Nipun Java
0 points
BB: 975,021
UTG: 513,827
UTG+1: 383,777
MP: 756,642
CO: 538,580 (Hero)
BN: 958,395
May 5, 2015 | 3:02 a.m.
Thanks Raphael. I can see argument for folding pre, but I don't think raising is mistake in a turbo where you have good stack pressure versus a short stack who is most likely gonna jam or fold. I feel bet fold is best too.
April 14, 2015 | 8:12 p.m.
FT of $109 turbo. What is the optimal line for hero in this spot and why.
a) Bet, bet commit (if not raised on flop ) ,
b) Bet, fold to a raise OR
c) check shove flop
d) Check call , jam turn line
i guess e) is bet, 3 bet shove flop if raised
Rank a) to e) in order of merit.
April 12, 2015 | 7:54 a.m.
Agree on the sizing comment. Would you fold KK in this spot as well? Since they are hand equivalent.
Feb. 25, 2015 | 8:33 p.m.
In my experience there are not a ton of triple barrels in multiway pots with one pair hands, but if you believe his range has many combinations of one pair hands, I don' mind your river shove, although your hand looks like a bluff, so don' love it either. How would you have played KJ?
Feb. 24, 2015 | 5:02 a.m.
What range do you assign to CO's triple barrel? Do you think he triple barrels one pair hands all the time?
Feb. 24, 2015 | 2:12 a.m.
Hero opens 99 UTG vs same competent Asian BB who 4 bet in Hand history 3, he calls, 30bb effective, Flop Q72r, Villain leads 3.5bb, Hero calls, Turn 8 still rainbow, he bets 7bb, hero calls, River 4, he piles 18bb, hero has same stack as villain, Do you call? How would you play any street differently ?
Feb. 24, 2015 | 1:38 a.m.
Later in same tourney, BB1000 lvl, Hero opens AKs from HJ, tight live pro 3 bets from Btn. BB cold 4's. Hero is 27bb, they cover. Betting went 2bb, 5bb, 10.5bb. BB guy capable Asian, but he is aware how tight Btn has been, also aware that Hero could be full of shit though. What do you do?
Feb. 24, 2015 | 1:36 a.m.
Day1a, $1100, 4th or 5th level, Mohsin Charania/chicagocards sits down, UTG + 1 opens, hero 3bets with AKs, Mohsin cold 4b from blinds, Hero is 60bb effective, with action going 2.5bb, 6bb, 15bb. What's your play?
Feb. 24, 2015 | 1:35 a.m.
Interesting spot in the Playboy $1100, Day1c, I have 27k to start hand. Blinds 100/400/800, open TJo in HJ to 1800. (BB is this huge stack with 120k who. Seems like a good read based player but with poor math fundamentals, bluffed earlier on river and showed it, also picked up a bluff in a very non standard spot with a weak hand. Plays a wide range of hands.) BB defends. flop 962r, he check calls 2200 into 4900, turn Q (still rainbow) he check calls 5500 into 9300, river T, he open piles. Pot on river is 20,300 i have 17,500 left. Board runout 962QT. What do you do?
Feb. 24, 2015 | 1:34 a.m.
Some great input. Thanks guys. I'm more interested in post flop decision. I would be interested in knowing how does Chewy react with 77 and 88 on that board texture. Does he continue with those hands to overbets the same way you would to a normal sized cbet so to speak. Are there hands that chewy would fold to overbets that he would normally continue with? If we do decide to cbet normal sizing (3500 to 5k) shouldn't we be always barreling?. Im normally not a fan of flop overbets but it seems like there maybe some merit in doing it here.
Dec. 26, 2014 | 11:05 a.m.
"Had an interesting spot in WPT 5 diamond. Blinds 75/300/600. 15 minutes left in level which then closes reentry. Starting stack is 30k. I'm on bullet 1 that I won a mega satty for. I have 27k starting the hand. Folds to Luckychewy in hj who opens to 1400 (with about 30k). I have AToff in cut off. I make it 4100. Folds back to chewy who calls. Flop 532hh. I have no hearts. He checks. There's 10k in the middle now and have 23k left. My thinking here is that his calling range here pre can be wide but most likely 22-JJ, all suited broadways combos, all suited aces, AQoff-AJ and ATs.. Possibly aj off. And some suited connectors. Think he folds qj off ktoff, jtoff, kt pre. Thoughts on how to continue?"
Above hand as dictated to me by a close friend and good live reg.
Additional thoughts:
a) Im basically looking at this spot to get feedback as to what cbet sizing post is good in this spot?
b) Is there any merit in overbetting flop considering any cbet prices us against a check shove? Or does it?
c) Any other thoughts?
Dec. 25, 2014 | 10:30 a.m.
Kratermero: That's what my read was on this situation. I often end up folding in this spot in live poker because people do not have correct calling ranges to open jams. Feels like open jamming or calling off with a better hand would be a better play under a varied host of circumstances
Nov. 29, 2014 | 1:13 p.m.
Kratermero, good analysis. This is a very common spot that shows up in MTTs with short stack and in the BB. I'm never quite certain what the right play is. On one hand you are priced in with a lot of your range to a min raise and flat. At same time, you are likely to go bust a lot in this spot. So the question in my mind is, is folding and open jamming or waiting for a slightly better hand a better MTT play OR going with every +EV spot despite the super high bustout rate a better play. I'm not quite sure.
Nov. 22, 2014 | 8:51 a.m.
Are you not playing any hands with 10bbs or 5.5bbs, How about a hand like 79ss?
Nov. 21, 2014 | 11:59 a.m.
Got no response to this. Are the forums dead?
Nov. 17, 2014 | 9:39 a.m.
Hero has 5.5bb in the big blind. 7 handed. Blinds 1k/3k/6k and he has 33k in the bb. Button min opens and sb flats. What's your play in the bb with 34ss.
A)Are you calling your entire range here and going in if you flop some equity. Are you folding some range?
b) what's your play if you have 10bbs .
Oct. 5, 2014 | 10:56 p.m.
General list of suggestions for training videos:
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but for a while I've been thinking about this. Most training videos that are 50 mins long can really be condensed to 5-15 mins of actual worth. Not that I don't appreciate the elaborate thought process, but I feel that as an middle to advanced MTT reg, most videos should be done after the presenter has actuallly has made a script of what he has to say. Think of it as a commercial, not a lord of the rings trilogy.
Here is what an ideal format of a training video would look like to me.
a) Presenter has an already written script of the video (basically means he created 5 versions of video before this) and finally edited it down to one if necessary.
b) Video has a clear theme, which is laid out at the beginning at the video. Eg of themes: Preflop analysis, Hand history of Big $162.
c) No rambling or dwelling on the same points again and again. Saying the same thing 5 times, does not add any value. THis is very closely linked to a) If you did multiple versions of the same video and then selected the final version, it will have 10x impact.
d) Time is of the essence. There is so much content available to all subscribers, that as one, I want to find the best use of my time, and even if the content is dense, I rather 3x watch a 15 minute dense video (because every subsequent watch makes the content more permanent in memory), than watch once a 45 min rambling version (which has good content but in spurts and not all of it is good.
I want to say again that I'm very grateful for all the presenters/trainers/coaches doing what they are for us. These are only suggestions as to what I personally like stylistically.
May 14, 2014 | 5:34 a.m.
May 14, 2014 | 5:19 a.m.
Are those dates correct. June 27th - July 13th? Or is that May 27th? I'll be there. This will be my first year playing as a full time professional. I've been doing this part time for past 6 years. Looking forward to meeting Phil, Jason and all the other regs!. Super stoked.
Thanks guys for the input. erc007, are you planning on 3 betting folding?
May 15, 2015 | 6:29 p.m.