0 points
Hey there,
Great analysis, however when I looked at the hand played I thought you miss value on the river. I think you should bet between 3/4 and pot there with Ad5d, not narrowing you bluff range, but widening your value range.
My reason (could be utterly wrong tho): The board bricks of the river, your you could have the two types of flush draws, the two flushdraws with straight draws, two flushdraws with high cards.
I played a little in Equilator, I gave him this range what he might have on the river against your river bet:
Here is your x/r bet bet range:
I 've put some lower flushdraws to x/r with even though you could call, since the bouard hits a BB range nicely, and you don't want to be capped, do you ? :)
So what happens if your opponent faces a river potbet with 8h7h against your range?
MP2 48.72% 48.72% 0.00% { 77-66, 44, A8s, QdTd, QhTh, JdTd, JhTh, Ad9d, Qd9d, Qh9h, Jd9d, Jh9h, Td9d, Th9h, Kd8d, Kh8h, Qd8d, Qh8h, Jd8d, Jh8h, Td8d, Th8h, 9d8d, 9h8h, Ad6d, Ad5d, Kd5d, Qd5d, 8h5h, 8s5s, 8c5c, Ad3d, Ad2d, 5h2h, Ad8h, Ad8s, Ad8c, Ad6s, 9d8h, 9d8s, 9h8d }
MP3 51.28% 51.28% 0.00% { 8h7h }
I think he needs to call (unless your river afq is below 20, your won at SD is 55+ and so)
Same thing with 64s, you can play with it too.
One more note: If you bet huge on this brick he might get into it and think you want him to fold thats why the huge bet.
Jan. 13, 2018 | 2:34 p.m.
Great upload, nice content, very explainative, thank you!
A few questions here, and there:
A8s hand at 30:19: Would it be a big mistake to start with a x/c on that relatively dry board?
I figure maybe we would want to bet with smaller pockets (66 type hands) for protection, checking our A highs since I presume villain would check them back too, betting with his/her worst (like KTo type) (of course we want to have a x/c plan twice or 3 times regarding villains river Afq and board run out), and maybe we would face 1 or 2 protection bets from smaller pockets, but not necessarily, also not to induce agression from certain players? Also we could have than some Jx in our flop x/c range (mix it up with small cb and x/c flop)?
42:08: 87s on 833r, In this case, I would want to bet (a small amount), I presume SB's flat range is somewhat broadway/suited ace heavy, because of protection/thin value?
One more: Are you using Ishters HUD?:)
Video doesn't start, all other vids do. Tried with Chrome and FF. Wondering if it's only me, or others can't watch it aswell?
Feb. 28, 2018 | 1:11 p.m.