1 points
Hum..I have to disagree, it seems much more easier for our bluff to work vs a range that countains more bluffs than a range more condensed on nuts+ thin values.
Well I think it depends on the vilain and our image vs vilain , but even if the vilain never folds a T9o with a diamond ( wiich I doubt ) , these are 6 combos and Qx diamonds we have a least 6 combos too ( 100% not folding ) that could even be more if vilain goes lower then Q5s.
Thanks for the reply and im sorry if im being to boring or something but I really like to talk and discuss theory to try to improve
March 12, 2019 | 7:15 p.m.
Hi everyone! Nice video! On the minute 19 Im a little bit confused because im not seing big benefits on having blockers for the vilains main bluffs on that board J 10d J 9d ( besides de A of diamond of course) and at the same time blocking a big portion of vilain triple barrel for value that we want him to fold ( straights ). Wouldn't be better to have the Q of diamonds unblocking most of is bet folds , and blocking a bit more flushes
March 11, 2019 | 7:36 p.m.
Hi! Thanks for the great video. On the 58s hand what is your range to ship that river? Do you have a bluffing range there ? You said you had check all overpairs ( wich i think is right ) but by doing that u shouldnt do the same with almost all your range (inlcuding some 8 too ) ? I mean u checked but you said on the video it was a mistake.
June 28, 2016 | 3:47 a.m.
I think u didnt understand , and sorry if it was too confunsing ( im really bad writting in english ) I was talking about 2 diferent hands. The first one J10s i was just saying that i didnt like the lead because im not seeing no one with a balancing leading range here, i mean everytime it happens no one is in value ( reg vs reg ), sure he will fold that hands, but he is gona probably checking back that hands as well.. and u gona have much more info to leading . When i was talking about ranges was the AA hand (said that range, was just an example of some hands .... ) the point is are u seeing vilain stabing that turn with his range on a board that is ours ? (AA hand)
May 11, 2015 | 3:38 a.m.
Hi guys! I really like your videos , and how u explain your tought process. On this series i think (my opinion off course ) that you complicate a litle bit in some hands. Like the J10s leading .. im not seeing a leading range for a reg vs reg in that spot ( for my experience ) . The hand that makes me think a lot about was the AA hand, i think i understand the point of balancing, and GTO strategy, but is this always the +Ev decision ? Cus on this spot if you think about vilain range its something like KJs, KQ, AJs, AQs,JJ+, almost all the hands that are going to stab will gona call anyway, and when u check he is gona free check back all is KQ type hands... Im just saying this because on this spot (4bet pot ) your range connects too well with this board so its gona be really hard for vilain to bluff..
SOrry for my english guys .
May 8, 2015 | 4:24 p.m.
Hi! Thanks for the nice video! On the first hand u said u prefer not having a Fd to bluff , cus ur not blocking all is flush draws.. isnt that a good thing for u to check back ? I mean , i know your hand had not a great value .. but when you said im not blocking his missed flushes for me it would make more sense to taking that showdown since u beat almost alll his missed flushes and probably bluff all QJ/ J9 type of hands that dont have showdown at all ? Sorry for my engilish.
April 23, 2015 | 4:13 p.m.
Hi everyone! Thanks for the very nice video ( as always ) , really like your explanations. On the minute 31:50 the hand with aces ( triple barrel ) what do u think about checking on the river since we dont block any flush draws ? Its a comum question im always asking myself should i value or let him bluff ( based on player tendencies offcoure ) , on the one hand it seems like an obvious spot for bluff so vilain never bluff but at the same time very hard spot for vilain to call ... any advice on this type of spots ? Thanks , and sorry for my english guys.
April 19, 2015 | 2:22 a.m.
Hi! thanks for the reply ;) I see what you are thinking, but again i could see a reason if u had a lower fd , but here u have K high flushdraw + gutter wich have a huge value, in case he checked back ( i said pocket pairs that could stab for random example ) , the worst cenario is you beting the turn with Fd + guter + 2 overs vs is hero calls. And losing value everytime he stab and fold..
Well if he shoves random two cards, again with a K high flush + gutter i will be happy and take it..
Feb. 13, 2015 | 2:27 a.m.
Hi! Nice video, i just really dont like ur last hand, i think you dont acomplish nothing, i mean ur not repping nothing, and he is only folding an 8 or a pocket pair, wich he would have fold anyway if c/ r, or leading turn, and ur losing a huge amount of chips everytime he had stabed and then folded ( like 98s, K9, etc ) I think ur line makes much more sense if u had like 67s, 89s , etc.. Best regards and sorry for my english
Feb. 12, 2015 | 12:08 a.m.
Hi everyone! On the last hand it doesn't make too much sense on leading river, cus u said on the turn it was a easy check / call so i think u have to stay with your plan, at least evaluate what vilain does ( sizing bet) . Im not seeing vilain folding any better hand, probably if u want to bluff maybe c/ raise river ? Sorry for my english guys.
Hi Jeremy! Nice video and congratz for the win.
On the Q9s hand, u said KJ is a check because it blocks his bluffs like KQ but doesn't make sense, u wanna check when you unblock his bluffs. I think the reason behind the check it has more about with blocking K10 and Q10 type of hands (potenciatly call down hands) and unblocking bluffs like 89s.
And for the reverse reason u wanna continue firing with J9s cus u unblocking is call down hands (K10 Q10 ) and u block his bluffs like 89s.
March 22, 2019 | 4:39 p.m.