 8:17 a.m.

Yea I cbet. On turn given we checked it almost looks like we have a 7 given we checked back flop. As played I would fold, looks like we have a 7, even though we defo look like it.

Given CO 3 though, its tough for him to have a 7 in his range in general ? Weird hand. I would just fold and move on

Dec. 27, 2012 | 1:09 p.m.

How many people plan on doing this? Could be a chance to get a runitonce study group going for the paper?

I guess this thread can be dedicated to it as well. Looking forward to it!

Dec. 27, 2012 | 12:42 p.m.

Im not the best example, but reviewing your own hands is so crucial. Only you know the temp/reads of how the hand was played out so you can answer the nest. However post plenty here too as soon as your unsure :)

Dec. 27, 2012 | 12:33 p.m.

Just check it back, the turn is going to allow us to know whether we can realise our equity in the hand or not. Its unlikely the played behind is going to bet, if he does I guess we evaluate when it gets back toi us

Dec. 25, 2012 | 12:13 p.m.

I disagree with whysoeasy here, if we are bet/caaling flop, folding to the turn bet is spew. Most villains surely bet all there 6x range here as villians may have gained equity if we had QQJX etc? I think you played this fine, however given that we bet into 4 players and got instantly raised with 2 to act, I could make a case for folding imo

Dec. 23, 2012 | 12:25 p.m.

I think we have to bet the turn, but I feel as though making it a PSB is so much better, the board is not great for out hand. Any diamond, 8, K, Q, J, T, 9 ,7 (25 cards) is going to be rather crappy for us on the river in that we will no longer hold the nuts, so if he folds now its not a bad thing for us.

As played, I would fold the river. Unless we know that this player is a bluffer, he is not going to value bet anything less than the nuts/Q8 here at micro stakes.

I dont think I bet either, even though we have 2 8's, all his 8x hands are now ahead of us, and we are just going to value bet ourselves to death as he would be ballsy to call with 2pairs/sets on river (unless we bet 1/4 pot)

Dec. 23, 2012 | 11:48 a.m.

Pre, I am not a huge fan of 3x this pot with a loose 3bettor next to act, min raise/limp looks better. Our hand plays better the higher the SPR we have. As played calling the 3bet with a SPR slightly over 5 OOP is going to be lighting money on fire so i would toss it.

On turn, 9x normally cbets flop, so on turn he is going to be either bluffing or he has picked up plenty of draws on the turn.

With his bluffs, if we min raise turn, he is not putting in any other funds so to maximise value we need to call and let him put in extra $ on the river.

With his draws, he will rarely raise/fold here, however unless he hits on river no more $ is probably going in.

Given that its tough to see him pure bluffing here, I think 3betting is fine on the turn. Villain is making a massive mistake, we ultimately want to exploit villains by calling when they do not have enough equity so I probably just jam rather than min raise here as it looks even stronger.

Dec. 23, 2012 | 11:28 a.m.

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