5 points
I agree with that FL value is about 7-8 scores in normal pineapple game vs a optimal player, maybe higher vs a bad player. Jen, how do you think the 14 cards FL value in the progressive pineapple? I think it may lower than 7-8, because 15 cards FL value and 16 cards FL are large just as you said "villain goes to FL more than hero remains".
June 8, 2016 | 7:22 a.m.
I sampled it with computer, about 12.3 royalties in sum, but I don't know how to estimate the score vs a player, anyone can give me some advice?
June 1, 2016 | 1:43 a.m.
All results loaded
OFC has been solved already?
Can you give me some resources about this?
Any bots of program is ok.
June 27, 2016 | 2:33 a.m.