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16 points

Hand History | HowIMetUrriver posted in MTT: KK set on A high board; Line?
Blinds: t75/t150 (9 Players) MP: 20,954
UTG+1: 10,309
MP+1: 15,053
MP+2: 31,872
CO: 4,363
BN: 15,200
SB: 31,921 (Hero)
BB: 13,523
UTG: 9,201
Preflop (225) Hero is SB with K K
UTG raises to 300, 3 folds, MP+2 calls 300, 2 folds, Hero raises to 1,100, BB folds, UTG folds, MP+2 calls 800
Flop (2,830) 5 A K
Hero bets 1,400, MP+2 calls 1,400
Turn (5,630) 5 A K T
Hero checks, MP+2 checks
River (5,630) 5 A K T 8
Hero checks, MP+2 bets 2,275, Hero raises to 7,050, MP+2 calls 4,775
Final Pot SB wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
SB wins 19,730

May 25, 2015 | 12:55 p.m.

Blinds: t50/t100 (8 Players) BN: 7,687
SB: 9,910
BB: 14,605
UTG: 9,610 (Hero)
UTG+1: 6,985
MP: 11,580
MP+1: 12,610
CO: 11,385
Preflop (150) Hero is UTG with K K
Hero raises to 250, 6 folds, BB calls 150
Flop (630) 3 7 6
BB checks, Hero bets 400, BB raises to 1,100, Hero calls 700
Turn (2,830) 3 7 6 4
BB bets 1,780, Hero folds
Final Pot BB wins 2,830

May 25, 2015 | 12:44 p.m.

Hand History | HowIMetUrriver posted in MTT: KK in 3-bet pot oop
Blinds: t20/t40 (9 Players) MP: 10,670
UTG+1: 9,990
MP+1: 8,950
MP+2: 9,410
CO: 11,560
BN: 9,940
SB: 9,960 (Hero)
BB: 10,000
UTG: 9,520
Preflop (60) Hero is SB with K K
UTG calls 40, MP raises to 140, 5 folds, Hero raises to 440, BB folds, UTG folds, MP calls 300
Flop (960) 8 J 6
Hero bets 520, MP calls 520
Turn (2,000) 8 J 6 7
Hero checks, MP bets 1,250, Hero calls 1,250
River (4,500) 8 J 6 7 2
Hero checks, MP bets 2,920, Hero folds
Final Pot MP wins 4,500

May 25, 2015 | 12:32 p.m.

Hand History | HowIMetUrriver posted in MTT: QQ - Line?
Blinds: t100/t200 (9 Players) MP+2: 10,000
CO: 9,865
BN: 15,087
SB: 17,060
BB: 7,501
UTG: 8,018 (Hero)
UTG+1: 21,043
MP: 9,700
MP+1: 16,848
Preflop (300) Hero is UTG with Q Q
Hero raises to 450, UTG+1 folds, MP calls 450, 6 folds
Flop (1,200) A 9 8
Hero checks, MP checks
Turn (1,200) A 9 8 A
Hero bets 600, MP calls 600
River (2,400) A 9 8 A 3
Hero checks, MP bets 1,646, Hero folds
Final Pot MP wins 2,400

May 25, 2015 | 12:26 p.m.

Once again. Nice video and nice topic.

min12: To be honest I don't get two points:

1) I was wondering why you have 44/77 in your 3-bet defending range (esp. vs. a 27x BB Villain) (which benefits?)
2) why shouldn't our opponent 3-bet 44 or 77 (the first as bluff and the second as 3bet/call?)

many thanks in advance (:

May 9, 2015 | 10:59 p.m.

still doesn't work

Feb. 18, 2015 | 10:58 p.m.

doesn't work either

Feb. 17, 2015 | 11:01 p.m.

Its close opening 66, 77+ seems fine, 44 way too loose w/ the stackdistribution.

Feb. 7, 2015 | 11:06 p.m.

The bb's we gain are irrelevant in this scenario, since we're having two 10bb stacks remaining, the value in shoving here is close to zero, thus defending our entire range is the way to go. We do not increase our $EV by shipping any hand here pre, but we lose a large amount in $EV when called and lose.

Feb. 7, 2015 | 10:39 p.m.

Since we can defend a lot of hands w/ postflop playability because of the odds we get, we can 3bet hands w/ limited postflop playability, and balance these out with strong valuehands.

Dec. 12, 2014 | 11:27 a.m.

He's not playing AK this way, he has AA here almost exclusively, and misplayed it pretty badly.

Dec. 1, 2014 | 2:46 p.m.

If his range is split here, and I think its going to be a lot, it makes the call w/ JJ even easier. I do agree they will push AK/QQ+ here too, but less often than someone w/ a balanced range.

Nov. 26, 2014 | 1:35 p.m.

Fish tend to have a split range here in these spots, so we should always exclude at least QQ+ out of tthe shoving range, and probably AK too, which will have drastic effects on our callrange.

Nov. 26, 2014 | 11 a.m.

I guess I'll have to watch it some further times before I can actually come up with questions. (:

Aug. 25, 2014 | 1 a.m.

The issue as such is great. I have been waiting for a video like this for a long time. For sure, your understanding here is overwhelming. However, it goes all too quick.

Please try to speak more slowly, more clearly, and, most importantly: please do not change the slides as quick as this. Give your viewer some time to process the huge amount of input. I would also recommend to include answers to questions which are most likely to occur.

best regards (:

Aug. 24, 2014 | 1:32 p.m.

I've always wanted a video of this kind. Well done!

Aug. 21, 2014 | 11:42 a.m.

next time, could you probably replay the more complicated/ more interesting hands (like the KJ-hand at the beginning) because the stacksizes aren't visibile that good. many thanks in advance! Still, nice video!

July 30, 2014 | 5:13 p.m.

Regarding the overbet with 58s: You mention all the bluffs you have here as well. Would you not bet the Turn with most of your bluffs, and therefore your Range is much more valueheavier, making a herocall really bad?

April 23, 2014 | 4:04 p.m.

I think I should just fold pre given his tendendcies to defend alot passive and actively. 

@freefalling: I'm oop, so i would have to chcall

Ye, i like the idea of betfolding, we will have lots of stronger hands on this board, but I think its also just too strong to chcall. 

Dec. 7, 2013 | 11:11 p.m.

The Villain in this hand is playing 24/9/6.5 over just 86 hands. He defends his bb passively around 40% but we only have 5 spots. He 3bets 13.7 from bb in 7 spots. He folds to cbets just 33% and raises them 50%. All samples are realtively low though, but I still feel the tendeny of him being aggro is quity clear. 

$0.50/$1  No Limit Holdem  

4 Players  

Hand Conversion Powered by  



CO  $54.80 55bb  

BTN  $105 105bb  

Batman (SB)  $121.70 122bb  

BB  $107.85 108bb  


Pre-Flop: ($1.50, 4 players) Batman is SB 9d Jc  

2 folds, Batman raises to $3, BB calls $2  


Flop: 5s 7s 9c ($6, 2 players)  

Batman bets $4, BB raises to $18, Batman raises to $38, BB calls $20


Turn: 4d ($82, 2 Players) 


Is it better to chcall here and if we do so, what is the worst valuehand which we bet? I think my 3bet on flop is bad vs. this villain, but i don't like calling or folding his raise better. 
All opinions are very much appreciated:-)


Dec. 7, 2013 | 1:47 p.m.

qko vs 14bb shove from ep is not a call in bb?

Nov. 5, 2013 | 7:39 p.m.

Also in your "clickitback" hands (i only watched k2/aq so far) you don't seem to consider alot of alternative lines. I think in both hands a bluffcall to the chraise are very valid less variance options which will win the pots often enough (we can also bluffraise on later streets fwiw). As you correctly point out they have more bluffs than valuecombos. You also kinda give away the power of position and can maybe get even more value from his bluffs taking more passive lines ip otf. 

Nov. 5, 2013 | 4:19 p.m.

Regarding the JQo hand, even if u think he only betcalls qq-kk,jq, jk, at, 22 you have exactly 50% equity against that. If you don't jam here you are losing tons of value from hands that he shouldn't call but still does sometimes. 

Nov. 5, 2013 | 4:05 p.m.

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