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Post | Ic3Dud3 posted in NLHE: Need help with gameplay

Hi. iw been playing poker for quite some time, and up until few months ago i was regulary wining or had a smallish lossing months ocasionaly. ( was up like 150-400 $) per month @ NL 10 fast poker. ( zoom etc. )

1 of my biggest leaks is discipline and tilt control. that is what i am aware of and am going to work on it.

the thing im going to need help with is gameplay it self. proof ....

graph for this month : http://shrani.si/f/2y/Db/BccszGl/what-to-do.png

iw been watching allot of videos but i guess i need sum 1 to guide me cuz obv.i dont undersand the concept 2 good.

so what im looking for is someone who is beating microlimits constantly to take a look at my hands/game and tryes to convert me into a winning player again. i cannot prommis any payment but will make a donation as much as i can as soon as i see signs of improvement. please dont waste my and yours time with "wanabe pro coach" type of attitude, im just looking for someone honest who can help me out and i will be more than happy to show gratitude when i get some results. think of me as a project, it will also help improve/keep sharp your game. skype communication would be awsome.

my stats r approx. 20/15 , 3B : 7/78 ( i know :( )

thx in advance.

July 30, 2016 | 12:27 a.m.


not an video but i think its very useful. and its free..

March 12, 2016 | 2:58 p.m.

Comment | Ic3Dud3 commented on z100, KK preflop

given the stats think he always has AA there, but if he does have lets says AK or QQ, just let him bluff off post flop? if you shove , i think he folds everything except AA, cuz you never have weak hand here.

my standard here is to call pre, and call off on non A boards.

March 3, 2016 | 5:58 p.m.

Id play hand the same way. but im also having trouble with this spots, but i think if i just fold on turn its way 2 easy for them to semi bluff me off a better hand. on the river im prety sure he has a set or a non showdown hand, like J9s ? guess he gives up allot on river, or bets bigger when he bluffs, so id say he has some kind of set hand.

Feb. 5, 2016 | 11:12 p.m.

Comment | Ic3Dud3 commented on TT nl20

problem is, that this is a very small sample and it means nothing except him plaiying passiv. on the turn raise , standard would be to fold. you dont beat any of his value hands.

you lose to a flush , to any 2 , or to a set, and since we figured out he is passiv....he could also have an overpair.

Feb. 5, 2016 | 2:12 a.m.

Comment | Ic3Dud3 commented on NL25 ATo

3b if he steals and folds allot , otherwise id just flat AT vs unknown. that beeing said, in either way, i would check-fold that board always.

on the turn , i guess sometimes you can bet, but i prefer to check and try to see the river, and call on any card that improves our had...so any T or A and i would lead out on a 8 with like 1/3 of pot trying to enduce a bluff from him or get value from worse

Feb. 5, 2016 | 2:03 a.m.

Comment | Ic3Dud3 commented on NL 25 bad river!

ummm didnt you fold preflop, acording to this? il assume this is a glitch or something....

1st of all , think you can play 9Ts better post flop if you 3 bet, suited connectors are nice hands to do 3b bluffs. i use that and suited aces. so my value 3b is like AQ+ , JJ+ , i flat with suited brodways and KQoff + A6s-A9s and pp 44-TT, and i 3b bluff with 98s T9s 78s, A2s-A5s. Hope this helps

Feb. 5, 2016 | 1:54 a.m.

think post flop is fairly standard, but Q9s calling a 3b is a bit lose i think. you gona have a realy hard time playing that hand post flop.

Feb. 5, 2016 | 1:44 a.m.

id probably call turn and pay off on safe riv card - if its vs unknown player. vs fish id shove turn, and vs nitty reg id fold turn as well.
dont think good regs have 2 many sets here tho, ur blocking KK, he might have 99 or slowplayed AA. but if he is a thinking player i guess he knows only hand he can get value from with AA ,is AK on this board. ur folding QQ and worst, so i guess he would let you continue bluffing? also the fact ur holding Ac makes it less possible he has like a strong FD....question is, does he call QJs out of position vs 3b.... u had any stats on him?

Feb. 3, 2016 | 11:35 a.m.

Post | Ic3Dud3 posted in NLHE: 3 bet range - videos.

Hey guys, iw registers to essential vidoes, and i would like to lean some more about 3 betting, like which are the good hands to do it with and how to continue post flop. iw tryed to search for videos but didnt really find anything specific. so if you could please direct me to a link with this content i would realy apreciate it. thanks in advance

Feb. 3, 2016 | 11:11 a.m.

Post | Ic3Dud3 posted in Chatter: Upgrading account

Hi, yesterday i bought essential acess to your site, and i meant to buy ELITE....can i fix this or do i need to pay the full price for elite now again ? ty

Jan. 25, 2016 | 2:19 p.m.

Post | Ic3Dud3 posted in Chatter: Are all RIO coaches wining player?

Hi, i have been your subscriber for your site and wanted to upgrade to elite, but recently i have stombled across interesting topic on 2+2.

There are alegendly quite few coaches that arent beating the game any more(under essential section) , what i want to know now, is how can we be sure that we infact are getting the good/quality tips and training videos. Is there a way we can check our selfs curent results for coaches?

hope this doesnt come like im attacking you, im only trying to do whats best for my interest and prob. most of other players as well. Thanks.

Jan. 29, 2015 | 5:10 p.m.

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