0 points
Well he did say 3bet polar which I took for polarized.
June 28, 2018 | 3:29 a.m.
I 3bet to 15
If you asked me why I did this, my honest answer would be, I didnt want to bet so big to scare anyone out but at the same time I completely forgot to make it 2.5x the pot. When I decided to raise I didnt take account how loose UTG+1 was playing and my state of mind was pretty blurry due to me being pretty tired.
Both villians called 8 and once they did I knew I mest up and I had such a sick feeling in my stomach (Dead serious). Both Villians were obviously getting good odds on there money
6 10 9
Both villians check to me. What are you doing?
June 27, 2018 | 7:25 p.m.
This is a hand that occured to me and wanted to see how you guys would play it. I will update it every few hours and let you know what I did. I would also like your input in my decision as well.
Playing live 1/2
UTG Player (Age 65) Stack Size $112 who is some what tight and always bets hard when face cards hit the flop and turn. He has shown down 2 hands of KQo and AJo decided to raise to 7
UTG+1 player (Age 29) Stack Size $535 is a loose player who limps in alot! and calls peoples preflop raises several times. He has shown 3 straights when holding 76o, 46o & 35o. He also lost a hand with me when he had 10-6o. He calls the 7 bet
Im in the CO (Age 27). Stack size $290 I have been playing tight and aggressive. When I have it I bet. I have also bluffed a few spots with some high cards on board.
I pick up AA What am I doing now??
June 27, 2018 | 5:04 a.m.
I agree with James Hudson on it being either a small bet or a check. When you bet 9 into 12 it would tell me youre trying to buy the pot and I would raise your bet. But again thats me! We all have different reads. But i would like to ask James Hudson what would we do if he called our small bet? Do we check it down or would we barrel again if a diamond came?
June 26, 2018 | 4:28 a.m.
A little lost on what went wrong. Lol either way you played it fine!
June 25, 2018 | 5:10 a.m.
Calling. Simply because we have another player yet to act and we do want him to come along.
IMO flop bet was fine. Im not trying to chase anyone away so 1/3 seems fine. I guess I can see the arguement for a slightly bigger raise only because there are another 2 players in the hand so it can be likely someone will have a club in there hand.
June 25, 2018 | 2:43 a.m.
WIth the added equity im calling and then check folding on river. The way he bet two streets and probably the third on river if we called the turn, makes it seem he does hold an ace or possibly 88+ and may have been betting for value after you checked multiple times and showed weakness.
I do wonder what could have happned if we check raised the flop tho. DO you believe thi sopponent is capable folding to added pressure? Have you seen him fold to aggression? Again its just a play I thought about.
I agree with the guys here. After the flop I would bet small to get value from my hand. And even though you dont have any blockers to the flush draw, it would hurt to bet to charge drawing hands.
June 28, 2018 | 6:25 p.m.