IamBuddhaa's avatar


0 points

Few of the reasons I think that jamming is the most optimal play in this tricky spot are : 

- Kimokh would play very carefull in this spot after the big stack behind him and not calling us with Axxx hands I think.

- We should have tones of FE in this spot.

- If we get called from 6789 or 789T we are still fine. 

- I think most of the times their hands would be quite similar QTJ8 , AQJ5 , AJT9 , QQJJ , QJJT all ds.  

- Also I'm not sure about you but in this spot what would you do with AAxx , AA98 and AKJQ I think we would jam again all these hands with just a pot size bet dunno 

- I don't like betting small because both players can peel against us very profitable and we will have no clue what to do on almost any turn OOP , also I think they are very rarely rasing us on this flop only if they slowplayed AAxx somehow or have hands like A778 , A987 , AT98. 

It's my first post and I really would like to here some other opps on this spot esepcially from the RIO team. :))  


Oct. 16, 2013 | 10:44 p.m.

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