0 points
Hi everyone. My names Hasan and i live in hertfordshire, England. Very close to London for those that don't know. This is my first ever thread so apologies before hand for any mistakes i have made on the way.
I had a very bad experiences recently at home with my 4 month old baby girl who nearly choked on her own vomit. I was at work during this time and Luckily mum was there to save my little girl.
Why am i writing this thread, its because for some time ive been wanting to take my poker game to the next stage where i play the game on a more regular basis live and online and hope to make enough money to be able to pay my bills like my regular job does at the minute. When my baby girl was born i said to myself that i wanted to be there for when she does things for the first time, like when she first smiles and laughs, and when she first trys to crawl. I can only do that if i spend more time at home with her. After what me and my partner experienced yesterday i wona be at home with them even more.
i love to play poker more than most things in my lif (more than watching football or playing computer games). I want to be a regular at becoming a winning poker player on online mtts and live Mtts.
Im struggling to study alone at the minute with work and spending time with family (not that im complaining). If i had a poker coach or a group of friends who wants to take there poker game more seriously and take it to the next level and become a full time profesional and who would like to study everyday either but meeting up or through skype or whatsupp video chat that would be perfect for me. My partner hates the idea that i would like to turn poker into a fulltime career but im sure she would get around liking the idea once i get my first 6 or 7 figure poker win.
Let me know if you guys would like to do the same things and hopefully some of you are close enough for us to meet up and to review and talk about hands and situations.
Oct. 3, 2018 | 8:37 a.m.
100% agreed, great spot to Jamm and take it down preflop. Not deep enough to 3bet unless its a 3bet all jamm. Also a pretty huge open. Which is great for you, u could probably still get called by worse hands e.g AQ to AJs.
Also if you 3bet and get called, what u going to do when you see a Q,J on the flop. Yes you can jamm all in on the flop but your opponent could still call u with KQs,QJs,JTs pre and if u don't hit your A or K your jamm will get looked at by your opponent.
Sept. 13, 2018 | 3:53 p.m.
Because of the level of players you would be playing against at this buy in level i THINK 5 bet jamming all in is the right play. What's your image on the table like. The BN you have described as a solid player, now if your image is abit fishy and loose your re jamm could get called by TTs,JJs to AQs who should normally fold those hands if you have a solid image too. The SB probably might 4 bet jamm all in with hands like 88s all the way to the top range of hands.
But i agree with TheSeXFactor jamming is probably the best move in all levels of poker in this spot. You can still win 22182 chips if the BT doesn't call which is a great result still.
Thanks for your comment RunLikePanda. I really appreciate you given some of your time to not just reading my post but than sending a very detailed and thoughtful comment.
I agree that it is a difficult situation for any body who may be in my shoes to not be able to play poker as often as they would want forget becoming a pro. Than again there are so many poker players out there who play many many tournaments and cash games every month/year and have a family that they support. My plan is so spend majority of my weekdays to study to improve my game, and spend my Sunday's (if i can of-course lol) to play low to mid stakes online mtts. Also to play 1 live tournament a month at this time.
If i did get some coaching i would be able to put aside between $3 to $5k to start up a bankroll and that i can do without my family being affected buy this. But again only if i had the right coaching and than had the time to put more hours into learning and improving my game.
I love my family and family will always come first and i'm sure that's the same for most people. I wouldn't want to jeopardise my family's future. I believe that i can do well at poker and haven't done bad so far considering that i'm not even close to becoming a full time poker player.
I want to be able to offer my family a good life, one where we can spend alot of quality time together as a family, going on trips and having great memories to go with it. I believe that poker is one of thous ways that i can offer my family this life. I love the game of poker and i can only see if becoming even more popular as time goes on rather that plunging back down to where pros don't make much no more.
Oct. 6, 2018 | 6:18 p.m.