40 points
Hey Ryan, thank you so much for this series!
You researched and prepared the video so well and the presentation of the results was very very good. YOu helped me out a lot with the info.
I had to lough so hard when you played Kelly again for the first time in this 2nd video. You got me there really good.
I have 1 question:
Can you explain how to calculate the difference in EV of the strategies to the loss of xBB/100? I did not get this.
Thank you!
April 18, 2019 | 4:42 p.m.
You are fucking awesome Pedro! THank you for your good explanations. I am looking very much forward to the series.
March 26, 2019 | 3:59 p.m.
Yeah man good point. frenchplonka, you should definetely read that book.
You can get it here: https://carrotcorner.com/
Dec. 31, 2018 | 7:18 a.m.
Hey man, I would not 3Bet AQs if BB is a Fish. Just call pre and keep BB in the pot. Also BTN is sitting there with less than 100BB so we could assume he is a fish too, so this is another reason for just calling preflop.
Make sure that you do not use some print out standart ranges. Always stay flexible and have a reason why you do something. Standard input brings standard results. You want to be better than that.
I would expect UTG to have a very narrow and value heavy 4bet Range since BB overcalled your 3B.
As played yeah with SPR around 1 and Nut Flush Draw just close your eyes and go.
Dec. 30, 2018 | 2:52 p.m.
Hey frenchplonka, welcome to RIO.
I recommend to you the videos of Peter Clarke and Ian Salter.
They put out great content for the low stakes and explain a lot about the fundamentals of Poker which we as low stakes grinders should focus on first.
Good luck at the tables!
Dec. 30, 2018 | 2:08 p.m.
Awesome! I can´t wait.
Dec. 27, 2018 | 4:37 p.m.
Hey Francesco, great video! Thank you a lot for preapring and executing all your videos so well.
Like WHATSMYNAMEHUH asked above, can you give some general guide lines on CB strategies and on which board characteristics it is better to go polar or bet merged or 100%?
Maybe it would be optimal if you can dedicate a whole video on these strategies, when to use them and give us some general guidelines?
Saying 2/3 Pot SIze Bet on 962r is the highest EV streategy is like giving us a Fish. But it would be great if you could teach us fishing :)
Thank you and all the best to you!
Dec. 18, 2018 | 4:39 p.m.
Hello people of the sun, I posted this already in the low stakes NLHE section but I figured it might fit better over here.
I was wondering what is your decision making process when you play a hand?
Do you think you follow everytime the same process ?
If so, what does it look like? If not, what are you considering/ when and why do you deviate from your baseline process?
I wrote down my process which I usually follow if I am focused and not on monkey mind mode.
In this example it is a single Raised Pot and I have the initiative. I took it as an example because this situation prolly occurs most often.
What is Villains VPIP/PFR/3B + Stereo Type ( I usually have figured out that preflop hence I adjust in my opening Ranges)
What is his Range to get to the Flop with
What is the Board Texture: Dry, Wet, Super Wet >> Do I want to have a checking Range/Polarised Range or do I cbet my whole Range out of simplicity. + Do I really want to bet 100% or just 80, 90% and jsut give up hands that have no real chance of improving by the River.
Who has the Range advantage
What are Villains Postflop Flop + Turn Stats (FTCB, raise CB, AF, WTSD, WWSF,)
Which/ are there many Turncards I can barrel that improve my hand (BDFD, BDSD, 2 Overcards/ Potential scare cards for Villain)
Considering especially Postflop stats, do I want to take the pot down now or is a delayed cb more profitable/ makes more sense
Step 4: I am not always sure + I am def. not super confident who has range advantage but I guess thinking about it is better then ignoring it. I am working on that weakness of mine but if you can give me some tips and or study tips in order to improve then I would be very happy.
Step 6. I think it is also better to think about my whole Range and which Turncards + how many Turn cards improve my Range but I am also not confident in this area and on lower limits I don´t think many people think about "Oh, should I call/defend on this Flop because so and so many Turncards would improve my Range". I mean that my Villains probaply not really consider this fact.
How can I improve in this area? My guess would be to check out PIO "Runouts aggregated frequency analsis" on different boards. Any suggestions from your side are very much appreciated.
Why do I post this?
- I would really appreciate your guyses feedback on my process. Do I have some blind spots, and how can I improve in those areas?
Am I too rigid in my decision process and what changes should I make?
Good Luck grinding everyone and thank you for your attention :)
Nov. 28, 2018 | 5:06 p.m.
Hey guys,
I was wondering what is your decision making process when you play a hand?
Do you think you follow everytime the same process ?
If so, what does it look like? If not, what are you considering/ when and why do you deviate from your baseline process?
I wrote down my process which I usually follow if I am focused and not on monkey mind mode.
In this example it is a single Raised Pot and I have the initiative. I took it as an example because this situation prolly occurs most often.
- What is Villains VPIP/PFR/3B + Stereo Type ( I usually have figured out that preflop hence I adjust in my opening Ranges)
- What is his Range to get to the Flop with
- What is the Board Texture: Dry, Wet, Super Wet >> Do I want to have a checking Range/Polarised Range or do I cbet my whole Range out of simplicity. + Do I really want to bet 100% or just 80, 90% and jsut give up hands that have no real chance of improving by the River.
- Who has the Range advantage
- What are Villains Postflop Flop + Turn Stats (FTCB, raise CB, AF, WTSD, WWSF,)
- Which/ are there many Turncards I can barrel that improve my hand (BDFD, BDSD, 2 Overcards/ Potential scare cards for Villain)
- Considering especially Postflop stats, do I want to take the pot down now or is a delayed cb more profitable/ makes more sense
Step 4: I am not always sure + I am def. not super confident who has range advantage but I guess thinking about it is better then ignoring it. I am working on that weakness of mine but if you can give me some tips and or study tips in order to improve then I would be very happy.
Step 6. I think it is also better to think about my whole Range and which Turncards + how many Turn cards improve my Range but I am also not confident in this area and on lower limits I don´t think many people think about "Oh, should I call/defend on this Flop because so and so many Turncards would improve my Range". I mean that my Villains probaply not really consider this fact.
- How can I improve in this area? My guess would be to check out PIO "Runouts aggregated frequency analsis" on different boards. Any suggestions from your side are very much appreciated.
Why do I post this?
- I would really appreciate your guyses feedback on my process. Do I have some blind spots, and how can I improve in those areas?
Am I too rigid in my decision process and what changes should I make?
Good Luck grinding everyone and thank you for your attention :)
Nov. 28, 2018 | 2 p.m.
Awesome video and well researched + summarized and presented information.
Thank you very much Leszek!
I am very excited about your book coming out soon.
GL and all the best!
Oct. 20, 2018 | 11:26 p.m.
Thank you for doing this. I def. learned a ton and it was a lot of fun to watch.
I am sorry to read that the challenge is on hold. I hope you wil be back soon!
GL at the tables and at school.
May 6, 2018 | 3:59 p.m.
As always, great streams! Best twitch stream i´ve ever watched. Keep up the good play and explanations :) Thank you for doing this, I appreciate you alot.
April 28, 2018 | 6:56 p.m.
Hey Eric, great streams so far. I was sad to notice that you took down the videos on your twitch channel as I wanted to rewatch them for study/improving.
Whhyyyyy did you do this? :D
March 31, 2018 | 9:18 a.m.
Cool, great stuff. Following as well. GLGL
March 25, 2018 | 7:39 p.m.
Awareness. Being aware of your emotions, being aware of your opponents tendencies, their emotional state, being aware of opponents left to act when you open a hand (Weaker Player or agggressive 3Betting Regs in the blinds for examle).
Being aware of your leaks/weaknesses/strenghts.
March 25, 2018 | 3:14 p.m.
Very very nice video + series! Thank you very much for that.
Especially the KJ hand at the end of the video was quite entertaining. Do you think you would make the play also without relevant blockers + do you think it is longterm + EV to bluff raise such weak bets on rivers by weaker players? Maybe you can mention some guidelines or rule of thumbs regarding that play?
I will def. try it out in my next sessions but I am a bit scared of setting money on fire you know? :)
I totally agree with Biribiri, a series on 3Betting would be awesome.
Especially if you could cover the topics on 3Bet Iso weaker players and exploiting them.
Also what guidelines are there for 3Betting different kind of players with different stats.
I really enjoyed in your series that you summarize things, refer to topics of your previous videos and repeat stuff while playing.
If you end up making a live play series then it would be great if you could expand more on those topics like 3 Bet Potts and how to play against weaker players.
Feb. 22, 2018 | 3 p.m.
Hey Milosz,
this might be a continuation of BigFiszh´s nice post.....
there is an interesting essential video by James Hudson on this site called Stats: Making better use of your HUD.
Hope the link works: http://www.runitonce.com/poker-training/videos/irunlucky9/
Definitely worth checking out.
Feb. 18, 2018 | 11:53 a.m.
Hey Ian, thank you very much for that great video, I should say those great videos!
Do you have some advice and good sources for improving our theoretical and strategic understanding?
For example some books or articles? What do you think is the most effective way to do that?
Dec. 10, 2017 | 10:52 a.m.
Hey Mitchell, thank you for that great answer!
"- On the river if your range is polarized and your opponents range is capped, then the best sizing is all in. If your opponent isn't quite capped then large sizes will still be best
- On the turn if your opponents range is capped then over bets are often the best. Some examples include when your opponent fails to c-bet IP on a board where they should c-bet polar, when an opponent check calls a small flop bet, when an opponent check calls a polar flop bet and the board bricks. There are many more examples obviously. "
Could you maybe elaborate a little bit more on those situations and maybe give some more examples? I struggle to fully understand the concept of our opponent being capped or as you said "quite capped".
What if OP is a guy who loves to slowplay stuff?
Dec. 10, 2017 | 10:48 a.m.
If he is a fun player/aggro fish (maybe post some stats or mention some spots you observed that makes you think that he is a fun player),
I think your Preflop sizing is ok because obv you are going for Value here although I would prefer 3x and making it a bit larger with more value hands such as AK, AQ,AA,KK,QQ...... AJ and stuff is kinda close for that large 3Betting sizing IP.
Flop I like 1/3 cbet sizing but I would make it a bit bigger. Vs fish you can also bet around 1/2 I think. Depends on the player though because if he likes to x/r on the Flop a lot i prefer betting 1/3 to induce some shit.
On the Turn I agree with screamdustry in all aspects. So if he is a fun player and aggro fish I would also close my eyes and make a crying call.
I don´t see him raising QJ a lot, it sucks that there are not many draws besides straight draws and gutshots but considering all the retardness of fun players I would lean towards a call.
Aug. 5, 2017 | 11:36 a.m.
I agree with Vaine, I like your Cbet but I would bet sth like 6.50-7 because the board is so dry.
We can shove any 9 J Q K A and also we could think about checking some Kx or Qx here.
2nd Question: At min 15:45 you mention how EQ is created in Poker (Exploitative and at Equilibrium). Do you really mean EQ or EV in that context?
April 18, 2019 | 4:55 p.m.