King Kong
25 points
In many cases, OOP is incentivized to bet with a less polarized range than IP in order to deny equity from check backs. IP, with the positional advantage, will be able to more effectively play turns and rivers than OOP. Therefore, IP often prefers to check back medium strength hands in order to preserve equity and guarantee that he/she will see the next street. This means that OOP strategy trends towards smaller sizing and more frequent bets.
However, this is not always true! If OOP has a range/nut advantage, a bigger bet size can be used.
May 14, 2019 | 2:54 p.m.
Your analysis of Byron's A5cc shove @ 15:55 is based on him having 16bb but the graphics indicate that the bb is 600k. His decision to shove seems a lot more clear for 13bb when there is a big ante.
Aug. 24, 2018 | 6:03 p.m.
Hi Daniel,
I quickly ran the 68o hand thru Pio with very rough preflop assumptions and it has us almost never leading the turn. Since we are leading or x/r so often with our 5x and 7x on the flop, our x/c 33% pot range is quite weak. On the turn, we have a small concentration of straights and 2 pr (6%) but lots of high cards, gutters, and 3rd/4th pair. IP has more overpairs, top pairs, and nut draws.
Especially with the straight, the lead seems bad since we want to keep in hands with little to no equity.
Thanks for the continued quality content.
June 28, 2018 | 5:03 a.m.
Daniel, you're producing some of the best content on the site. Ty for the amount of work you put in and your thoughtful responses in the forum!
April 16, 2018 | 5:03 p.m.
Hi Tyler,
I enjoyed the video. For the most part, I feel like I understand the general principle of Tipton's formula but am having trouble reconciling it with betsizing strategies I've used or seen in the past.
In the video, you use the equity of your specific hand v opponent's range in the formula. However, in game, I assume you are not usually scaling your betsizes according to the equity of your specific hand. In practice, does it make sense use the [equity of our entire value range] to estimate a single bet size for our entire value and bluffing range?
Jan. 20, 2016 | 4:28 a.m.
@ ~8:45 you choose not to bluff river w 6c6x on Q93ccc 25 after flatting sb and x/calling flop. Not sure if you're flatting AcKx preflop but 66 seems like one of worst hands we have?
Nov. 27, 2015 | 5:06 a.m.
I don't think I'm ahead enough to call. But I think sometimes he has JT and is trying to bluff me off of a chop. Other times, he might be turning a set into a bluff?
I'm most interested in the turn action and whether you think betting turn make sense.
March 16, 2014 | 9 p.m.
Yeah, checking back turn and folding non-boating rivers is the other standard option...
March 16, 2014 | 2:57 p.m.
I am a young white kid. I almost never play PLO and have not played with anyone at the table before.
Villain is a asian regular in his 40s who sometimes plays higher stakes and seems competent and intelligent. He was caught once bluffing 3 streets a few orbits ago.
Villain has 1700, I cover. It seems to me that all streets are debatable.
Pre: 3 limpers, I raise to 55 otb w Kh Qc Qd 6d. Villain in BB calls and all limpers call.
Flop (290): Qh 9c 7c. Villain leads 275, 3 folds, I call.
Turn (840): Kc. Villain checks fairly quickly, I think for a minute and bet 500. He calls after 1.5-2 min.
River (1840): Ac, Villain lead shoves all in for ~900 after thinking for 20 seconds.
On the flop I don't feel like I have a significant equity advantage w dry top set so I choose to flat and play the turn in position.
When the Kc comes, my plan was to bet turn and shove all rivers to get villain to fold straights and smaller flushes. I think sometimes he x/f the turn w JTxx and sometimes he x/c one street, x/f the river. I also think he never x/shoves the turn w/o the A-hi flush. I can also get value from sets on the turn by betting.
On the river, I get very confused because I have the nut flush blocker and he lead shoves into me. I think he's bluffing but I think some of his bluffs might beat me...
What do you guys think? I'd love to get better at PLO!
awesome video Dan, you're putting out the best MTT content right now
May 21, 2019 | 1:23 a.m.