284 points
You are making completely wrong assumption. We are stacking AK or QQ not cause we expect to win a lot when it goes to all ins but cause we win many BBs when they fold. Yes, you will often crash against KK+ or AK(if you are lucky) but it doesnt matter.
I dont mind flatting against very tight player but in general you will exploit yourself if you stop playing aggressive hands as strong as QQ/AK.
Oct. 26, 2021 | 10:42 a.m.
I definitely agree with you. 76/65 are good hands to follow up with bet on turn due to fact that we fold a lot of floats with busted backdoor fd. However on river we blocks only folding range(66-77). Bluffing with hand like QJ there looks way better as we block slowplayed preflop overpairs and Tx. I would bluff sc in this spot mostly when K-J hit river and improves our range a lot so we actually struggle to find enough blocker-based bluffs.
Oct. 24, 2021 | 6:43 a.m.
GTOWizards has very tight and concentrated calling range due to rake on nl50. Look at range composition - UTG(player OOP) has more sets and overpairs in range while HJ(player IP) has advantage in no made hands. in Equity OOP range has advantage - 54% so HJ cant really bet range there and thats why overpairs are checking back. For same reason when IP bets it is using bigger than 1/3 sizing.
Oct. 18, 2021 | 12:36 a.m.
Yeah its punt. Flop and turn are ok , but you probably didnt realize how bad river card is. 7 completes two one card straights, on top of that villain has advantage in sets and two pairs. This is clear range check on river. You cant bluff as you dont have value to support your bets.
April 19, 2021 | 6:07 a.m.
I disagree with you on turn. Notice that we are still in 4way pot after raise on flop. I would be very cautious there. I feel like this hand is easy bet/fold in this situation even against fish given circumstances - all 3 opponents can slowplay strong high flushes. Thats why i'm not sure if big bet is best size there is best - we are valueowning ourselves too often.
April 5, 2021 | 3:10 p.m.
I agree with you that he is representing narrow value after turn overbet but I would fold anyway. I dont mind catching there with AK, but you have probably worst possible suits there.
BTW. I wouldnt range bet this board.
March 31, 2021 | 2:05 a.m.
I agree with maco - given positions and board I think you lose a lot of EV by using range bet instead of more polarized strategy.
As played on turn I dont mind giving up. I dont think its good hand for triple barrel. We also cant bet every flushdraw.
March 30, 2021 | 3:17 a.m.
From those positions its fold preflop. This hand is not only badly dominated by what villain should be 3betting there but also he is asking too much. This hand is very low freq call against less than 7bb raise, and you are facing 9.5bb 3bet.
As played on flop I prefer fold > x/r > call.
Calling is worst option because you have low equity hand that has absolutely no showdown value or blockers. It will rarely take down pot without further betting but is also bad bluff on majority of runouts.
March 30, 2021 | 1:55 a.m.
Turn is whatever, but what are you doing on river?
He is shoving over 200bb to 60bb pot. No way I'm calling this ever with naked Qx
March 30, 2021 | 1:49 a.m.
On flop you should mostly check - this board hits him better. Also I would avoid betting 1/3 there - you are not achieving anything with small sizing.
he bet very small which I think is already dubious, on the river he
insta overbets easy call? or can he have better Ax? or just polarized
8x or total bluff?
Why small sizing on turn is dubious? It allows him to bet 6x or weak Ax for protection. It also allows you to cap your range by check/calling. On river he is clearly not betting A3o for value anymore , his value range consists trips, straights and full houses so he should overbet for value. As for your calling range - I would fold weakest Ax and focus more on blockers to value region.
March 25, 2021 | 2:41 a.m.
- It looks ok
- You can either turn on 'dont donk' option while creating tree. Other possibility is to edit tree (right top corner - pencil on rectangle icon), save changes and rerun solver.
March 22, 2021 | 10:46 p.m.
Think about it a bit more. Raising for info is really bad play. You fold almost every of his bluffs and instead isolate yourself against top of range. Obviously you have no problem folding JTs that has ~25% equity against overpairs. So question is simple - are you denying equity for opponent range or your range?
March 19, 2021 | 3:31 a.m.
Tbh his c/r on that dry board makes 0,0% sense.
Why? Solvers like to x/r with AK/AQ a lot there.
As played its hard to see bluffs there. He would need to xr a lot of hands like 87 or 65 and follow up till river to have any incentive to bluffcatch. And my experience tells me people rarely play this way those hands so its probably easy fold on river.
March 12, 2021 | 9:31 a.m.
There is not much raising usually on mono boards from IP player so he has all Jx in his rangem while OOP is mixing bets and checks with top pairs. In general card pairing board is never good for aggressor, not only in this case.
March 10, 2021 | 2:42 p.m.
Keep in mind that solvers only analyse situation in vacuum. They only try to play optimally range vs range. Solver doesn't have knowledge about villain leaks or recreational players tendencies. It will not give you answer how to play against typical fish but instead how to play against best player. Solver will tell you max EV+ against ideal player, not against whale who is randomly clicking buttons. You can put 60% preflop range in solver but solver will tell you how to play this against LLinusLLove forced to play this range, not vs typical 60/5 player. Yeah, you can lock nodes in tree, but then in all nodes excluding ones locked you will play against LLinusLLove.
Recreational players usually make a lot of big mistakes and nonsensical plays. Solver will never advice you to float OOP 2x to huge bets with gutshots and donk shove on clean river. It will not advocate blasting any two against check etc. Fish also wont even try to think how to punish your unbalanced range. Thats why against fish you should play your hand and opponent and dont care about all that range vs range stuff. To get MAX EV strategy against specific weak player you would need to lock EVERY node in tree because they play often complete opposite of GTO strategy.
March 9, 2021 | 4:14 a.m.
I dont have big database(dont see any reason to keep old hands) but after 270k hands:
I got dealt AA 7% less often than I should(0,42% instead of 0,45%)
I got dealt TT+,AQ+ less often than I should(4,72% instead of 4,98%)
I got dealt 88+,AKo,KQs,AJs+ slightly more than I should(5,281% instead of 5,279%)
Now I now why I have long bad streak. Pokerstars is rigged!
March 6, 2021 | 3:20 a.m.
Long term strategy I also want my UTG cbet contested.
Yeah, you have range advantage on UTG, against BB there are even boards where you can bet pot range and villain cant exploit this in any way. However when SB calls then situation is a bit different. Weak regulars and tight fishes often have positional awareness and their cold calling range from SB will be significantly stronger than on BB. Thats why mixed strategy makes more sense. And if we want to check some hands then high aces are first that come to mind as we have showdown value and implied odds against dominated hands. Especially on boards like this as he will have not only more sets but also pockets are bigger part of his range then yours.
March 4, 2021 | 4:52 p.m.
"I would not start to get out of line too much" - completely agree - I
would cbet, fold to a raise.
You agree to not get out of line and then announce that you would bet range which is huge deviation from GTOWizard strategy in this spot.
March 4, 2021 | 4:38 p.m.
I dont think that you should have there non-shove raise sizing on turn due to super small stack to pot ratio that would be on river in case that he calls.
March 4, 2021 | 10:16 a.m.
I dont think you gain much by cbetting there with AQ - you have nice hand to bluffcatch on alter streets against worse brodways that SB will have a lot. However I would bet there quite often with other hands as I think it shouldnt be hard to fold naked broadways or even pockets on good runouts.
- Its more complex than this, because you need to also consider hand strength and benefits it gets by betting. For example weaker Ax should bet with higher frequency there than AQ/AK. Even better if you have spade(especially As) as you can use it to bluff on flushed runouts. However its a bit different with strong Ax like AQ as those hands have more showdown value and dont gain anything by folding dominated aces. Spade is there less important, if anything then its more reason to check as you want to have strong one spade hands in your xback range.
- You dont want to have Qs, but As is neutral as he shouldnt bluff river with AsXs.
March 4, 2021 | 9:44 a.m.
I dont like idea of having there calling to almost 5x 3bet IP. In general you should call less against bigger sizing, so I would probably limit my decision with everything to 4bet or fold.
You are also 120bb deep so I dont mind playing 4bet/fold with AK(or call depending on limited informations about player you have).
March 4, 2021 | 9:36 a.m.
Dunno why you replied to my comment but yeah, you are right thats its nice to know who is who just by looking at table in lobby. Thats why I focus on labeling recreationals and bad regs as those are players I want to play against.
March 4, 2021 | 4:40 a.m.
AQo - I'm folding river mainly cause of positions. On EP he shouldnt have many underpairs, Same story with hands like QJs/T9s/JTs that should mix folds preflop. In general his range will be pocket heavy , thats why I think its mostly fold on river, but I dont hate your call.
55 - clear fold. Problem with calling this hand is that he can bluff with better hands like 77 or 88.
K8 - wp, I never folding this. You completely unblock his bluffing range, especially as you saw him already overestimating his hand strength so he can even play worse 8x this way.
March 3, 2021 | 9:40 p.m.
Aroma against EP sometimes even AKo(low freq) can be call. However BU range is significantly looser and not 3betting all AQ/AK/TT+ is mistake. Also you dont need to have many nutted in your range to have check/raising range. Yeah x/r frequency is low when lets say we have only bottom set but its not a big problem- villain cant go too crazy on many boards and runouts with 40%+ range.
March 3, 2021 | 3:24 p.m.
This hand is pure fold preflop without reads on opponent. You have way better hands to 3bet.
As played flop and turn are ok, not sure about river but I would prefer blockbet or check there - you target weak range that will struggle to call bigger bet.
March 2, 2021 | 11:54 p.m.
Those terms are related to optimal strategy (nash equlibrium) proposed by solvers. To find overcalling/overfolding etc. spots you need to know playerpool tendencies , for example from mass database analysis , or at least study carefully solves and try to make logic assumptions based on your experience.
March 2, 2021 | 8:02 p.m.
Well, it doesnt matter that your hand performs poorly against AcJc.
For example against:
TT,66,33,AcJc,9c8c,8c7c,Ac5c,Ac4c (only monsters and strong flushdraws)
you have 31.33% equity. If you add like 2 hands like AT or JJ then you reach required equity (33,2% with taking rake into account)
Obviously we can argue about preflop sizing(100% squeeze is out of question) or flop strategy but against shove you have clear call there. I'm not loving to see shove but you cant make excuse for bad fold just cause you think hero line is not optimal.
March 2, 2021 | 7:51 p.m.
I'm snap folding this on river. Recreationals love to play Ax and you can expect even A3o there in this line. You can argue about check/shoving to rep full house, but I dont think its ev+ trying to make recreational fold trips. I would be way more inclined to bluffcatch lets say 74s on J74Jx as I expect a lot more unimproved floats from flop on river.
Why do you even ask?
Its cleanest runout you can ever ask for. If you are not shoving there your top value hands then when?
June 18, 2022 | 9:49 p.m.