IronCondor's avatar


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The ranges seem off in terms of the assumptions regarding value. For example, with semi deep stacks, and being OOP vs the btn (we also have to keep the BB in mind), can you actually have something like KJs, A9-A2:xx, AQo in a preflop flatting range? If the answer is no to any of that then the assumptions about the ranges are way off, making subsequent decisions very unhelpful.

You also made some assumptions about his X/Shove range being balanced when he might simply have too many nutted hands (an asymmetric range) that relegate our decision to how quickly we fold.

Oct. 22, 2014 | 5:52 p.m.

I don't like jamming the turn (assuming non-diamond) cuz we have a ton of equity vs a tight range (TT+,A4s-A5s,ATs+,KQs,T8s,97s,76s,65s,AQo+,KQo) and even more against a wider range, so calling a turn bet is prolly much higher EV than jamming. 

After he checks I prefer betting ~ 1/2 Pot, unless you have an extremely wide range in this type of spot or he has some particular leak that makes checking better, because we capture a significant portion of the pot on the river, he is prolly not likely to XR, and if he does XR we have great or very decent equity, all of which make betting > EV than checking.  You have to play around with ranges, pot, bet and stack sizes to convince yourself betting is better than checking..


Oct. 13, 2014 | 7:54 p.m.

After considering all the value hands he can bet (T8s, 98s 87s, 86s, 66, A8, AQ) the river seems like an easy, but annoying, fold...I am not even sure that calling with 87s would be a good idea.

July 15, 2013 | 3:29 p.m.

On the turn I don't mind checking back cuz we are not particularly worried about giving a free card, and the over card he is most likely to have in his range is already on the board.  When he pots the river, and the thinking most likely applies to smaller and bigger bets, I am fine with a fold vs a range I suspect has AK, discounted AQ, possibly some AJs, and any value hands (sets, any surprising 2 pr he might have) he was looking to x/r on the turn.  Even though QQ removes some "value" hands from his range, if we really think he is bluffing then calling with 88 is very close to calling with QQ, and I doubt a post would be made about calling in this spot with 88.

July 9, 2013 | 7:27 p.m.

Hey guys,

I have been reading various posts for several weeks and finally mustered up enough courage to ask a question regarding a river calling range with the following info: we have only played a few orbits, villain is unknown, and we are unknown.

Board is KT3s 22, villain is in the CO and bets 2/3 - 3/4 Pot on the flop and turn, and he Pots the river.  We assign him the following range:  KK+, TT, 33, AJs+, A4s, KTs+, QJs, AJo+, KTo+, QJo (112 combos)*, and our range is: TT, 33, ATs, KTs+, QTs, JTs, T9s, ATo, KTo+ (60 combos)**

Should we view this situation in manner A or B?

A: We think the worst hand villain will value bet is KJ, so he has 60 value-combos and 52 potential bluff candidates.  We also think that he will bluff > 30 of his 52 bluff combos, so we decide to call with our entire range because we are getting 2:1 from the pot, and he has too many bluff combo

B: We decide to call with 50% of our hands that beat a bluff, so we call with the top 30 of our 60 combos.

I am quite confused about why and when to go with A or B so I must have a very flawed view of GTO, which has become quite the rage.  Any help clearing this up would be greatly appreciated.. 


May 15, 2013 | 3:23 p.m.

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