Warrior 's avatar


3 points

This is a turnament on party with about 200 ppl We are 10 away from the money and get AQo.

I dont know if this is just me being a calling station or if its a close spot and my play is ok -. It may just be a spew, but im quite tiltet after running into the nuts for an entire session and just want some feedback.

Info about villain:
I have him tagged as a good reg, seen him playing mtt's for up to 320$ buy inn, so prob better than me :p
Have only like 100 hands on him, but he seems fairly aktive and aggressive.

It a 8 man table, I have 27 BB to start the hand. And get delt AQo in the HJ.
Villain (UTG+1) opens to 2BB
It folds to me
I 3bet too 5BB
It folds around to him and he moves all inn and is covering me for the hole 27BB.
What should I do?

He is quite agressive, so I dont think he always must be nutted when he opens from EP and he might just be abusing me since we're close to the buble? I care more about winning this turnament than getting min cash and a 60BB stack would help me on the way so if he does this with 88-99 and maybe some worse suited Ax (that he bluffes with) it must be a call right. Or is he just nutted here too often?
It is a pretty big all inn and I kinda read that as weak..
How should one approch this spot? Should I just be a nit?


Sept. 3, 2017 | 2:02 a.m.

This sounds like something I would like to join.
Have started taking poker more serious again the last couple of months and are looking to do the work to get up through the mtt-stakes. And beat some end bosses ;)
Have been a winning player at 3-20$ for quite a while but been playing litle by various reasons. And now Im looking to become a crusher and get comfy at some higher buy inns.
I cant join the discord link either, please repost link.


Aug. 18, 2017 | 7:03 a.m.

I agree that this is a fine line to take, especially against a somewhat tough opponent.
This villain however, limp-called from utg. which means he does not know the value of agression or what fold equity is, and probably aint a fan of folding either. And it is a clear sign for me to take him to valuetown.
It might be abit more of a exploitative line, but he gave us reason to exploit him.

Thats why I belive we can get value from alot of weaker hands, mostly single diamond hands and Ax on the turn. Maybe even something worse, these limpers are non belivers and like to call.
Besides if a diamond hits the river its a disaster for our hand, now we cant valuebet vs those weaker aces and pairs, and prob have to check or fold, so get the value on the turn when you still can.
If he raises the turn or leads the river you can prob just fold so you dont really loose more than 2 bets often if he has the flush or a weird boat. And if he dont give you any reason not to bet the river (raising the turn or leading out) i dont really get why you shouldnt. this is a river on which we check back alot, so he should not check to you often if he is strong imo.

Just wanna do a little hand combo check.

Hands that beat us : KQdd, KJdd,QJdd, QTdd, JTdd, J9dd,T9dd, 97dd, 76dd,56dd, A4x4,
A8x6, 88x3. the occationally 451dx2. total 25 combos.
Hands we beat: AQx8,AJx8,ATx8, A9x8, A7x8, KQ1dx6,QJ1dx6, 891dx3, TT1dx3,
991dx3 = 61 combos.
I think Ive given him quite the strong "limp call pre, check-call flop, check turn"- range here and as you can see there are alot to get value from imo. and as he said some of the weaker flushes prob raises the flop. same with 88,44, A8 and A4, so you can remove some of those combos. And if he can have A4 he also can have all the other Aces wich skyrockets the valuetown range.. And 2 of each of these Ax combos has a diamond in them wich leads them to call turn even more. Villain prob raises atleast JJ+ and AK pre. He might be capable of having some more flushes here aswell and he might raise AQ and AJ pre but never now with these limpers sometimes hard to but them on ranges. But you can se the combo distribution pretty clearly anyway.

If you wanna have a somewhat stronger check back range on this turn to induce river bluffs and hero calls I think you should use smaller Ax maybe AJ-down. And take AK to the 3 streets in valuetown.

But sometimes they just have the nuts and you look like the donk!

wow this got long quickly, hope you had the patience to read it.


Aug. 18, 2017 | 5:31 a.m.

Comment | Warrior commented on River decision

This would be a pretty weird bluffing line from the BB. But I think it is a "I hate my life-call".
Neither you nor him rep a flush after checking the flop so I would lean to him having a straight aswell or maybe he is raising a 9 for value. But ofcourse he could just have 9T or 9Q everytime here, who the fuck knows. The check/raise river is so weird.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 2:11 p.m.

Lol I basicaly wrote the same before read this.
Good stuff

Aug. 12, 2017 | 1:02 p.m.

If you bet flop bet turn you might be able to get away on the river. As played your hand is so underrepped and looks like Ax and 77--JJ. If he is a supernit maybe you can fold river but it open you jo to get really exploited against aggressiv opponents imo. Im at the top of my range, so I would call and prey for a bluff:p

Aug. 12, 2017 | 12:59 p.m.

I also like calling pre since your OP and stacks are weird and you got ICM considerations.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 7:35 a.m.

I think you should cbet small with you entire range in that spot. and c/deside blank turns.
He will fold alot of QJs, JTs, 9Ts which he will bet if you check to him. If I where villain and you checked to me there I would prob put you on AK/AQ and bet atleast twice with my entire range. He cant really raise you with anything except sets since you have a wicked strong range in this preflop spot and because of ICM. Bet small on flop and small on turn and realise your pre flop equity imo. He will fold alot. And you will hit the ace on the river.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 7:33 a.m.

quite sick to have a 172$ bounty in a 3 dollar turnament :D

Aug. 12, 2017 | 7:19 a.m.

After looking at the link with the bounties and the stack sizes of the rest of the tounament I would continue with caution and call really tight in this spot. It would be nice to knock out the 9. place but there are still 2 more players at pretty much the same stack size and one on 8M. You should look to reshowe where you have fold equity and try to ladder up.
The big stack will and should over call you guys with pretty much any 2 because of the bounties, but ICM dictates that you should be tight here anyway because of the other stacks (I think). I think I would go as thight as AK and JJ+. No reason to get involved with no fold equity.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 7:17 a.m.

I think this is a clear valuebet-fold on the turn. There is alot of weaker aces and single high diamond hands or middelig pair with diamond hands that would call 1/2 pott on the turn. You can even valuebet the river if the diamond dont hit and you dont feel like nitting it up and checking behind.
As you described this seemed like a stationary table on which you should valuebet your top pair top kicker hands and dont be a pussy :p You can fold if you get raised.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 6:57 a.m.

I like folding too.
Sometimes you may fold to a KJ but I dont think he has many bluffs here. I think it is quite suicidal to 3 barrel a draw here and hope we fold to a 2 and 3 run out. When we have more 9x in our range than him.
And the only bluffs he should have is really KQs, QTs and maybe T8s. Which might have a flush now. The "worse" Jacks should even be suited from that pos and could be a flush now.
The more i think about it the more I wanna fold the river.
Wp sir.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 6:44 a.m.

If you wanna defend this hand this close to the buble, which I might not totaly agree with. You should 3b(big)-fold preflop i think. If Villain has a loose range the way to punish him is to make him fold and not realise equity, not call im OP with a weak hand to try and out flop him. That you can do with stronger hands (like JTs or AJ).

I dont really find any hands in his range (after betting) on this flop that you are far in front off. The weakest maybe AQ and AK which both have like 10 outs (40+%) on the flop.
But he also have all the sets and 2 pairs in his range. and QJ.
I dont even think its a call if he is a crazy person who overbet-calls off with QT, T8, 98 and 88 in this spot. Instead of checking behind. You even block a 8 so there is fewer combos of the "good hands". And this is a bad board for him to c-bet bluff with lets say a smaller pocket pair.

I think folding the flop is the play if you dont fold pre. You have only really invested 1BB at that point. Shoving is ICM suicide with that stack.
You could even call once then fold the turn if you think he will slow down after one bet with his AK and AQ.


Aug. 12, 2017 | 6:20 a.m.

On a second thought. I think raising the flop makes the hand look very much like what it is, your only repping like 22-55-AA-KK + all the flush draws (and thats alot of bluffs). If you rais the flop I would prefer to do it with a lower flush draw without overs maybe 64s with a gutter and middeling suited connectors. And choose to flat and not price out MP+1's lower flush draws with the Ah flush draw.
I agree that his donk bet looks very weak and should be punished, but maybe use a hand with less equity to do so? If he has a lower flush draw you'll get all the money on the turn and river when you hit anyway.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 5:22 a.m.

Well, this is a fist pump fold pre in a 8 handed game utg+1. You have A2.
As played I think shoving turn is best. To get value from some pair plus/and draw hands and not loosing action to smaller flushes (which he prob have alot of here) when the river is a d.

Aug. 12, 2017 | 5:03 a.m.

It depends, I guess :p
Is villain a thinking player? I would never checkraise AAxx on this board, it just makes everything but the strongest Jxxx fold.
But sure, against the passivest of fish. With a 3-bet stat of 2.4% it's a clear fold.

July 4, 2016 | 7:55 a.m.

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