30 points
yeah totally agree, please continue with the rest of the footage, the popups arent even that bad. Thanks phil
Nov. 14, 2016 | 2:24 a.m.
I think you should go more in depth into your pre flop decisions when faced with an open. Great video otherwise!
Aug. 4, 2015 | 10:11 a.m.
I know you said you were trying not to spew, but isn't hand 163 where you talk about why you didn't overcall itbb w/ A2o a really, really good spot to squeeze instead?
Jan. 23, 2014 | 10:30 p.m.
Someone give BrickandCRAI a contract! Very good analysis! More more more!
Jan. 6, 2014 | 7:08 a.m.
i think the mistake you made in this hand is your flop play.
With these stacks by betting almost the pot here u are often times going to put into a spot on the turn like this. I think if you are going to lead it should be for 200-250 bc that will leave u a lot more room to be able to play the turn. When called you are going to be put to tough decisions out of position on a J986 and when you make the nut flush its going to feel like you have the nut flush when you have already potted the flop and then bet again and u are going to be trying to get in 3k more when you will really only be repping the nut blocker as a bluff.
It obviously cant be wrong to bet but I think it plays better by checking with the intention to CR and when it checks through (which i dont think it will very often on a flop like this) you will have a well disguised NF combo in your range that you will be able to rep more bluffs with. When someone does bet, it will likely be in the area of 250-300 and u will be able to cr them to 1k and happily shove any turn, get it in vs a lot of draws you have dominated and not have to worry about playing awkward turn cards into 2 people out of position. The other benefit to having a hand this strong in your checking range is that you can bet every turn regaurdless of what it is when it checks through and happily call a raise against a hand that will at that point be pretty face up.
May 22, 2013 | 2:08 a.m.
Just to clarify its not bad to pot the flop like you did bc you are getting tons of money in good and you should have some sort of range for doing it, but it definitely think it is a really good play to have to just be flatting to keep your range balanced and to add a lot of toughness and deception to your game. Most people just don't have draws they like to pot it here with bc KK is so likely and they don't want to get in 4k on the flop
May 15, 2013 | 7:03 a.m.
Yes these last two comments are the most relevant. It's pretty hard to do a great analysis of a players range we have no real stats on or feel for your dynamic with. I play a lot of deep live PLO and the biggest mistakes I see people make are turning their hand face up with a very large stack to pot ratio on a board with a lot of scare cards. Your flop play should be to lead or just cold call.
From the NL prospective of things u have the nuts and want to get in money against any hands that are nutted and will get it in. But from the PLO perspective of things against a good player, they certainly aren't getting in 14k into a limped pot with 2nd set and the likelihood is they have a draw with equity close to 50% so you are building a large pot with your hand essentially face up. When you come in cold on the flop like this for 1250 with $25 in the pot you have KK an extremely high % of the time. However when you cold call your hand looks likes draw and when the board pairs or safe cards come off you will still get barreled a ton, put him in a much tougher spot with lower sets on later streets and prevent him from repping hands he doesn't have since the draws are in your range now.
May 15, 2013 | 6:56 a.m.
I agree, since you have so much more footage of this match I would like to see a video with less in depth commentary, minimal pausing and more talk about game flow images and decisions based on how the match is playing out.
May 15, 2013 | 6:35 a.m.
First off its 250bb HU plo, so illari is going to be raising and calling a 3b with 85-90% of hands (ie K872 with 7 high suit). That being said he is going to be peeling any K or Q on the flop, any flush draw and any bottom pair that could have some backdoor equity. So when the turn is a 9 he will continuing with a ton of these 1 pair hands with any sort of draw to realize his equity as he probably should. So often times when the river is as dry as it is, he will have 1 pair and if he does have 2 pair K9 is the top of his range and thats still obviously a bluff catcher. Its certainly possible that he can have K9 K3 K4 Q9 Q3 and Q4 but there are also tons of other hands that will never call and he will never have JT KQ KK QQ bc the turn brings 2 flush draws and u will be bet calling plenty of draws that would make shoving the turn the clear play with the top of his range on KQ9x.
As you stated in the beginning most of your 3bing range will be heavily weighted toward high card heavy hands, many of which will have lots of KQ KK QQ and JT combos (far more than his 85%+ opening range) in them and with a board this draw heavy all of these hands are a very clear value bet when he flats the turn. Even when u have AA, its unlikely thats going to be a hand u will bet the river with so you can take that part of your range from your bluffs. So when you do make it to the river with a hand like this, if you are going to have any bluffs at all, which you obviously should, it should be this one where (as you said) you have approx 0% chance of winning at showdown.
Finally, I did a little odds oracle and against your 12% 3bing range excluding all AA combos which i wouldnt include in your bluffing range, K9 is 49% vs your range. That being said I think that makes this a clear bluff as you obviously aren't bluffing 100% here and it only needs to work ~30% of the time to show a profit
Just an added thought, I don't know how Illari plays but I have seen people shove 2 pair +fd+gs on a board like this on the turn, so if thats something he would do, you can further eliminate a few more of his value hands.
April 11, 2013 | 7:32 a.m.
Getting in KK93sss 3 ways for 150bbs when u raise get 3b and cold 4b seems horrendous, i cant even think of two ranges that you would be a money favorite against in that spot
Not 4bing AAJ8ss and letting that pot go 4 ways to the flop when you are in the sb seems really bad as well, it doesnt do much to balance your range as the only thing its balancing is that you can have top set on A high boards, on every other board that doesnt contain unpaired diamonds your life will be miserable.
I dont understand why in a loose aggressive game like the one u are playing you would ever flat an utg raise next to act with 7654ss, thats pretty clearly going to be a 3b or fold as i cant think of many boards you are going to be comfortable playing your hand on in a multiway pot.
I dont agree with turning AKT3 into a bluff on T73 bc as you said it yourself if he 3bs you are going to have to fold, so you might as well just raise with a hand like J996 or AKQ7 or something that has little value but can still improve instead of something which is very likely to be the best hand right now but cant sustain anymore heat.
Opening 2345ss in the cutoff cant possibly be profitable with teddy wong and genedr behind you as that hand is just terrible in all aspects of PLO
3bing and getting in 200bbs on the button with AQT3ds cant be the most optimal play in that spot either. That hand plays very good in multiway pots and if you are going to 3b i think it should be from out of position. As i dont feel like you are losing money 3bing it, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are losing a ton of money getting it in for 200 blinds. You are going to be up against AA, extremely good KK or better double suited A high rundowns every time.
Your raise sizing against the guy in the very last hand doesnt seem good to me either... It is extremely fortunate that you were against a complete fish to have gotten paid off in that spot as its pretty clear that its -ev for you to be bluffing for 300+bbs on the river in that spot. You will almost never be potting as a bluff after the BB (the most likely person to have a 64 combination) bets into the field and when you are all it takes is a 2/3 pot bet to get a normal player off sets and 2p+ draw on the river. You ever said it yourself that you were extremely surprised that he called, so why if you expect him to fold to that big of a bet are you betting that big? its clear to you that he will most likely be folding his entire range right??
4:45 you say that you don't want to use your Jack blockers to bluff very often. Can you expand on that?
June 9, 2022 | 11:21 p.m.