2 points
Really enjoyed the videos...any chance we can see the FT of this trny? It looks like there 7-9 people left when you stopped
Jan. 10, 2013 | 9:45 p.m.
Really enjoying this video series! Your style of presenting, while kind of all over the place, is extremely entertaining and makes watching poker vids actually enjoyable (I was entertained all the way throughout this series, as well as feeling like I'm getting useful information).
One general piece of feedback I would give is that you often refer to the best actions against our opponents (preflop) based on their sizings/postions without actually breaking down their ranges; discussing what type of hands you expect them to be bluffing with or how wide you expect them to be goingf or value. I guess this is because it's 'obvious' to you, but would be very interesting to hear this breakdown out loud.
Keep em coming!
One general piece of feedback I would give is that you often refer to the best actions against our opponents (preflop) based on their sizings/postions without actually breaking down their ranges; discussing what type of hands you expect them to be bluffing with or how wide you expect them to be goingf or value. I guess this is because it's 'obvious' to you, but would be very interesting to hear this breakdown out loud.
Keep em coming!
Jan. 3, 2013 | 3:11 p.m.
I cant edit (or at least cant figure out how) my previous post....
but wanted to say that I got an email reply from site staff that was both quick and helpful regarding monthyl billing/cancellation
but wanted to say that I got an email reply from site staff that was both quick and helpful regarding monthyl billing/cancellation
Jan. 3, 2013 | 12:33 a.m.
Also the videos should really be sortable by type. If I click on MTT at the top I can only see posts relating to it, but if I want to access MTT videos I have to sift through the giant list of every single video released, rather than being able to easily navigate a list of MTT videos.
Jan. 3, 2013 | 12:16 a.m.
At 17min mark with the KK hand where BB defends, then c/c, c/r...
You understandably decide not to fold on the turn, explaining that he has very few value combos...what I don't understand is why you don't just shove? Seems like a lot of his hands to do this with could easily be hands that picked up a flushdraw, like A5cc, 9Tcc, TJcc etc. Are we not better off forcing him to stack off with these on the turn (as well as his overplayed Qx) rather than getting to the river?
It seems extremely unlikely he will continue bluffing on the river when u flat turn and his river shove offers u 3:1 on a call...
You understandably decide not to fold on the turn, explaining that he has very few value combos...what I don't understand is why you don't just shove? Seems like a lot of his hands to do this with could easily be hands that picked up a flushdraw, like A5cc, 9Tcc, TJcc etc. Are we not better off forcing him to stack off with these on the turn (as well as his overplayed Qx) rather than getting to the river?
It seems extremely unlikely he will continue bluffing on the river when u flat turn and his river shove offers u 3:1 on a call...
Jan. 2, 2013 | 11:05 p.m.
A couple things really bothering me here. I just signed up for the elite plan, did not recieve any kind of email receipt or acknowledgement of the purchase from the website.
Also, I wanted to sign up for 1 month in order to see the content, and AFTER signing up I see a message that it will charge every month on the 3rd of the month. I dont see anywhere to cancel, or any details for contacting support (other than a lame-ass contact us page).
Where can I cancel?
Also, I wanted to sign up for 1 month in order to see the content, and AFTER signing up I see a message that it will charge every month on the 3rd of the month. I dont see anywhere to cancel, or any details for contacting support (other than a lame-ass contact us page).
Where can I cancel?
Jan. 2, 2013 | 10:47 p.m.
All results loaded
Jan. 17, 2013 | 1:45 p.m.