HerpesRocks's avatar


11 points

Hi redeth,

Ben thinking a bit about this hand. Even tossed it into my strat group. Nothing much you could do. its a cooler. I get it in on the same spot as you

May 12, 2016 | 8:39 p.m.

though spot,

I think with the check on the turn you show weacknes/pot control. the stack you have left is around the same as the pot. I think you could shove the turn. But I like the check behind to induce a bluf on the river. personally, if hes so blufprone as you say I call of the river and cross my fingers

May 11, 2016 | 4:33 p.m.

have walked that road too, satelited in to 2 main events that way.
working on sateliting in my 3th event at the moment :)

If you give somme more specifiks on what type of satelites your going to play I may have more tips.

May 11, 2016 | 3:40 p.m.

Sattelites are a great way to build a bankroll. What is you knowledge at the moment? If you are going to play turbo rebuys I would defenitely watch material about push/fold and reshoving.

Also build somme good tight opening ranges. Remember, your not playing for 1st. You don't need all the chips. Just enough to cruise in the tickets.

May 10, 2016 | 9:56 p.m.

I think I make it 2.5bb pre flop. If my stack was around 30bb or les I xhange it up to 2,2bb raise. With biger Stacks you want it raise a Little biger. Its makes it easyer to get more chips in post flop.
I Go to 3bb with a +80bb stack and even bigger with a +100bb stack.

I perssonaly bet this Axx board most of the time. Bet the flop and evaluate turn. You wil het called by Ax hands, but you also get value frol flushdraws, straight draws etc. 9x hands etc, although thats rare. When they fold you made shure no draws came in. When called Just evaluate turn. Try to Keep the pot Smal on the turn

As played I think I check the turn. The 9 is not a great card to hit the table, and is not helping your range. You cant represent a strong Ax or 9x. Hand. Wich Ax hands are you checking flop with?. You hand is face up. Just check/call and keep possibel blufs in their Range.

check/fold River unless you hit a Q.


May 10, 2016 | 9:51 p.m.

Like and Piggy sayd, verry player dependent. Could swing to both sides. What was your read on opponent? Or stats?

May 10, 2016 | 9:19 a.m.

First i would make the PF raise biger. make it like 2,2bb or 2,5BB
I like your call on the turn. most of the time donkbets are not a sighn of strenght. he could have a weack Kx. 9x, low pockets, flushdraws or somme sort of inside straightdraw.
When he checks to you on the turn hes basicly giving up. No meryt of raising behind. We don't want to get checkraised. maybe he will call of a small bet with a good heart hand. or a medium pocket. but its thin value. the risk is too big.
On the river I think I'm always calling. like you say. Tx, 9x nd medium pockets is the largest part of his range

May 8, 2016 | 10:56 p.m.

If its still a long time before the final table, and he did this already a few tilmes, I'm happy to call it of. If he did this multiple times its clear he doesn't need premiums to do this. You have a strong hand that is ahead of most of his hands. when you win you will have a significant stack.
Just calculate how manny chips you need for the final table (total chips in play/9) If you are no way near, then take the chance.

however, ig this is near the final tabel, or the final tabel, busting here is a disaster with the smaller stacks at the tabel.

May 8, 2016 | 10:45 p.m.

you hear it everywhere, x+x is no good anymore. most studying happens in skype groups now. most good players don't want to share their knwoledge anymore because edges are so small this days

March 20, 2016 | 10:59 p.m.

left top, you can select what type of EV you want to calculate

March 20, 2016 | 10:55 p.m.

Congratulations ! :)

March 20, 2016 | 10:51 p.m.

Hey Crawlback
make a list of all things important in your life,
self improvement
etc. etc.

make it as long as you wish. now put 3 colloms besides it.
In the first you put your current situation. just ad --, -, 0, + or ++ after each thing
wich -- realy bad, and ++ really good
in the other 2 you do the same for going pokerpro, and for going in the family bussines.

It could give a good indication


March 18, 2016 | 10:21 p.m.

Just play More, you get used to it in Time. The More you get in those spots the easyer it gets

March 18, 2016 | 8:19 p.m.

early 2015 in a 20€ live mtt.
Guy to my right starts braging he normally plays cash and is so good at it. He normally plays in a cash homegame, but the game is dying because he always wins all the money. So now hes playing this low buy in mtt's etc...

30 minuts later he is in a hand, the flop is on the table. he leans in to me and whispers :

The A, does it count for a high straight aswel as for a low straight?

March 17, 2016 | 9:17 p.m.

Comment | HerpesRocks commented on Best screen name?

The Pervert

Anithyng that throws the opponents of

Feb. 29, 2016 | 10:38 p.m.

I'm verry intrested. you can ad me

Bjorn Picavet

Feb. 29, 2016 | 10:29 p.m.

Hey Kiwi,

If you play for the money, I think your bankrollmanagment is your real concern. An agresive bankrollmanagement is 100 buy ins. So if you want to play a 1000$ tounament you should have 100.000$ to your disposal. but more common and wise is 150 or even 200 BI

Its another story if you play those tournaments for fun. Then you play with the money you have spare.

Also, If you do it for the money, you should ad the "life" rake aka hotel, transportation, diners etc. those can add up considerabel and make even soft games a loozing proposition.

Feb. 29, 2016 | 10:28 p.m.

I think you need to call the turn. Flop bet doesnt narow his range. On such a board vilain could be c-betting with 100% of his range. So its still as wide as pre flop. Now, if you have fot instance the flush on the turn, what would be your play? You have a potsize bet left. Are shoving AI with the risk of getting a fold? You then want to build the pot.

More likelyhe had a good A flushdraw. With him shoving he had 2 options to win the pot. 1. You fold. 2. You call but he gets an A or a flush on the river. A= 3 outs, flush 9 outs. = 24% of the time he gets there on the river.
Your on the river, your range is wide. No good Ax hands and high pairs are in your range. Your would have reraised them. So your folding a high percentage of the time. Lets say 60 - 70 % of the time? When You call 24% of the time he gets there. you get the picture :)

Feb. 29, 2016 | 8:33 a.m.

Why do you think hes hand is dominated with Ax hands? As I see it, he limped a hands in position, he sees everyone checking to him, witch gives him the opportunyti to bluf the pot. he could have an Ax hand, but also Qx hands, straightdraws, low pockets etc.

pot is 4.8bb, hes bet is 5.18bb, so the pot to you is 9.98 BB
you need to pay 5.18bb to win a pot of 15.16.
So you only need to be right 34% of the time. Wich, with the possibel blufs, and the time you win the hands is imo a call

Feb. 25, 2016 | 8:51 p.m.

I don't completely agree that SB is folding tight here. notice that hes not even having 2BB, and half a BB is already in the pot. he is also the smalest stack on the table. He has virtualy 0 folding equity in future hands. wich mleans that anny move he makes will be for his tournament life. He should be calling wide trying to get a double up. However, with button calling he should fold and see a possibel payjump. but if button folded its a wide call imo.

BB hes folding range should be tighter because of SB his stack

Feb. 25, 2016 | 8:41 p.m.

Readles on opponents we should give UTG a tight range around 10%
however, BB his range should be verry wide. I give him up to 50%. the price he gets here is excellent he has 1/8. Pre flop he should be reraising top of his range here. TT+ AQ+. So we can discount his top Ax hands.

Now notice that on the flop, when its raised and called into him Hes stack to pot ratio is not that good. He basicly has x1.46 potsize stack left. (pot = 1680 his stack is 2485.) him shoving isn't that rare. He could have AT, A6, 66 and ocasionaly TT (although he should raise that AI pre flop. I even think 66 is an AI pre flop)
But why would he shove these? It would be bad to get the other players of their hand.
My guess is that he has a descent Ax hand (A9, A8 etc or even something as an KT hand.

I make the call here


Feb. 25, 2016 | 8:32 p.m.

You can't fold here, If the mincash is so important for you that you want to fold there with QQ you are playing for a too big bankroll. We don't want to mincash. We want to get deep. We should play for the win . Only consideration where I see miself folding QQ would be if the payjumps are significant. for instance last 5 playrs. and there are 1, 2 or 3 microstacks that will bust in 1 or 2 orbits.

Feb. 25, 2016 | 8:14 p.m.

I'm never folding this on the FT bubble. We want to go for max value. I think that, if you fold this there, you are throwing away money. the big money is in the top 3 spots. We should take every opportunity to get there.

Feb. 25, 2016 | 8:10 p.m.

Comment | HerpesRocks commented on Preflop play.

With only 33 hands, AJo is an easy fold. Although his play is fishy, he could be on a heater. You would be coinflipping with a lot of pockets or be behind. That deep its not worth to gamble it up. You bether wayt and snap him of untill you get a strong hand (as you did).

Nice fold!

Feb. 25, 2016 | 8:06 p.m.

Hey Joey,

An easy way to track your results is to let sites like OPR, ans sharkscope (wich I use) track your results freely. By default your results are private but you can unbllock that.

Also, when you start using a hud, just start with a verry small amount. get falmiliar with them, and then start slowly adding stats.

Feb. 14, 2016 | 9:41 p.m.

Comment | HerpesRocks commented on Would you call?

Why did yoyu make your pre-flop raise that small? I think I make it around 4x the BB. I
When he shoves you have to fold. I think his massive overbet is verry polarized (or verry strong or verry weack = bluf). But mostly it shows strenght. thing is you have nothing yet and need to hit to win. I think I fold here

Feb. 8, 2016 | 11:06 p.m.

Comment | HerpesRocks commented on Study group

please ad me too: Bjornpicavet

Feb. 2, 2016 | 12:13 a.m.

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