1 points
I definetely don't think that he's shoving anything worse for value, also my As kind of blocks his possible bluffing hands. His value range is pretty narrow tho - Q9s J9s (4 combos), QTss expect to raise the flop as well as 88 99 JJ altho he might opt to not raise those sets, so removing smthing like half of those combos seems a solid assumption to me.
Dunno, maybe he's turning some hands into bluffs like AJ/KJ/QJ/KQ - I dont expect any of those to fold prior to river as again he perceives me as bluff and barrel happy.
Sept. 24, 2013 | 10:54 a.m.
BB: $452.33
UTG: $240
HJ: $835.04
CO: $600 (Hero)
BN: $864.91
UTG folds, HJ folds, Hero raises to $15, BN calls $15, SB folds, BB folds
Sept. 24, 2013 | 9:40 a.m.
You guys missed so much action. Like 15 minutes in with A2o BTN vs BB you don't even seem to notice opponent's turn sizing and just conclude it's standart when in fact it's not. Same goes just a minute later with Q9o you just presume Hero called pre-flop a min-raise which might not even be good a call and also it was a 2.5x raise. That's just a few random examples.
I probably just missed it but again WHY does BB reraise linear range and not normal balanced range?
Dec. 22, 2013 | 6:44 p.m.