5 points
Hi guys!
I have one question. Do we use bbs or adjusted bbs when making decisions (shoving/calling ranges for example). I just read about adjusted bbs. For example if blinds are 500/1000 with 100 ante and we are 9handed, the adjusted bbs are bb + 2/3 of all ante = 1000 + 600 so 800/1600 basically.
Reason why I am asking is, because if we take adjusted bbs as a rule, we are way shallower earlier and we should be taking more aggressive actions sooner.
May 23, 2018 | 6:54 p.m.
SB: Jok777: $52.04
BB: jak_paist0r: $107.52
UTG: Biziiii: $106.72
MP: Jkob77: $101.50 (Hero)
CO: pontius113: $191.46
Rake is $2.70
Sept. 30, 2015 | 9:19 a.m.
Agreed, ty. Folding flop with no backdoors probably best.
Sept. 28, 2015 | 11:14 a.m.
Ok thanks guys. Folding flop seems reasonable in retrospect.
What do we do if there is no A on the flop? And the turn is the same? Do we calldown?
Sept. 28, 2015 | 11:14 a.m.
A3s straight vs flush card OTR
OK, so the guy is pretty much unknown (25/14 over 106 hands). I have to questions:
- should I raise turn bigger? He did have pot size left...
- is river a check....fold?
Sept. 28, 2015 | 6:34 a.m.
Hi guys. So CO is 20/17/7, with a 4bet of 8.5% (4bet range 2.9% in CO) over 16k hands.
- Is it better to get it in preflop in this spot or is he too tight?
- How to play postflop, do we just fold flop? Call flop fold turn?
I am having trouble with similar spots all the time, not sure what the better line is and when to give up (if at all).
P.S.: I guess I should be posting NL100 hands in Low Stakes from now on ha?
Haha, I seeSimon is from Slovenia, nice :) Happy for both 2 guys! Though the suspense is killing me!
Jan. 9, 2017 | 6:47 p.m.